# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Integration do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, group: group) } describe "Associations" do it { is_expected.to belong_to(:project).inverse_of(:integrations) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:group).inverse_of(:integrations) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:service_hook).inverse_of(:integration).with_foreign_key(:service_id) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:issue_tracker_data).autosave(true).inverse_of(:integration).with_foreign_key(:service_id).class_name('Integrations::IssueTrackerData') } it { is_expected.to have_one(:jira_tracker_data).autosave(true).inverse_of(:integration).with_foreign_key(:service_id).class_name('Integrations::JiraTrackerData') } end describe 'validations' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:type) } it { is_expected.to validate_exclusion_of(:type).in_array(described_class::BASE_CLASSES) } where(:project_id, :group_id, :instance, :valid) do 1 | nil | false | true nil | 1 | false | true nil | nil | true | true nil | nil | false | false 1 | 1 | false | false 1 | nil | false | true 1 | nil | true | false nil | 1 | false | true nil | 1 | true | false end with_them do it 'validates the service' do expect(build(:service, project_id: project_id, group_id: group_id, instance: instance).valid?).to eq(valid) end end context 'with existing services' do before_all do create(:service, :instance) create(:service, project: project) create(:service, group: group, project: nil) end it 'allows only one instance service per type' do expect(build(:service, :instance)).to be_invalid end it 'allows only one project service per type' do expect(build(:service, project: project)).to be_invalid end it 'allows only one group service per type' do expect(build(:service, group: group, project: nil)).to be_invalid end end end describe 'Scopes' do describe '.with_default_settings' do it 'returns the correct integrations' do instance_integration = create(:integration, :instance) inheriting_integration = create(:integration, inherit_from_id: instance_integration.id) expect(described_class.with_default_settings).to match_array([inheriting_integration]) end end describe '.with_custom_settings' do it 'returns the correct integrations' do instance_integration = create(:integration, :instance) create(:integration, inherit_from_id: instance_integration.id) expect(described_class.with_custom_settings).to match_array([instance_integration]) end end describe '.by_type' do let!(:service1) { create(:jira_integration) } let!(:service2) { create(:jira_integration) } let!(:service3) { create(:redmine_integration) } subject { described_class.by_type(type) } context 'when type is "JiraService"' do let(:type) { 'JiraService' } it { is_expected.to match_array([service1, service2]) } end context 'when type is "RedmineService"' do let(:type) { 'RedmineService' } it { is_expected.to match_array([service3]) } end end describe '.for_group' do let!(:service1) { create(:jira_integration, project_id: nil, group_id: group.id) } let!(:service2) { create(:jira_integration) } it 'returns the right group service' do expect(described_class.for_group(group)).to match_array([service1]) end end describe '.confidential_note_hooks' do it 'includes services where confidential_note_events is true' do create(:service, active: true, confidential_note_events: true) expect(described_class.confidential_note_hooks.count).to eq 1 end it 'excludes services where confidential_note_events is false' do create(:service, active: true, confidential_note_events: false) expect(described_class.confidential_note_hooks.count).to eq 0 end end describe '.alert_hooks' do it 'includes services where alert_events is true' do create(:service, active: true, alert_events: true) expect(described_class.alert_hooks.count).to eq 1 end it 'excludes services where alert_events is false' do create(:service, active: true, alert_events: false) expect(described_class.alert_hooks.count).to eq 0 end end end describe '#operating?' do it 'is false when the service is not active' do expect(build(:service).operating?).to eq(false) end it 'is false when the service is not persisted' do expect(build(:service, active: true).operating?).to eq(false) end it 'is true when the service is active and persisted' do expect(create(:service, active: true).operating?).to eq(true) end end describe '#testable?' do context 'when integration is project-level' do subject { build(:service, project: project) } it { is_expected.to be_testable } end context 'when integration is not project-level' do subject { build(:service, project: nil) } it { is_expected.not_to be_testable } end end describe '#test' do let(:integration) { build(:service, project: project) } let(:data) { 'test' } it 'calls #execute' do expect(integration).to receive(:execute).with(data) integration.test(data) end it 'returns a result' do result = 'foo' allow(integration).to receive(:execute).with(data).and_return(result) expect(integration.test(data)).to eq( success: true, result: result ) end end describe '#project_level?' do it 'is true when service has a project' do expect(build(:service, project: project)).to be_project_level end it 'is false when service has no project' do expect(build(:service, project: nil)).not_to be_project_level end end describe '#group_level?' do it 'is true when service has a group' do expect(build(:service, group: group)).to be_group_level end it 'is false when service has no group' do expect(build(:service, group: nil)).not_to be_group_level end end describe '#instance_level?' do it 'is true when service has instance-level integration' do expect(build(:service, :instance)).to be_instance_level end it 'is false when service does not have instance-level integration' do expect(build(:service, instance: false)).not_to be_instance_level end end describe '.find_or_initialize_non_project_specific_integration' do let!(:integration_1) { create(:jira_integration, project_id: nil, group_id: group.id) } let!(:integration_2) { create(:jira_integration) } it 'returns the right integration' do expect(Integration.find_or_initialize_non_project_specific_integration('jira', group_id: group)) .to eq(integration_1) end it 'does not create a new integration' do expect { Integration.find_or_initialize_non_project_specific_integration('redmine', group_id: group) } .not_to change(Integration, :count) end end describe '.find_or_initialize_all_non_project_specific' do shared_examples 'service instances' do it 'returns the available service instances' do expect(Integration.find_or_initialize_all_non_project_specific(Integration.for_instance).map(&:to_param)) .to match_array(Integration.available_integration_names(include_project_specific: false)) end it 'does not create service instances' do expect { Integration.find_or_initialize_all_non_project_specific(Integration.for_instance) } .not_to change(Integration, :count) end end it_behaves_like 'service instances' context 'with all existing instances' do before do Integration.insert_all( Integration.available_integration_types(include_project_specific: false).map { |type| { instance: true, type: type } } ) end it_behaves_like 'service instances' context 'with a previous existing service (MockCiService) and a new service (Asana)' do before do Integration.insert({ type: 'MockCiService', instance: true }) Integration.delete_by(type: 'AsanaService', instance: true) end it_behaves_like 'service instances' end end context 'with a few existing instances' do before do create(:jira_integration, :instance) end it_behaves_like 'service instances' end end describe '.build_from_integration' do context 'when integration is invalid' do let(:invalid_integration) do build(:prometheus_integration, :template, active: true, properties: {}) .tap { |integration| integration.save!(validate: false) } end it 'sets integration to inactive' do integration = described_class.build_from_integration(invalid_integration, project_id: project.id) expect(integration).to be_valid expect(integration.active).to be false end end context 'when integration is an instance-level integration' do let(:instance_integration) { create(:jira_integration, :instance) } it 'sets inherit_from_id from integration' do integration = described_class.build_from_integration(instance_integration, project_id: project.id) expect(integration.inherit_from_id).to eq(instance_integration.id) end end context 'when integration is a group-level integration' do let(:group_integration) { create(:jira_integration, :group, group: group) } it 'sets inherit_from_id from integration' do integration = described_class.build_from_integration(group_integration, project_id: project.id) expect(integration.inherit_from_id).to eq(group_integration.id) end end describe 'build issue tracker from an integration' do let(:url) { 'http://jira.example.com' } let(:api_url) { 'http://api-jira.example.com' } let(:username) { 'jira-username' } let(:password) { 'jira-password' } let(:data_params) do { url: url, api_url: api_url, username: username, password: password } end shared_examples 'service creation from an integration' do it 'creates a correct service for a project integration' do service = described_class.build_from_integration(integration, project_id: project.id) expect(service).to be_active expect(service.url).to eq(url) expect(service.api_url).to eq(api_url) expect(service.username).to eq(username) expect(service.password).to eq(password) expect(service.instance).to eq(false) expect(service.project).to eq(project) expect(service.group).to eq(nil) end it 'creates a correct service for a group integration' do service = described_class.build_from_integration(integration, group_id: group.id) expect(service).to be_active expect(service.url).to eq(url) expect(service.api_url).to eq(api_url) expect(service.username).to eq(username) expect(service.password).to eq(password) expect(service.instance).to eq(false) expect(service.project).to eq(nil) expect(service.group).to eq(group) end end # this will be removed as part of https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/29404 context 'when data is stored in properties' do let(:properties) { data_params } let!(:integration) do create(:jira_integration, :without_properties_callback, properties: properties.merge(additional: 'something')) end it_behaves_like 'service creation from an integration' end context 'when data are stored in separated fields' do let(:integration) do create(:jira_integration, data_params.merge(properties: {})) end it_behaves_like 'service creation from an integration' end context 'when data are stored in both properties and separated fields' do let(:properties) { data_params } let(:integration) do create(:jira_integration, :without_properties_callback, active: true, properties: properties).tap do |integration| create(:jira_tracker_data, data_params.merge(integration: integration)) end end it_behaves_like 'service creation from an integration' end end end describe '.default_integration' do context 'with an instance-level integration' do let_it_be(:instance_integration) { create(:jira_integration, :instance) } it 'returns the instance integration' do expect(described_class.default_integration('JiraService', project)).to eq(instance_integration) end it 'returns nil for nonexistent integration type' do expect(described_class.default_integration('HipchatService', project)).to eq(nil) end context 'with a group integration' do let_it_be(:group_integration) { create(:jira_integration, group_id: group.id, project_id: nil) } it 'returns the group integration for a project' do expect(described_class.default_integration('JiraService', project)).to eq(group_integration) end it 'returns the instance integration for a group' do expect(described_class.default_integration('JiraService', group)).to eq(instance_integration) end context 'with a subgroup' do let_it_be(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: group) } let!(:project) { create(:project, group: subgroup) } it 'returns the closest group integration for a project' do expect(described_class.default_integration('JiraService', project)).to eq(group_integration) end it 'returns the closest group integration for a subgroup' do expect(described_class.default_integration('JiraService', subgroup)).to eq(group_integration) end context 'having a integration with custom settings' do let!(:subgroup_integration) { create(:jira_integration, group_id: subgroup.id, project_id: nil) } it 'returns the closest group integration for a project' do expect(described_class.default_integration('JiraService', project)).to eq(subgroup_integration) end end context 'having a integration inheriting settings' do let!(:subgroup_integration) { create(:jira_integration, group_id: subgroup.id, project_id: nil, inherit_from_id: group_integration.id) } it 'returns the closest group integration which does not inherit from its parent for a project' do expect(described_class.default_integration('JiraService', project)).to eq(group_integration) end end end end end end describe '.create_from_active_default_integrations' do context 'with an active instance-level integration' do let!(:instance_integration) { create(:prometheus_integration, :instance, api_url: 'https://prometheus.instance.com/') } it 'creates an integration from the instance-level integration' do described_class.create_from_active_default_integrations(project, :project_id) expect(project.reload.integrations.size).to eq(1) expect(project.reload.integrations.first.api_url).to eq(instance_integration.api_url) expect(project.reload.integrations.first.inherit_from_id).to eq(instance_integration.id) end context 'passing a group' do it 'creates an integration from the instance-level integration' do described_class.create_from_active_default_integrations(group, :group_id) expect(group.reload.integrations.size).to eq(1) expect(group.reload.integrations.first.api_url).to eq(instance_integration.api_url) expect(group.reload.integrations.first.inherit_from_id).to eq(instance_integration.id) end end context 'with an active group-level integration' do let!(:group_integration) { create(:prometheus_integration, :group, group: group, api_url: 'https://prometheus.group.com/') } it 'creates an integration from the group-level integration' do described_class.create_from_active_default_integrations(project, :project_id) expect(project.reload.integrations.size).to eq(1) expect(project.reload.integrations.first.api_url).to eq(group_integration.api_url) expect(project.reload.integrations.first.inherit_from_id).to eq(group_integration.id) end context 'passing a group' do let!(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: group) } it 'creates an integration from the group-level integration' do described_class.create_from_active_default_integrations(subgroup, :group_id) expect(subgroup.reload.integrations.size).to eq(1) expect(subgroup.reload.integrations.first.api_url).to eq(group_integration.api_url) expect(subgroup.reload.integrations.first.inherit_from_id).to eq(group_integration.id) end end context 'with an active subgroup' do let!(:subgroup_integration) { create(:prometheus_integration, :group, group: subgroup, api_url: 'https://prometheus.subgroup.com/') } let!(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:project) { create(:project, group: subgroup) } it 'creates an integration from the subgroup-level integration' do described_class.create_from_active_default_integrations(project, :project_id) expect(project.reload.integrations.size).to eq(1) expect(project.reload.integrations.first.api_url).to eq(subgroup_integration.api_url) expect(project.reload.integrations.first.inherit_from_id).to eq(subgroup_integration.id) end context 'passing a group' do let!(:sub_subgroup) { create(:group, parent: subgroup) } context 'traversal queries' do shared_examples 'correct ancestor order' do it 'creates an integration from the subgroup-level integration' do described_class.create_from_active_default_integrations(sub_subgroup, :group_id) sub_subgroup.reload expect(sub_subgroup.integrations.size).to eq(1) expect(sub_subgroup.integrations.first.api_url).to eq(subgroup_integration.api_url) expect(sub_subgroup.integrations.first.inherit_from_id).to eq(subgroup_integration.id) end context 'having an integration inheriting settings' do let!(:subgroup_integration) { create(:prometheus_integration, :group, group: subgroup, inherit_from_id: group_integration.id, api_url: 'https://prometheus.subgroup.com/') } it 'creates an integration from the group-level integration' do described_class.create_from_active_default_integrations(sub_subgroup, :group_id) sub_subgroup.reload expect(sub_subgroup.integrations.size).to eq(1) expect(sub_subgroup.integrations.first.api_url).to eq(group_integration.api_url) expect(sub_subgroup.integrations.first.inherit_from_id).to eq(group_integration.id) end end end context 'recursive' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: false) end include_examples 'correct ancestor order' end context 'linear' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: true) sub_subgroup.reload # make sure traversal_ids are reloaded end include_examples 'correct ancestor order' end end end end end end end describe '.inherited_descendants_from_self_or_ancestors_from' do let_it_be(:subgroup1) { create(:group, parent: group) } let_it_be(:subgroup2) { create(:group, parent: group) } let_it_be(:project1) { create(:project, group: subgroup1) } let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project, group: subgroup2) } let_it_be(:group_integration) { create(:prometheus_integration, :group, group: group) } let_it_be(:subgroup_integration1) { create(:prometheus_integration, :group, group: subgroup1, inherit_from_id: group_integration.id) } let_it_be(:subgroup_integration2) { create(:prometheus_integration, :group, group: subgroup2) } let_it_be(:project_integration1) { create(:prometheus_integration, project: project1, inherit_from_id: group_integration.id) } let_it_be(:project_integration2) { create(:prometheus_integration, project: project2, inherit_from_id: subgroup_integration2.id) } it 'returns the groups and projects inheriting from integration ancestors', :aggregate_failures do expect(described_class.inherited_descendants_from_self_or_ancestors_from(group_integration)).to eq([subgroup_integration1, project_integration1]) expect(described_class.inherited_descendants_from_self_or_ancestors_from(subgroup_integration2)).to eq([project_integration2]) end end describe '.integration_name_to_model' do it 'returns the model for the given service name' do expect(described_class.integration_name_to_model('asana')).to eq(Integrations::Asana) end it 'raises an error if service name is invalid' do expect { described_class.integration_name_to_model('foo') }.to raise_exception(NameError, /uninitialized constant FooService/) end end describe "{property}_changed?" do let(:service) do Integrations::Bamboo.create!( project: project, properties: { bamboo_url: 'http://gitlab.com', username: 'mic', password: "password" } ) end it "returns false when the property has not been assigned a new value" do service.username = "key_changed" expect(service.bamboo_url_changed?).to be_falsy end it "returns true when the property has been assigned a different value" do service.bamboo_url = "http://example.com" expect(service.bamboo_url_changed?).to be_truthy end it "returns true when the property has been assigned a different value twice" do service.bamboo_url = "http://example.com" service.bamboo_url = "http://example.com" expect(service.bamboo_url_changed?).to be_truthy end it "returns false when the property has been re-assigned the same value" do service.bamboo_url = 'http://gitlab.com' expect(service.bamboo_url_changed?).to be_falsy end it "returns false when the property has been assigned a new value then saved" do service.bamboo_url = 'http://example.com' service.save! expect(service.bamboo_url_changed?).to be_falsy end end describe "{property}_touched?" do let(:service) do Integrations::Bamboo.create!( project: project, properties: { bamboo_url: 'http://gitlab.com', username: 'mic', password: "password" } ) end it "returns false when the property has not been assigned a new value" do service.username = "key_changed" expect(service.bamboo_url_touched?).to be_falsy end it "returns true when the property has been assigned a different value" do service.bamboo_url = "http://example.com" expect(service.bamboo_url_touched?).to be_truthy end it "returns true when the property has been assigned a different value twice" do service.bamboo_url = "http://example.com" service.bamboo_url = "http://example.com" expect(service.bamboo_url_touched?).to be_truthy end it "returns true when the property has been re-assigned the same value" do service.bamboo_url = 'http://gitlab.com' expect(service.bamboo_url_touched?).to be_truthy end it "returns false when the property has been assigned a new value then saved" do service.bamboo_url = 'http://example.com' service.save! expect(service.bamboo_url_changed?).to be_falsy end end describe "{property}_was" do let(:service) do Integrations::Bamboo.create!( project: project, properties: { bamboo_url: 'http://gitlab.com', username: 'mic', password: "password" } ) end it "returns nil when the property has not been assigned a new value" do service.username = "key_changed" expect(service.bamboo_url_was).to be_nil end it "returns the previous value when the property has been assigned a different value" do service.bamboo_url = "http://example.com" expect(service.bamboo_url_was).to eq('http://gitlab.com') end it "returns initial value when the property has been re-assigned the same value" do service.bamboo_url = 'http://gitlab.com' expect(service.bamboo_url_was).to eq('http://gitlab.com') end it "returns initial value when the property has been assigned multiple values" do service.bamboo_url = "http://example.com" service.bamboo_url = "http://example.org" expect(service.bamboo_url_was).to eq('http://gitlab.com') end it "returns nil when the property has been assigned a new value then saved" do service.bamboo_url = 'http://example.com' service.save! expect(service.bamboo_url_was).to be_nil end end describe 'initialize service with no properties' do let(:service) do Integrations::Bugzilla.create!( project: project, project_url: 'http://gitlab.example.com' ) end it 'does not raise error' do expect { service }.not_to raise_error end it 'sets data correctly' do expect(service.data_fields.project_url).to eq('http://gitlab.example.com') end end describe '#api_field_names' do let(:fake_service) do Class.new(Integration) do def fields [ { name: 'token' }, { name: 'api_token' }, { name: 'key' }, { name: 'api_key' }, { name: 'password' }, { name: 'password_field' }, { name: 'safe_field' } ] end end end let(:service) do fake_service.new(properties: [ { token: 'token-value' }, { api_token: 'api_token-value' }, { key: 'key-value' }, { api_key: 'api_key-value' }, { password: 'password-value' }, { password_field: 'password_field-value' }, { safe_field: 'safe_field-value' } ]) end it 'filters out sensitive fields' do expect(service.api_field_names).to eq(['safe_field']) end end context 'logging' do let(:service) { build(:service, project: project) } let(:test_message) { "test message" } let(:arguments) do { service_class: service.class.name, project_path: project.full_path, project_id: project.id, message: test_message, additional_argument: 'some argument' } end it 'logs info messages using json logger' do expect(Gitlab::JsonLogger).to receive(:info).with(arguments) service.log_info(test_message, additional_argument: 'some argument') end it 'logs error messages using json logger' do expect(Gitlab::JsonLogger).to receive(:error).with(arguments) service.log_error(test_message, additional_argument: 'some argument') end context 'when project is nil' do let(:project) { nil } let(:arguments) do { service_class: service.class.name, project_path: nil, project_id: nil, message: test_message, additional_argument: 'some argument' } end it 'logs info messages using json logger' do expect(Gitlab::JsonLogger).to receive(:info).with(arguments) service.log_info(test_message, additional_argument: 'some argument') end end end describe '.available_integration_names' do it 'calls the right methods' do expect(described_class).to receive(:integration_names).and_call_original expect(described_class).to receive(:dev_integration_names).and_call_original expect(described_class).to receive(:project_specific_integration_names).and_call_original described_class.available_integration_names end it 'does not call project_specific_integration_names with include_project_specific false' do expect(described_class).to receive(:integration_names).and_call_original expect(described_class).to receive(:dev_integration_names).and_call_original expect(described_class).not_to receive(:project_specific_integration_names) described_class.available_integration_names(include_project_specific: false) end it 'does not call dev_integration_names with include_dev false' do expect(described_class).to receive(:integration_names).and_call_original expect(described_class).not_to receive(:dev_integration_names) expect(described_class).to receive(:project_specific_integration_names).and_call_original described_class.available_integration_names(include_dev: false) end it { expect(described_class.available_integration_names).to include('jenkins') } end describe '.project_specific_integration_names' do it do expect(described_class.project_specific_integration_names) .to include(*described_class::PROJECT_SPECIFIC_INTEGRATION_NAMES) end end describe '#password_fields' do it 'returns all fields with type `password`' do allow(subject).to receive(:fields).and_return([ { name: 'password', type: 'password' }, { name: 'secret', type: 'password' }, { name: 'public', type: 'text' } ]) expect(subject.password_fields).to match_array(%w[password secret]) end it 'returns an empty array if no password fields exist' do expect(subject.password_fields).to eq([]) end end end