import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import glRegexp from './lib/utils/regexp'; import AjaxCache from './lib/utils/ajax_cache'; function sanitize(str) { return str.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, ''); } class GfmAutoComplete { constructor(dataSources) { this.dataSources = dataSources || {}; this.cachedData = {}; this.isLoadingData = {}; } setup(input, enableMap = { emojis: true, members: true, issues: true, milestones: true, mergeRequests: true, labels: true, }) { // Add GFM auto-completion to all input fields, that accept GFM input. this.input = input || $('.js-gfm-input'); this.enableMap = enableMap; this.setupLifecycle(); } setupLifecycle() { this.input.each((i, input) => { const $input = $(input); $'focus.setupAtWho').on('focus.setupAtWho', this.setupAtWho.bind(this, $input)); $input.on('change.atwho', () => input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'))); // This triggers at.js again // Needed for quick actions with suffixes (ex: /label ~) $input.on('inserted-commands.atwho', $input.trigger.bind($input, 'keyup')); $input.on('clear-commands-cache.atwho', () => this.clearCache()); }); } setupAtWho($input) { if (this.enableMap.emojis) this.setupEmoji($input); if (this.enableMap.members) this.setupMembers($input); if (this.enableMap.issues) this.setupIssues($input); if (this.enableMap.milestones) this.setupMilestones($input); if (this.enableMap.mergeRequests) this.setupMergeRequests($input); if (this.enableMap.labels) this.setupLabels($input); // We don't instantiate the quick actions autocomplete for note and issue/MR edit forms $input.filter('[data-supports-quick-actions="true"]').atwho({ at: '/', alias: 'commands', searchKey: 'search', skipSpecialCharacterTest: true, data: GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData, displayTpl(value) { if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(value)) return GfmAutoComplete.Loading.template; // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string let tpl = '
  • /${name}'; if (value.aliases.length > 0) { tpl += ' (or /<%- aliases.join(", /") %>)'; } if (value.params.length > 0) { tpl += ' <%- params.join(" ") %>'; } if (value.description !== '') { tpl += '<%- description %>'; } tpl += '
  • '; return _.template(tpl)(value); }, insertTpl(value) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string let tpl = '/${name} '; let referencePrefix = null; if (value.params.length > 0) { referencePrefix = value.params[0][0]; if (/^[@%~]/.test(referencePrefix)) { tpl += '<%- referencePrefix %>'; } } return _.template(tpl)({ referencePrefix }); }, suffix: '', callbacks: { ...this.getDefaultCallbacks(), beforeSave(commands) { if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(commands)) return commands; return $.map(commands, (c) => { let search =; if (c.aliases.length > 0) { search = `${search} ${c.aliases.join(' ')}`; } return { name:, aliases: c.aliases, params: c.params, description: c.description, search, }; }); }, matcher(flag, subtext) { const regexp = /(?:^|\n)\/([A-Za-z_]*)$/gi; const match = regexp.exec(subtext); if (match) { return match[1]; } return null; }, }, }); } setupEmoji($input) { // Emoji $input.atwho({ at: ':', displayTpl(value) { let tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Loading.template; if (value && { tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.templateFunction(; } return tmpl; }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string insertTpl: ':${name}:', skipSpecialCharacterTest: true, data: GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData, callbacks: { ...this.getDefaultCallbacks(), matcher(flag, subtext) { const regexp = new RegExp(`(?:[^${glRegexp.unicodeLetters}0-9:]|\n|^):([^:]*)$`, 'gi'); const match = regexp.exec(subtext); return match && match.length ? match[1] : null; }, }, }); } setupMembers($input) { // Team Members $input.atwho({ at: '@', displayTpl(value) { let tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Loading.template; if (value.username != null) { tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Members.template; } return tmpl; }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string insertTpl: '${atwho-at}${username}', searchKey: 'search', alwaysHighlightFirst: true, skipSpecialCharacterTest: true, data: GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData, callbacks: { ...this.getDefaultCallbacks(), beforeSave(members) { return $.map(members, (m) => { let title = ''; if (m.username == null) { return m; } title =; if (m.count) { title += ` (${m.count})`; } const autoCompleteAvatar = m.avatar_url || m.username.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); const imgAvatar = `${m.username}`; const txtAvatar = `
    `; return { username: m.username, avatarTag: autoCompleteAvatar.length === 1 ? txtAvatar : imgAvatar, title: sanitize(title), search: sanitize(`${m.username} ${}`), }; }); }, }, }); } setupIssues($input) { $input.atwho({ at: '#', alias: 'issues', searchKey: 'search', displayTpl(value) { let tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Loading.template; if (value.title != null) { tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Issues.template; } return tmpl; }, data: GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData, // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string insertTpl: '${atwho-at}${id}', callbacks: { ...this.getDefaultCallbacks(), beforeSave(issues) { return $.map(issues, (i) => { if (i.title == null) { return i; } return { id: i.iid, title: sanitize(i.title), search: `${i.iid} ${i.title}`, }; }); }, }, }); } setupMilestones($input) { $input.atwho({ at: '%', alias: 'milestones', searchKey: 'search', // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string insertTpl: '${atwho-at}${title}', displayTpl(value) { let tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Loading.template; if (value.title != null) { tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Milestones.template; } return tmpl; }, data: GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData, callbacks: { ...this.getDefaultCallbacks(), beforeSave(milestones) { return $.map(milestones, (m) => { if (m.title == null) { return m; } return { id: m.iid, title: sanitize(m.title), search: m.title, }; }); }, }, }); } setupMergeRequests($input) { $input.atwho({ at: '!', alias: 'mergerequests', searchKey: 'search', displayTpl(value) { let tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Loading.template; if (value.title != null) { tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Issues.template; } return tmpl; }, data: GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData, // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string insertTpl: '${atwho-at}${id}', callbacks: { ...this.getDefaultCallbacks(), beforeSave(merges) { return $.map(merges, (m) => { if (m.title == null) { return m; } return { id: m.iid, title: sanitize(m.title), search: `${m.iid} ${m.title}`, }; }); }, }, }); } setupLabels($input) { const fetchData = this.fetchData.bind(this); const LABEL_COMMAND = { LABEL: '/label', UNLABEL: '/unlabel', RELABEL: '/relabel' }; let command = ''; $input.atwho({ at: '~', alias: 'labels', searchKey: 'search', data: GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData, displayTpl(value) { let tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Labels.template; if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(value)) { tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Loading.template; } return tmpl; }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string insertTpl: '${atwho-at}${title}', callbacks: { ...this.getDefaultCallbacks(), beforeSave(merges) { if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(merges)) return merges; return $.map(merges, m => ({ title: sanitize(m.title), color: m.color, search: m.title, set: m.set, })); }, matcher(flag, subtext) { const match = GfmAutoComplete.defaultMatcher(flag, subtext,; const subtextNodes = subtext.split(/\n+/g).pop().split(GfmAutoComplete.regexSubtext); // Check if ~ is followed by '/label', '/relabel' or '/unlabel' commands. command = subtextNodes.find((node) => { if (node === LABEL_COMMAND.LABEL || node === LABEL_COMMAND.RELABEL || node === LABEL_COMMAND.UNLABEL) { return node; } return null; }); return match && match.length ? match[1] : null; }, filter(query, data, searchKey) { if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(data)) { fetchData(this.$inputor,; return data; } if (data === GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData) { return $.fn.atwho.default.callbacks.filter(query, data, searchKey); } // The `LABEL_COMMAND.RELABEL` is intentionally skipped // because we want to return all the labels (unfiltered) for that command. if (command === LABEL_COMMAND.LABEL) { // Return labels with set: undefined. return data.filter(label => !label.set); } else if (command === LABEL_COMMAND.UNLABEL) { // Return labels with set: true. return data.filter(label => label.set); } return data; }, }, }); } getDefaultCallbacks() { const fetchData = this.fetchData.bind(this); return { sorter(query, items, searchKey) { this.setting.highlightFirst = this.setting.alwaysHighlightFirst || query.length > 0; if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(items)) { this.setting.highlightFirst = false; return items; } return $.fn.atwho.default.callbacks.sorter(query, items, searchKey); }, filter(query, data, searchKey) { if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(data)) { fetchData(this.$inputor,; return data; } return $.fn.atwho.default.callbacks.filter(query, data, searchKey); }, beforeInsert(value) { let resultantValue = value; if (value && !this.setting.skipSpecialCharacterTest) { const withoutAt = value.substring(1); const regex = value.charAt() === '~' ? /\W|^\d+$/ : /\W/; if (withoutAt && regex.test(withoutAt)) { resultantValue = `${value.charAt()}"${withoutAt}"`; } } return resultantValue; }, matcher(flag, subtext) { const match = GfmAutoComplete.defaultMatcher(flag, subtext,; if (match) { return match[1]; } return null; }, }; } fetchData($input, at) { if (this.isLoadingData[at]) return; this.isLoadingData[at] = true; if (this.cachedData[at]) { this.loadData($input, at, this.cachedData[at]); } else if (GfmAutoComplete.atTypeMap[at] === 'emojis') { import(/* webpackChunkName: 'emoji' */ './emoji') .then(({ validEmojiNames, glEmojiTag }) => { this.loadData($input, at, validEmojiNames); GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag = glEmojiTag; }) .catch(() => { this.isLoadingData[at] = false; }); } else { AjaxCache.retrieve(this.dataSources[GfmAutoComplete.atTypeMap[at]], true) .then((data) => { this.loadData($input, at, data); }) .catch(() => { this.isLoadingData[at] = false; }); } } loadData($input, at, data) { this.isLoadingData[at] = false; this.cachedData[at] = data; $input.atwho('load', at, data); // This trigger at.js again // otherwise we would be stuck with loading until the user types return $input.trigger('keyup'); } clearCache() { this.cachedData = {}; } destroy() { this.input.each((i, input) => { const $input = $(input); $input.atwho('destroy'); }); } static isLoading(data) { let dataToInspect = data; if (data && data.length > 0) { dataToInspect = data[0]; } const loadingState = GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData[0]; return dataToInspect && (dataToInspect === loadingState || === loadingState); } static defaultMatcher(flag, subtext, controllers) { // The below is taken from At.js source // Tweaked to commands to start without a space only if char before is a non-word character // const atSymbolsWithBar = Object.keys(controllers).join('|'); const atSymbolsWithoutBar = Object.keys(controllers).join(''); const targetSubtext = subtext.split(GfmAutoComplete.regexSubtext).pop(); const resultantFlag = flag.replace(/[-[\]/{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, '\\$&'); const accentAChar = decodeURI('%C3%80'); const accentYChar = decodeURI('%C3%BF'); const regexp = new RegExp(`^(?:\\B|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\`${atSymbolsWithoutBar}]|\\s)${resultantFlag}(?!${atSymbolsWithBar})((?:[A-Za-z${accentAChar}-${accentYChar}0-9_'.+-]|[^\\x00-\\x7a])*)$`, 'gi'); return regexp.exec(targetSubtext); } } GfmAutoComplete.regexSubtext = new RegExp(/\s+/g); GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData = ['loading']; GfmAutoComplete.atTypeMap = { ':': 'emojis', '@': 'members', '#': 'issues', '!': 'mergeRequests', '~': 'labels', '%': 'milestones', '/': 'commands', }; // Emoji GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag = null; GfmAutoComplete.Emoji = { templateFunction(name) { // glEmojiTag helper is loaded on-demand in fetchData() if (GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag) { return `
  • ${name} ${GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag(name)}
  • `; } return `
  • ${name}
  • `; }, }; // Team Members GfmAutoComplete.Members = { // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string template: '
  • ${avatarTag} ${username} ${title}
  • ', }; GfmAutoComplete.Labels = { // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string template: '
  • ${title}
  • ', }; // Issues and MergeRequests GfmAutoComplete.Issues = { // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string template: '
  • ${id} ${title}
  • ', }; // Milestones GfmAutoComplete.Milestones = { // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string template: '
  • ${title}
  • ', }; GfmAutoComplete.Loading = { template: '
  • Loading...
  • ', }; export default GfmAutoComplete;