module ButtonHelper
# Output a "Copy to Clipboard" button
# data - Data attributes passed to `content_tag` (default: {}):
# :text - Text to copy (optional)
# :gfm - GitLab Flavored Markdown to copy, if different from `text` (optional)
# :target - Selector for target element to copy from (optional)
# Examples:
# # Define the clipboard's text
# clipboard_button(text: "Foo")
# # => ""
# # Define the target element
# clipboard_button(target: "div#foo")
# # => ""
# See
def clipboard_button(data = {})
css_class = data[:class] || 'btn-clipboard btn-transparent'
title = data[:title] || 'Copy to clipboard'
# This supports code in app/assets/javascripts/copy_to_clipboard.js that
# works around ClipboardJS limitations to allow the context-specific copy/pasting of plain text or GFM.
if text = data.delete(:text)
data[:clipboard_text] =
if gfm = data.delete(:gfm)
{ text: text, gfm: gfm }
target = data.delete(:target)
data[:clipboard_target] = target if target
data = { toggle: 'tooltip', placement: 'bottom', container: 'body' }.merge(data)
content_tag :button,
icon('clipboard', 'aria-hidden': 'true'),
class: "btn #{css_class}",
data: data,
type: :button,
title: title,
aria: {
label: title
def http_clone_button(project, placement = 'right', append_link: true)
klass = 'http-selector'
klass << ' has-tooltip' if current_user.try(:require_password?)
protocol = gitlab_config.protocol.upcase
content_tag (append_link ? :a : :span), protocol,
class: klass,
href: (project.http_url_to_repo if append_link),
data: {
html: true,
placement: placement,
container: 'body',
title: _("Set a password on your account to pull or push via %{protocol}") % { protocol: protocol }
def ssh_clone_button(project, placement = 'right', append_link: true)
klass = 'ssh-selector'
klass << ' has-tooltip' if current_user.try(:require_ssh_key?)
content_tag (append_link ? :a : :span), 'SSH',
class: klass,
href: (project.ssh_url_to_repo if append_link),
data: {
html: true,
placement: placement,
container: 'body',
title: _('Add an SSH key to your profile to pull or push via SSH.')