# Store object full path in separate table for easy lookup and uniq validation # Object must have path db field and respond to full_path and full_path_changed? methods. module Routable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do has_one :route, as: :source, autosave: true, dependent: :destroy validates_associated :route validates :route, presence: true before_validation :update_route_path, if: :full_path_changed? end class_methods do # Finds a single object by full path match in routes table. # # Usage: # # Klass.find_by_full_path('gitlab-org/gitlab-ce') # # Returns a single object, or nil. def find_by_full_path(path) # On MySQL we want to ensure the ORDER BY uses a case-sensitive match so # any literal matches come first, for this we have to use "BINARY". # Without this there's still no guarantee in what order MySQL will return # rows. binary = Gitlab::Database.mysql? ? 'BINARY' : '' order_sql = "(CASE WHEN #{binary} routes.path = #{connection.quote(path)} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)" where_full_path_in([path]).reorder(order_sql).take end # Builds a relation to find multiple objects by their full paths. # # Usage: # # Klass.where_full_path_in(%w{gitlab-org/gitlab-ce gitlab-org/gitlab-ee}) # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def where_full_path_in(paths) wheres = [] cast_lower = Gitlab::Database.postgresql? paths.each do |path| path = connection.quote(path) where = "(routes.path = #{path})" if cast_lower where = "(#{where} OR (LOWER(routes.path) = LOWER(#{path})))" end wheres << where end if wheres.empty? none else joins(:route).where(wheres.join(' OR ')) end end # Builds a relation to find multiple objects that are nested under user membership # # Usage: # # Klass.member_descendants(1) # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def member_descendants(user_id) joins(:route). joins("INNER JOIN routes r2 ON routes.path LIKE CONCAT(r2.path, '/%') INNER JOIN members ON members.source_id = r2.source_id AND members.source_type = r2.source_type"). where('members.user_id = ?', user_id) end end private def update_route_path route || build_route(source: self) route.path = full_path end end