# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module QuickActions module IssueActions extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Gitlab::QuickActions::Dsl included do # Issue only quick actions definition desc _('Set due date') explanation do |due_date| _("Sets the due date to %{due_date}.") % { due_date: due_date.strftime('%b %-d, %Y') } if due_date end execution_message do |due_date| _("Set the due date to %{due_date}.") % { due_date: due_date.strftime('%b %-d, %Y') } if due_date end params '' types Issue condition do quick_action_target.respond_to?(:due_date) && current_user.can?(:"admin_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", project) end parse_params do |due_date_param| Chronic.parse(due_date_param).try(:to_date) end command :due do |due_date| if due_date @updates[:due_date] = due_date else @execution_message[:due] = _('Failed to set due date because the date format is invalid.') end end desc _('Remove due date') explanation _('Removes the due date.') execution_message _('Removed the due date.') types Issue condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && quick_action_target.respond_to?(:due_date) && quick_action_target.due_date? && current_user.can?(:"admin_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", project) end command :remove_due_date do @updates[:due_date] = nil end desc _('Move issue from one column of the board to another') explanation do |target_list_name| label = find_label_references(target_list_name).first _("Moves issue to %{label} column in the board.") % { label: label } if label end params '~"Target column"' types Issue condition do current_user.can?(:"update_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", quick_action_target) && quick_action_target.project.boards.count == 1 end command :board_move do |target_list_name| labels = find_labels(target_list_name) label_ids = labels.map(&:id) if label_ids.size > 1 message = _('Failed to move this issue because only a single label can be provided.') elsif !Label.on_project_board?(quick_action_target.project_id, label_ids.first) message = _('Failed to move this issue because label was not found.') else label_id = label_ids.first @updates[:remove_label_ids] = quick_action_target.labels.on_project_boards(quick_action_target.project_id).where.not(id: label_id).pluck(:id) # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord @updates[:add_label_ids] = [label_id] message = _("Moved issue to %{label} column in the board.") % { label: labels_to_reference(labels).first } end @execution_message[:board_move] = message end desc _('Mark this issue as a duplicate of another issue') explanation do |duplicate_reference| _("Marks this issue as a duplicate of %{duplicate_reference}.") % { duplicate_reference: duplicate_reference } end params '#issue' types Issue condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && current_user.can?(:"update_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", quick_action_target) end command :duplicate do |duplicate_param| canonical_issue = extract_references(duplicate_param, :issue).first if canonical_issue.present? @updates[:canonical_issue_id] = canonical_issue.id message = _("Marked this issue as a duplicate of %{duplicate_param}.") % { duplicate_param: duplicate_param } else message = _('Failed to mark this issue as a duplicate because referenced issue was not found.') end @execution_message[:duplicate] = message end desc _('Move this issue to another project.') explanation do |path_to_project| _("Moves this issue to %{path_to_project}.") % { path_to_project: path_to_project } end params 'path/to/project' types Issue condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && current_user.can?(:"admin_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", project) end command :move do |target_project_path| target_project = Project.find_by_full_path(target_project_path) if target_project.present? @updates[:target_project] = target_project message = _("Moved this issue to %{path_to_project}.") % { path_to_project: target_project_path } else message = _("Failed to move this issue because target project doesn't exist.") end @execution_message[:move] = message end desc _('Make issue confidential') explanation do _('Makes this issue confidential.') end execution_message do _('Made this issue confidential.') end types Issue condition do !quick_action_target.confidential? && current_user.can?(:"admin_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", quick_action_target) end command :confidential do @updates[:confidential] = true end desc _('Create a merge request') explanation do |branch_name = nil| if branch_name _("Creates branch '%{branch_name}' and a merge request to resolve this issue.") % { branch_name: branch_name } else _('Creates a branch and a merge request to resolve this issue.') end end execution_message do |branch_name = nil| if branch_name _("Created branch '%{branch_name}' and a merge request to resolve this issue.") % { branch_name: branch_name } else _('Created a branch and a merge request to resolve this issue.') end end params "" types Issue condition do current_user.can?(:create_merge_request_in, project) && current_user.can?(:push_code, project) end command :create_merge_request do |branch_name = nil| @updates[:create_merge_request] = { branch_name: branch_name, issue_iid: quick_action_target.iid } end desc _('Add Zoom meeting') explanation _('Adds a Zoom meeting') params '' types Issue condition do zoom_link_service.can_add_link? end parse_params do |link| zoom_link_service.parse_link(link) end command :zoom do |link| result = zoom_link_service.add_link(link) if result.success? @updates[:description] = result.payload[:description] end @execution_message[:zoom] = result.message end desc _('Remove Zoom meeting') explanation _('Remove Zoom meeting') execution_message _('Zoom meeting removed') types Issue condition do zoom_link_service.can_remove_link? end command :remove_zoom do result = zoom_link_service.remove_link if result.success? @updates[:description] = result.payload[:description] end @execution_message[:remove_zoom] = result.message end private def zoom_link_service Issues::ZoomLinkService.new(quick_action_target, current_user) end end end end end