[[ "$TRACE" ]] && set -x function deploy_exists() { local namespace="${1}" local release="${2}" local deploy_exists echoinfo "Checking if ${release} exists in the ${namespace} namespace..." true helm status --namespace "${namespace}" "${release}" >/dev/null 2>&1 deploy_exists=$? if [ $deploy_exists -eq 0 ]; then echoinfo "Previous deployment for ${release} found." else echoerr "Previous deployment for ${release} NOT found." fi return $deploy_exists } function previous_deploy_failed() { local namespace="${1}" local release="${2}" echoinfo "Checking for previous deployment of ${release}" true helm status --namespace "${namespace}" "${release}" >/dev/null 2>&1 local status=$? # if `status` is `0`, deployment exists, has a status if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then echoinfo "Previous deployment found, checking status..." deployment_status=$(helm status --namespace "${namespace}" "${release}" | grep ^STATUS | cut -d' ' -f2) echoinfo "Previous deployment state: ${deployment_status}" if [[ "$deployment_status" == "failed" || "$deployment_status" == "pending-upgrade" || "$deployment_status" == "pending-install" ]]; then status=0; else status=1; fi else echoerr "Previous deployment NOT found." fi return $status } function delete_release() { local namespace="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local release="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" if [ -z "${release}" ]; then echoerr "No release given, aborting the delete!" return fi if deploy_exists "${namespace}" "${release}"; then helm uninstall --namespace="${namespace}" "${release}" fi } function delete_failed_release() { local namespace="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local release="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" if [ -z "${release}" ]; then echoerr "No release given, aborting the delete!" return fi if ! deploy_exists "${namespace}" "${release}"; then echoinfo "No Review App with ${release} is currently deployed." else # Cleanup and previous installs, as FAILED and PENDING_UPGRADE will cause errors with `upgrade` if previous_deploy_failed "${namespace}" "${release}" ; then echoinfo "Review App deployment in bad state, cleaning up namespace ${release}" delete_k8s_release_namespace else echoinfo "Review App deployment in good state" fi fi } function delete_k8s_release_namespace() { local namespace="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" kubectl delete namespace "${namespace}" --wait } function get_pod() { local namespace="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local release="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local app_name="${1}" local status="${2-Running}" get_pod_cmd="kubectl get pods --namespace ${namespace} --field-selector=status.phase=${status} -lapp=${app_name},release=${release} --no-headers -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name | tail -n 1" echoinfo "Waiting till '${app_name}' pod is ready" true echoinfo "Running '${get_pod_cmd}'" local interval=5 local elapsed_seconds=0 local max_seconds=$((2 * 60)) while true; do local pod_name pod_name="$(eval "${get_pod_cmd}")" [[ "${pod_name}" == "" ]] || break if [[ "${elapsed_seconds}" -gt "${max_seconds}" ]]; then echoerr "The pod name couldn't be found after ${elapsed_seconds} seconds, aborting." break fi let "elapsed_seconds+=interval" sleep ${interval} done echoinfo "The pod name is '${pod_name}'." echo "${pod_name}" } function run_task() { local namespace="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local ruby_cmd="${1}" local toolbox_pod=$(get_pod "toolbox") kubectl exec --namespace "${namespace}" "${toolbox_pod}" -- gitlab-rails runner "${ruby_cmd}" } function disable_sign_ups() { if [ -z ${REVIEW_APPS_ROOT_TOKEN+x} ]; then echoerr "In order to protect Review Apps, REVIEW_APPS_ROOT_TOKEN variable must be set" false else true fi # Create the root token local set_token_rb="token = User.find_by_username('root').personal_access_tokens.create(scopes: [:api], name: 'Token to disable sign-ups'); token.set_token('${REVIEW_APPS_ROOT_TOKEN}'); begin; token.save!; rescue(ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique); end" retry "run_task \"${set_token_rb}\"" # Disable sign-ups local disable_signup_rb="Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings.update!(signup_enabled: false)" if (retry "run_task \"${disable_signup_rb}\""); then echoinfo "Sign-ups have been disabled successfully." else echoerr "Sign-ups are still enabled!" false fi } function check_kube_domain() { echoinfo "Checking that Kube domain exists..." true if [ -z ${REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN+x} ]; then echo "In order to deploy or use Review Apps, REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN variable must be set" echo "You can do it in Auto DevOps project settings or defining a variable at group or project level" echo "You can also manually add it in .gitlab-ci.yml" false else true fi } function ensure_namespace() { local namespace="${1}" echoinfo "Ensuring the ${namespace} namespace exists..." true kubectl describe namespace "${namespace}" || kubectl create namespace "${namespace}" } function label_namespace() { local namespace="${1}" local label="${2}" echoinfo "Labeling the ${namespace} namespace with ${label}" true echoinfo "We should pass the --overwrite option!" kubectl label --overwrite namespace "${namespace}" "${label}" } function create_application_secret() { local namespace="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local release="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local initial_root_password_shared_secret local gitlab_license_shared_secret initial_root_password_shared_secret=$(kubectl get secret --namespace ${namespace} --no-headers -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name shared-gitlab-initial-root-password | tail -n 1) if [[ "${initial_root_password_shared_secret}" == "" ]]; then echoinfo "Creating the 'shared-gitlab-initial-root-password' secret in the ${namespace} namespace..." true kubectl create secret generic --namespace "${namespace}" \ "shared-gitlab-initial-root-password" \ --from-literal="password=${REVIEW_APPS_ROOT_PASSWORD}" \ --dry-run -o json | kubectl apply -f - else echoinfo "The 'shared-gitlab-initial-root-password' secret already exists in the ${namespace} namespace." fi if [ -z "${REVIEW_APPS_EE_LICENSE_FILE}" ]; then echo "License not found" && return; fi gitlab_license_shared_secret=$(kubectl get secret --namespace ${namespace} --no-headers -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name shared-gitlab-license | tail -n 1) if [[ "${gitlab_license_shared_secret}" == "" ]]; then echoinfo "Creating the 'shared-gitlab-license' secret in the ${namespace} namespace..." true kubectl create secret generic --namespace "${namespace}" \ "shared-gitlab-license" \ --from-file=license="${REVIEW_APPS_EE_LICENSE_FILE}" \ --dry-run -o json | kubectl apply -f - else echoinfo "The 'shared-gitlab-license' secret already exists in the ${namespace} namespace." fi } function download_chart() { echoinfo "Downloading the GitLab chart..." true curl --location -o gitlab.tar.bz2 "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab/-/archive/${GITLAB_HELM_CHART_REF}/gitlab-${GITLAB_HELM_CHART_REF}.tar.bz2" tar -xjf gitlab.tar.bz2 echoinfo "Adding the gitlab repo to Helm..." helm repo add gitlab https://charts.gitlab.io echoinfo "Building the gitlab chart's dependencies..." helm dependency build "gitlab-${GITLAB_HELM_CHART_REF}" } function base_config_changed() { if [ -z "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID}" ]; then return; fi curl "${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_ID}/merge_requests/${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID}/changes" | jq '.changes | any(.old_path == "scripts/review_apps/base-config.yaml")' } function parse_gitaly_image_tag() { local gitaly_version="${GITALY_VERSION}" # prepend semver version with `v` if [[ $gitaly_version =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-rc[0-9]+)?(-ee)?$ ]]; then echo "v${gitaly_version}" else echo "${gitaly_version}" fi } function deploy() { local namespace="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local release="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local base_config_file_ref="${CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" if [[ "$(base_config_changed)" == "true" ]]; then base_config_file_ref="${CI_COMMIT_SHA}"; fi local base_config_file="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/raw/${base_config_file_ref}/scripts/review_apps/base-config.yaml" echoinfo "Deploying ${release} to ${CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL} ..." true IMAGE_REPOSITORY="registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng-mirror" gitlab_toolbox_image_repository="${IMAGE_REPOSITORY}/gitlab-toolbox-ee" gitlab_sidekiq_image_repository="${IMAGE_REPOSITORY}/gitlab-sidekiq-ee" gitlab_webservice_image_repository="${IMAGE_REPOSITORY}/gitlab-webservice-ee" gitlab_gitaly_image_repository="${IMAGE_REPOSITORY}/gitaly" gitaly_image_tag=$(parse_gitaly_image_tag) gitlab_shell_image_repository="${IMAGE_REPOSITORY}/gitlab-shell" gitlab_workhorse_image_repository="${IMAGE_REPOSITORY}/gitlab-workhorse-ee" ensure_namespace "${namespace}" label_namespace "${namespace}" "tls=review-apps-tls" # label namespace for kubed to sync tls create_application_secret HELM_CMD=$(cat << EOF helm upgrade \ --namespace="${namespace}" \ --create-namespace \ --install \ --wait \ --timeout "${HELM_INSTALL_TIMEOUT:-20m}" \ --set ci.branch="${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" \ --set ci.commit.sha="${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}" \ --set ci.job.url="${CI_JOB_URL}" \ --set ci.pipeline.url="${CI_PIPELINE_URL}" \ --set releaseOverride="${release}" \ --set global.hosts.hostSuffix="${HOST_SUFFIX}" \ --set global.hosts.domain="${REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN}" \ --set gitlab.migrations.image.repository="${gitlab_toolbox_image_repository}" \ --set gitlab.migrations.image.tag="${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" \ --set gitlab.gitaly.image.repository="${gitlab_gitaly_image_repository}" \ --set gitlab.gitaly.image.tag="${gitaly_image_tag}" \ --set gitlab.gitlab-shell.image.repository="${gitlab_shell_image_repository}" \ --set gitlab.gitlab-shell.image.tag="v${GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION}" \ --set gitlab.sidekiq.annotations.commit="${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}" \ --set gitlab.sidekiq.image.repository="${gitlab_sidekiq_image_repository}" \ --set gitlab.sidekiq.image.tag="${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" \ --set gitlab.webservice.annotations.commit="${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}" \ --set gitlab.webservice.image.repository="${gitlab_webservice_image_repository}" \ --set gitlab.webservice.image.tag="${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" \ --set gitlab.webservice.workhorse.image="${gitlab_workhorse_image_repository}" \ --set gitlab.webservice.workhorse.tag="${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" \ --set gitlab.toolbox.image.repository="${gitlab_toolbox_image_repository}" \ --set gitlab.toolbox.image.tag="${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" EOF ) if [ -n "${REVIEW_APPS_EE_LICENSE_FILE}" ]; then HELM_CMD=$(cat << EOF ${HELM_CMD} \ --set global.gitlab.license.secret="shared-gitlab-license" EOF ) fi HELM_CMD=$(cat << EOF ${HELM_CMD} \ --version="${CI_PIPELINE_ID}-${CI_JOB_ID}" \ -f "${base_config_file}" \ -v "${HELM_LOG_VERBOSITY:-1}" \ "${release}" "gitlab-${GITLAB_HELM_CHART_REF}" EOF ) echoinfo "Deploying with:" echoinfo "${HELM_CMD}" eval "${HELM_CMD}" } function verify_deploy() { echoinfo "Verifying deployment at ${CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL}" if retry "test_url \"${CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL}\" curl_output.txt"; then echoinfo "Review app is deployed to ${CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL}" return 0 else echoerr "Review app is not available at ${CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL}. See curl_output.txt artifact for detail." return 1 fi } function display_deployment_debug() { local namespace="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" local release="${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" # Get all pods for this release echoinfo "Pods for release ${release}" kubectl get pods --namespace "${namespace}" -lrelease=${release} # Get all non-completed jobs echoinfo "Unsuccessful Jobs for release ${release}" kubectl get jobs --namespace "${namespace}" -lrelease=${release} --field-selector=status.successful!=1 }