# frozen_string_literal: true module Auth class ContainerRegistryAuthenticationService < BaseService AUDIENCE = 'container_registry'.freeze def execute(authentication_abilities:) @authentication_abilities = authentication_abilities return error('UNAVAILABLE', status: 404, message: 'registry not enabled') unless registry.enabled unless scope || current_user || project return error('DENIED', status: 403, message: 'access forbidden') end { token: authorized_token(scope).encoded } end def self.full_access_token(*names) names = names.flatten registry = Gitlab.config.registry token = JSONWebToken::RSAToken.new(registry.key) token.issuer = registry.issuer token.audience = AUDIENCE token.expire_time = token_expire_at token[:access] = names.map do |name| { type: 'repository', name: name, actions: %w(*) } end token.encoded end def self.token_expire_at Time.now + Gitlab::CurrentSettings.container_registry_token_expire_delay.minutes end private def authorized_token(*accesses) JSONWebToken::RSAToken.new(registry.key).tap do |token| token.issuer = registry.issuer token.audience = params[:service] token.subject = current_user.try(:username) token.expire_time = self.class.token_expire_at token[:access] = accesses.compact end end def scope return unless params[:scope] @scope ||= process_scope(params[:scope]) end def process_scope(scope) type, name, actions = scope.split(':', 3) actions = actions.split(',') case type when 'registry' process_registry_access(type, name, actions) when 'repository' path = ContainerRegistry::Path.new(name) process_repository_access(type, path, actions) end end def process_registry_access(type, name, actions) return unless current_user&.admin? return unless name == 'catalog' return unless actions == ['*'] { type: type, name: name, actions: ['*'] } end def process_repository_access(type, path, actions) return unless path.valid? requested_project = path.repository_project return unless requested_project actions = actions.select do |action| can_access?(requested_project, action) end return unless actions.present? # At this point user/build is already authenticated. # ensure_container_repository!(path, actions) { type: type, name: path.to_s, actions: actions } end ## # Because we do not have two way communication with registry yet, # we create a container repository image resource when push to the # registry is successfuly authorized. # def ensure_container_repository!(path, actions) return if path.has_repository? return unless actions.include?('push') ContainerRepository.create_from_path!(path) end def can_access?(requested_project, requested_action) return false unless requested_project.container_registry_enabled? case requested_action when 'pull' build_can_pull?(requested_project) || user_can_pull?(requested_project) || deploy_token_can_pull?(requested_project) when 'push' build_can_push?(requested_project) || user_can_push?(requested_project) when '*' user_can_admin?(requested_project) else false end end def registry Gitlab.config.registry end def can_user?(ability, project) user = current_user.is_a?(User) ? current_user : nil can?(user, ability, project) end def build_can_pull?(requested_project) # Build can: # 1. pull from its own project (for ex. a build) # 2. read images from dependent projects if creator of build is a team member has_authentication_ability?(:build_read_container_image) && (requested_project == project || can_user?(:build_read_container_image, requested_project)) end def user_can_admin?(requested_project) has_authentication_ability?(:admin_container_image) && can_user?(:admin_container_image, requested_project) end def user_can_pull?(requested_project) has_authentication_ability?(:read_container_image) && can_user?(:read_container_image, requested_project) end def deploy_token_can_pull?(requested_project) has_authentication_ability?(:read_container_image) && current_user.is_a?(DeployToken) && current_user.has_access_to?(requested_project) && current_user.read_registry? end ## # We still support legacy pipeline triggers which do not have associated # actor. New permissions model and new triggers are always associated with # an actor, so this should be improved in 10.0 version of GitLab. # def build_can_push?(requested_project) # Build can push only to the project from which it originates has_authentication_ability?(:build_create_container_image) && requested_project == project end def user_can_push?(requested_project) has_authentication_ability?(:create_container_image) && can_user?(:create_container_image, requested_project) end def error(code, status:, message: '') { errors: [{ code: code, message: message }], http_status: status } end def has_authentication_ability?(capability) @authentication_abilities.to_a.include?(capability) end end end