module Gitlab module Git class Blob include Linguist::BlobHelper include Gitlab::EncodingHelper # This number is the maximum amount of data that we want to display to # the user. We load as much as we can for encoding detection # (Linguist) and LFS pointer parsing. All other cases where we need full # blob data should use load_all_data!. MAX_DATA_DISPLAY_SIZE = 10.megabytes attr_accessor :name, :path, :size, :data, :mode, :id, :commit_id, :loaded_size, :binary class << self def find(repository, sha, path) commit = repository.lookup(sha) root_tree = commit.tree blob_entry = find_entry_by_path(repository, root_tree.oid, path) return nil unless blob_entry if blob_entry[:type] == :commit submodule_blob(blob_entry, path, sha) else blob = repository.lookup(blob_entry[:oid]) if blob new( id: blob.oid, name: blob_entry[:name], size: blob.size, data: blob.content(MAX_DATA_DISPLAY_SIZE), mode: blob_entry[:filemode].to_s(8), path: path, commit_id: sha, binary: blob.binary? ) end end end def raw(repository, sha) blob = repository.lookup(sha) new( id: blob.oid, size: blob.size, data: blob.content(MAX_DATA_DISPLAY_SIZE), binary: blob.binary? ) end # Recursive search of blob id by path # # Ex. # blog/ # oid: 1a # app/ # oid: 2a # models/ # oid: 3a # file.rb # oid: 4a # # # Blob.find_entry_by_path(repo, '1a', 'app/file.rb') # => '4a' # def find_entry_by_path(repository, root_id, path) root_tree = repository.lookup(root_id) # Strip leading slashes path[/^\/*/] = '' path_arr = path.split('/') entry = root_tree.find do |entry| entry[:name] == path_arr[0] end return nil unless entry if path_arr.size > 1 return nil unless entry[:type] == :tree path_arr.shift find_entry_by_path(repository, entry[:oid], path_arr.join('/')) else [:blob, :commit].include?(entry[:type]) ? entry : nil end end def submodule_blob(blob_entry, path, sha) new( id: blob_entry[:oid], name: blob_entry[:name], size: 0, data: '', path: path, commit_id: sha ) end end def initialize(options) %w(id name path size data mode commit_id binary).each do |key| self.send("#{key}=", options[key.to_sym]) end @loaded_all_data = false # Retain the actual size before it is encoded @loaded_size = @data.bytesize if @data end def binary? @binary.nil? ? super : @binary == true end def data encode! @data end # Load all blob data (not just the first MAX_DATA_DISPLAY_SIZE bytes) into # memory as a Ruby string. def load_all_data!(repository) return if @data == '' # don't mess with submodule blobs return @data if @loaded_all_data @loaded_all_data = true @data = repository.lookup(id).content @loaded_size = @data.bytesize @binary = nil end def name encode! @name end def truncated? size && (size > loaded_size) end # Valid LFS object pointer is a text file consisting of # version # oid # size # see def lfs_pointer? has_lfs_version_key? && lfs_oid.present? && lfs_size.present? end def lfs_oid if has_lfs_version_key? oid = data.match(/(?<=sha256:)([0-9a-f]{64})/) return oid[1] if oid end nil end def lfs_size if has_lfs_version_key? size = data.match(/(?<=size )([0-9]+)/) return size[1].to_i if size end nil end def external_storage return unless lfs_pointer? :lfs end alias_method :external_size, :lfs_size private def has_lfs_version_key? !empty? && text? && data.start_with?("version") end end end end