# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Ci::UpdateBuildStateService do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:metrics) { spy('metrics') } subject { described_class.new(build, params) } before do stub_feature_flags(ci_enable_live_trace: true) end context 'when build does not have checksum' do context 'when state has changed' do let(:params) { { state: 'success' } } it 'updates a state of a running build' do subject.execute expect(build).to be_success end it 'returns 200 OK status' do result = subject.execute expect(result.status).to eq 200 end it 'does not increment finalized trace metric' do execute_with_stubbed_metrics! expect(metrics) .not_to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :finalized) end end context 'when it is a heartbeat request' do let(:params) { { state: 'success' } } it 'updates a build timestamp' do expect { subject.execute }.to change { build.updated_at } end end context 'when request payload carries a trace' do let(:params) { { state: 'success', trace: 'overwritten' } } it 'overwrites a trace' do result = subject.execute expect(build.trace.raw).to eq 'overwritten' expect(result.status).to eq 200 end it 'updates overwrite operation metric' do execute_with_stubbed_metrics! expect(metrics) .to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :overwrite) end end context 'when state is unknown' do let(:params) { { state: 'unknown' } } it 'responds with 400 bad request' do result = subject.execute expect(result.status).to eq 400 expect(build).to be_running end end end context 'when build has a checksum' do let(:params) do { checksum: 'crc32:12345678', state: 'failed', failure_reason: 'script_failure' } end context 'when build trace has been migrated' do before do create(:ci_build_trace_chunk, :database_with_data, build: build) end it 'updates a build state' do subject.execute expect(build).to be_failed end it 'responds with 200 OK status' do result = subject.execute expect(result.status).to eq 200 end it 'increments trace finalized operation metric' do execute_with_stubbed_metrics! expect(metrics) .to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :finalized) end end context 'when build trace has not been migrated yet' do before do create(:ci_build_trace_chunk, :redis_with_data, build: build) end it 'does not update a build state' do subject.execute expect(build).to be_running end it 'responds with 202 accepted' do result = subject.execute expect(result.status).to eq 202 end it 'schedules live chunks for migration' do expect(Ci::BuildTraceChunkFlushWorker) .to receive(:perform_async) .with(build.trace_chunks.first.id) subject.execute end it 'increments trace accepted operation metric' do execute_with_stubbed_metrics! expect(metrics) .to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :accepted) end it 'creates a pending state record' do subject.execute build.pending_state.then do |status| expect(status).to be_present expect(status.state).to eq 'failed' expect(status.trace_checksum).to eq 'crc32:12345678' expect(status.failure_reason).to eq 'script_failure' end end context 'when build pending state is outdated' do before do build.create_pending_state( state: 'failed', trace_checksum: 'crc32:12345678', failure_reason: 'script_failure', created_at: 10.minutes.ago ) end it 'responds with 200 OK' do result = subject.execute expect(result.status).to eq 200 end it 'updates build state' do subject.execute expect(build.reload).to be_failed expect(build.failure_reason).to eq 'script_failure' end it 'increments discarded traces metric' do execute_with_stubbed_metrics! expect(metrics) .to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :discarded) end it 'does not increment finalized trace metric' do execute_with_stubbed_metrics! expect(metrics) .not_to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :finalized) end end context 'when build pending state has changes' do before do build.create_pending_state( state: 'success', created_at: 10.minutes.ago ) end it 'uses stored state and responds with 200 OK' do result = subject.execute expect(result.status).to eq 200 end it 'increments conflict trace metric' do execute_with_stubbed_metrics! expect(metrics) .to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :conflict) end end context 'when live traces are disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(ci_enable_live_trace: false) end it 'responds with 200 OK' do result = subject.execute expect(result.status).to eq 200 end end end end def execute_with_stubbed_metrics! described_class .new(build, params, metrics) .execute end end