import state from '~/releases/store/state'; import mutations from '~/releases/store/mutations'; import * as types from '~/releases/store/mutation_types'; import { releases } from '../mock_data'; describe('Releases Store Mutations', () => { let stateCopy; beforeEach(() => { stateCopy = state(); }); describe('REQUEST_RELEASES', () => { it('sets isLoading to true', () => { mutations[types.REQUEST_RELEASES](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_RELEASES_SUCCESS', () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_RELEASES_SUCCESS](stateCopy, releases); }); it('sets is loading to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(false); }); it('sets hasError to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.hasError).toEqual(false); }); it('sets data', () => { expect(stateCopy.releases).toEqual(releases); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_RELEASES_ERROR', () => { it('resets data', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_RELEASES_ERROR](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(false); expect(stateCopy.releases).toEqual([]); }); }); });