import Vue from 'vue'; import { GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; const defaultValue = (prop) => GlLoadingIcon.props[prop]?.default; /** * Returns a loading icon/spinner element. * * This should *only* be used in existing legacy areas of code where Vue is not * in use, as part of the migration strategy defined in * * * @param {object} props - The props to configure the spinner. * @param {boolean} props.inline - Display the spinner inline; otherwise, as a block. * @param {string} props.color - The color of the spinner ('dark' or 'light') * @param {string} props.size - The size of the spinner ('sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl') * @param {string[]} props.classes - Additional classes to apply to the element. * @param {string} props.label - The ARIA label to apply to the spinner. * @returns {HTMLElement} */ export const loadingIconForLegacyJS = ({ inline = defaultValue('inline'), color = defaultValue('color'), size = defaultValue('size'), classes = [], label = __('Loading'), } = {}) => { const mountEl = document.createElement('div'); const vm = new Vue({ el: mountEl, render(h) { return h(GlLoadingIcon, { class: classes, props: { inline, color, size, label, }, }); }, }); // Ensure it's rendered vm.$forceUpdate(); const el = vm.$el.cloneNode(true); vm.$destroy(); return el; };