# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Tracking class StandardContext GITLAB_STANDARD_SCHEMA_URL = 'iglu:com.gitlab/gitlab_standard/jsonschema/1-0-8' GITLAB_RAILS_SOURCE = 'gitlab-rails' def initialize(namespace: nil, project: nil, user: nil, **extra) if Feature.enabled?(:standard_context_type_check) check_argument_type(:namespace, namespace, [Namespace]) check_argument_type(:project, project, [Project, Integer]) check_argument_type(:user, user, [User, DeployToken]) end @namespace = namespace @plan = namespace&.actual_plan_name @project = project @user = user @extra = extra end def to_context SnowplowTracker::SelfDescribingJson.new(GITLAB_STANDARD_SCHEMA_URL, to_h) end def environment return 'staging' if Gitlab.staging? return 'production' if Gitlab.com? return 'org' if Gitlab.org? return 'self-managed' if Rails.env.production? 'development' end def source GITLAB_RAILS_SOURCE end private attr_accessor :namespace, :project, :extra, :plan, :user def to_h { environment: environment, source: source, plan: plan, extra: extra, user_id: user&.id, namespace_id: namespace&.id, project_id: project_id, context_generated_at: Time.current } end def project_id project.is_a?(Integer) ? project : project&.id end def check_argument_type(argument_name, argument_value, allowed_classes) return if argument_value.nil? || allowed_classes.any? { |allowed_class| argument_value.is_a?(allowed_class) } exception = "Invalid argument type passed for #{argument_name}." \ " Should be one of #{allowed_classes.map(&:to_s)}" Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_and_raise_for_dev_exception(ArgumentError.new(exception)) end end end end