# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Updating the packages cleanup policy' do include GraphqlHelpers using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let_it_be(:project, reload: true) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let(:params) do { project_path: project.full_path, keep_n_duplicated_package_files: 'TWENTY_PACKAGE_FILES' } end let(:mutation) do graphql_mutation(:update_packages_cleanup_policy, params, <<~QUERY packagesCleanupPolicy { keepNDuplicatedPackageFiles nextRunAt } errors QUERY ) end let(:mutation_response) { graphql_mutation_response(:update_packages_cleanup_policy) } let(:packages_cleanup_policy_response) { mutation_response['packagesCleanupPolicy'] } shared_examples 'accepting the mutation request and updates the existing policy' do it 'returns the updated packages cleanup policy' do expect { subject }.not_to change { ::Packages::Cleanup::Policy.count } expect(project.packages_cleanup_policy.keep_n_duplicated_package_files).to eq('20') expect_graphql_errors_to_be_empty expect(packages_cleanup_policy_response['keepNDuplicatedPackageFiles']) .to eq(params[:keep_n_duplicated_package_files]) expect(packages_cleanup_policy_response['nextRunAt']).not_to eq(nil) end end shared_examples 'accepting the mutation request and creates a policy' do it 'returns the created packages cleanup policy' do expect { subject }.to change { ::Packages::Cleanup::Policy.count }.by(1) expect(project.packages_cleanup_policy.keep_n_duplicated_package_files).to eq('20') expect_graphql_errors_to_be_empty expect(packages_cleanup_policy_response['keepNDuplicatedPackageFiles']) .to eq(params[:keep_n_duplicated_package_files]) expect(packages_cleanup_policy_response['nextRunAt']).not_to eq(nil) end end shared_examples 'denying the mutation request' do it 'returns an error' do expect { subject }.not_to change { ::Packages::Cleanup::Policy.count } expect(project.packages_cleanup_policy.keep_n_duplicated_package_files).not_to eq('20') expect(mutation_response).to be_nil expect_graphql_errors_to_include(/you don't have permission to perform this action/) end end describe 'post graphql mutation' do subject { post_graphql_mutation(mutation, current_user: user) } context 'with existing packages cleanup policy' do let_it_be(:project_packages_cleanup_policy) { create(:packages_cleanup_policy, project: project) } where(:user_role, :shared_examples_name) do :maintainer | 'accepting the mutation request and updates the existing policy' :developer | 'denying the mutation request' :reporter | 'denying the mutation request' :guest | 'denying the mutation request' :anonymous | 'denying the mutation request' end with_them do before do project.send("add_#{user_role}", user) unless user_role == :anonymous end it_behaves_like params[:shared_examples_name] end end context 'without existing packages cleanup policy' do where(:user_role, :shared_examples_name) do :maintainer | 'accepting the mutation request and creates a policy' :developer | 'denying the mutation request' :reporter | 'denying the mutation request' :guest | 'denying the mutation request' :anonymous | 'denying the mutation request' end with_them do before do project.send("add_#{user_role}", user) unless user_role == :anonymous end it_behaves_like params[:shared_examples_name] end end end end