# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Ci::PipelineSuccessUnlockArtifactsWorker do describe '#perform' do subject(:perform) { described_class.new.perform(pipeline_id) } include_examples 'an idempotent worker' do subject(:idempotent_perform) { perform_multiple(pipeline.id, exec_times: 2) } let!(:older_pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, :success, :with_job, locked: :artifacts_locked).tap do |pipeline| create(:ci_job_artifact, job: pipeline.builds.first) end end let!(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, :success, :with_job, ref: older_pipeline.ref, tag: older_pipeline.tag, project: older_pipeline.project, locked: :unlocked).tap do |pipeline| create(:ci_job_artifact, job: pipeline.builds.first) end end it 'unlocks the artifacts from older pipelines' do expect { idempotent_perform }.to change { older_pipeline.reload.locked }.from('artifacts_locked').to('unlocked') end end context 'when pipeline exists' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, :with_job) } let(:pipeline_id) { pipeline.id } context 'when pipeline has artifacts' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, job: pipeline.builds.first) end it 'calls the service' do service = spy(Ci::UnlockArtifactsService) expect(Ci::UnlockArtifactsService).to receive(:new).and_return(service) perform expect(service).to have_received(:execute) end end context 'when pipeline does not have artifacts' do it 'does not call service' do expect(Ci::UnlockArtifactsService).not_to receive(:new) perform end end end context 'when pipeline does not exist' do let(:pipeline_id) { non_existing_record_id } it 'does not call service' do expect(Ci::UnlockArtifactsService).not_to receive(:new) perform end end end end