import pixelmatch from 'pixelmatch'; export default { toContainText: () => ({ compare(vm, text) { if (!(vm.$el instanceof HTMLElement)) { throw new Error('vm.$el is not a DOM element!'); } const result = { pass: vm.$el.innerText.includes(text), }; return result; }, }), toHaveSpriteIcon: () => ({ compare(element, iconName) { if (!iconName) { throw new Error('toHaveSpriteIcon is missing iconName argument!'); } if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) { throw new Error(`${element} is not a DOM element!`); } const iconReferences = [].slice.apply(element.querySelectorAll('svg use')); const matchingIcon = iconReferences.find(reference => reference.getAttribute('xlink:href').endsWith(`#${iconName}`), ); const result = { pass: !!matchingIcon, }; if (result.pass) { result.message = `${element.outerHTML} contains the sprite icon "${iconName}"!`; } else { result.message = `${element.outerHTML} does not contain the sprite icon "${iconName}"!`; const existingIcons = => { const iconUrl = reference.getAttribute('xlink:href'); return `"${iconUrl.replace(/^.+#/, '')}"`; }); if (existingIcons.length > 0) { result.message += ` (only found ${existingIcons.join(',')})`; } } return result; }, }), toRender: () => ({ compare(vm) { const result = { pass: vm.$el.nodeType !== Node.COMMENT_NODE, }; return result; }, }), toImageDiffEqual: () => { const getImageData = img => { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0); return canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height).data; }; return { compare(actual, expected, threshold = 0.1) { if (actual.height !== expected.height || actual.width !== expected.width) { return { pass: false, message: `Expected image dimensions (h x w) of ${expected.height}x${expected.width}. Received an image with ${actual.height}x${actual.width}`, }; } const { width, height } = actual; const differentPixels = pixelmatch( getImageData(actual), getImageData(expected), null, width, height, { threshold }, ); return { pass: differentPixels < 20, message: `${differentPixels} pixels differ more than ${threshold * 100} percent between input and output.`, }; }, }; }, };