# frozen_string_literal: true module LazyImageTagHelper include PreferencesHelper def placeholder_image "" end # Override the default ActionView `image_tag` helper to support lazy-loading # accept :auto_dark boolean to enable automatic dark variant of the image # (see: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/merge_requests/2698) # accept :dark_variant path to be used as a source when dark mode is enabled def image_tag(source, options = {}) source, options = prepare_dark_variant(source, options) options = options.symbolize_keys unless options.delete(:lazy) == false options[:data] ||= {} options[:data][:src] = path_to_image(source) # options[:class] can be either String or Array. klass_opts = Array.wrap(options[:class]) klass_opts << "lazy" options[:class] = klass_opts.join(' ') source = placeholder_image end super(source, options) end # Required for Banzai::Filter::ImageLazyLoadFilter module_function :placeholder_image # rubocop: disable Style/AccessModifierDeclarations private def prepare_dark_variant(source, options) dark_variant = options.delete(:dark_variant) auto_dark = options.delete(:auto_dark) if dark_variant && auto_dark raise ArgumentError, "dark_variant and auto_dark are mutually exclusive" end if (auto_dark || dark_variant) && user_application_dark_mode? if auto_dark options[:class] = 'gl-dark-invert-keep-hue' elsif dark_variant source = dark_variant end end [source, options] end end