# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module JiraImport class ImportIssueWorker # rubocop:disable Scalability/IdempotentWorker include ApplicationWorker data_consistency :always sidekiq_options retry: 3 include NotifyUponDeath include Gitlab::JiraImport::QueueOptions include Gitlab::Import::DatabaseHelpers loggable_arguments 3 def perform(project_id, jira_issue_id, issue_attributes, waiter_key) create_issue(issue_attributes, project_id) rescue StandardError => ex # Todo: Record jira issue id(or better jira issue key), # so that we can report the list of failed to import issues to the user # see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/211653 # # It's possible the project has been deleted since scheduling this # job. In this case we'll just skip creating the issue. Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(ex, project_id: project_id) JiraImport.increment_issue_failures(project_id) ensure # ensure we notify job waiter that the job has finished JobWaiter.notify(waiter_key, jid) if waiter_key end private def create_issue(issue_attributes, project_id) label_ids = issue_attributes.delete('label_ids') assignee_ids = issue_attributes.delete('assignee_ids') issue_id = insert_and_return_id(issue_attributes, Issue) label_issue(project_id, issue_id, label_ids) assign_issue(project_id, issue_id, assignee_ids) issue_id end def label_issue(project_id, issue_id, label_ids) label_link_attrs = label_ids.to_a.map do |label_id| build_label_attrs(issue_id, label_id.to_i) end import_label_id = JiraImport.get_import_label_id(project_id) return unless import_label_id label_link_attrs << build_label_attrs(issue_id, import_label_id.to_i) ApplicationRecord.legacy_bulk_insert(LabelLink.table_name, label_link_attrs) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/BulkInsert end def assign_issue(project_id, issue_id, assignee_ids) return if assignee_ids.blank? assignee_attrs = assignee_ids.map { |user_id| { issue_id: issue_id, user_id: user_id } } ApplicationRecord.legacy_bulk_insert(IssueAssignee.table_name, assignee_attrs) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/BulkInsert end def build_label_attrs(issue_id, label_id) time = Time.current { label_id: label_id, target_id: issue_id, target_type: 'Issue', created_at: time, updated_at: time } end end end end