class Route < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :source, polymorphic: true validates :source, presence: true validates :path, length: { within: 1..255 }, presence: true, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false } after_create :delete_conflicting_redirects after_update :delete_conflicting_redirects, if: :path_changed? after_update :create_redirect_for_old_path after_update :rename_descendants scope :inside_path, -> (path) { where('routes.path LIKE ?', "#{sanitize_sql_like(path)}/%") } def rename_descendants return unless path_changed? || name_changed? descendant_routes = self.class.inside_path(path_was) descendant_routes.each do |route| attributes = {} if path_changed? && route.path.present? attributes[:path] = route.path.sub(path_was, path) end if name_changed? && name_was.present? && attributes[:name] =, name) end if attributes.present? old_path = route.path # Callbacks must be run manually route.update_columns(attributes.merge(updated_at: # We are not calling route.delete_conflicting_redirects here, in hopes # of avoiding deadlocks. The parent (self, in this method) already # called it, which deletes conflicts for all descendants. route.create_redirect(old_path) if attributes[:path] end end end def delete_conflicting_redirects conflicting_redirects.delete_all end def conflicting_redirects RedirectRoute.matching_path_and_descendants(path) end def create_redirect(path) RedirectRoute.create(source: source, path: path) end private def create_redirect_for_old_path create_redirect(path_was) if path_changed? end end