module Gitlab module HealthChecks class FsShardsCheck extend BaseAbstractCheck RANDOM_STRING = SecureRandom.hex(1000).freeze COMMAND_TIMEOUT = '1'.freeze TIMEOUT_EXECUTABLE = 'timeout'.freeze class << self def readiness do |storage_name| begin if !storage_circuitbreaker_test(storage_name), 'circuitbreaker tripped', shard: storage_name) elsif !storage_stat_test(storage_name), 'cannot stat storage', shard: storage_name) else with_temp_file(storage_name) do |tmp_file_path| if !storage_write_test(tmp_file_path), 'cannot write to storage', shard: storage_name) elsif !storage_read_test(tmp_file_path), 'cannot read from storage', shard: storage_name) else, nil, shard: storage_name) end end end rescue RuntimeError => ex message = "unexpected error #{ex} when checking storage #{storage_name}" Rails.logger.error(message), message, shard: storage_name) end end end def metrics repository_storages.flat_map do |storage_name| [ storage_stat_metrics(storage_name), storage_write_metrics(storage_name), storage_read_metrics(storage_name), storage_circuitbreaker_metrics(storage_name) ].flatten end end private def operation_metrics(ok_metric, latency_metric, **labels) result, elapsed = yield [ metric(latency_metric, elapsed, **labels), metric(ok_metric, result ? 1 : 0, **labels) ] rescue RuntimeError => ex Rails.logger.error("unexpected error #{ex} when checking #{ok_metric}") [metric(ok_metric, 0, **labels)] end def repository_storages @repository_storage ||= Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings.repository_storages end def storages_paths @storage_paths ||= Gitlab.config.repositories.storages end def exec_with_timeout(cmd_args, *args, &block) Gitlab::Popen.popen([TIMEOUT_EXECUTABLE, COMMAND_TIMEOUT].concat(cmd_args), *args, &block) end def with_temp_file(storage_name) temp_file_path = Dir::Tmpname.create(%w(fs_shards_check +deleted), storage_path(storage_name)) { |path| path } yield temp_file_path ensure delete_test_file(temp_file_path) end def storage_path(storage_name) storages_paths&.dig(storage_name, 'path') end # All below test methods use shell commands to perform actions on storage volumes. # In case a storage volume have connectivity problems causing pure Ruby IO operation to wait indefinitely, # we can rely on shell commands to be terminated once `timeout` kills them. # # However we also fallback to pure Ruby file operations in case a specific shell command is missing # so we are still able to perform healthchecks and gather metrics from such system. def delete_test_file(tmp_path) _, status = exec_with_timeout(%W{ rm -f #{tmp_path} }) rescue Errno::ENOENT File.delete(tmp_path) rescue Errno::ENOENT end def storage_stat_test(storage_name) stat_path = File.join(storage_path(storage_name), '.') begin _, status = exec_with_timeout(%W{ stat #{stat_path} }) rescue Errno::ENOENT File.exist?(stat_path) && end end def storage_write_test(tmp_path) _, status = exec_with_timeout(%W{ tee #{tmp_path} }) do |stdin| stdin.write(RANDOM_STRING) end rescue Errno::ENOENT written_bytes = File.write(tmp_path, RANDOM_STRING) rescue Errno::ENOENT written_bytes == RANDOM_STRING.length end def storage_read_test(tmp_path) _, status = exec_with_timeout(%W{ diff #{tmp_path} - }) do |stdin| stdin.write(RANDOM_STRING) end rescue Errno::ENOENT file_contents = rescue Errno::ENOENT file_contents == RANDOM_STRING end def storage_circuitbreaker_test(storage_name) { "OK" } rescue Gitlab::Git::Storage::Inaccessible nil end def storage_stat_metrics(storage_name) operation_metrics(:filesystem_accessible, :filesystem_access_latency_seconds, shard: storage_name) do with_timing { storage_stat_test(storage_name) } end end def storage_write_metrics(storage_name) operation_metrics(:filesystem_writable, :filesystem_write_latency_seconds, shard: storage_name) do with_temp_file(storage_name) do |tmp_file_path| with_timing { storage_write_test(tmp_file_path) } end end end def storage_read_metrics(storage_name) operation_metrics(:filesystem_readable, :filesystem_read_latency_seconds, shard: storage_name) do with_temp_file(storage_name) do |tmp_file_path| storage_write_test(tmp_file_path) # writes data used by read test with_timing { storage_read_test(tmp_file_path) } end end end def storage_circuitbreaker_metrics(storage_name) operation_metrics(:filesystem_circuitbreaker, :filesystem_circuitbreaker_latency_seconds, shard: storage_name) do with_timing { storage_circuitbreaker_test(storage_name) } end end end end end end