module API class Runner < Grape::API helpers ::API::Helpers::Runner resource :runners do desc 'Registers a new Runner' do success Entities::RunnerRegistrationDetails http_codes [[201, 'Runner was created'], [403, 'Forbidden']] end params do requires :token, type: String, desc: 'Registration token' optional :description, type: String, desc: %q(Runner's description) optional :info, type: Hash, desc: %q(Runner's metadata) optional :locked, type: Boolean, desc: 'Should Runner be locked for current project' optional :run_untagged, type: Boolean, desc: 'Should Runner handle untagged jobs' optional :tag_list, type: Array[String], desc: %q(List of Runner's tags) end post '/' do attributes = attributes_for_keys [:description, :locked, :run_untagged, :tag_list] runner = if runner_registration_token_valid? # Create shared runner. Requires admin access Ci::Runner.create(attributes.merge(is_shared: true)) elsif project = Project.find_by(runners_token: params[:token]) # Create a specific runner for project. project.runners.create(attributes) end return forbidden! unless runner if runner.update(get_runner_version_from_params) present runner, with: Entities::RunnerRegistrationDetails else not_found! end end desc 'Deletes a registered Runner' do http_codes [[204, 'Runner was deleted'], [403, 'Forbidden']] end params do requires :token, type: String, desc: %q(Runner's authentication token) end delete '/' do authenticate_runner! Ci::Runner.find_by_token(params[:token]).destroy end end resource :jobs do desc 'Request a job' do success Entities::JobRequest::Response end params do requires :token, type: String, desc: %q(Runner's authentication token) optional :last_update, type: String, desc: %q(Runner's queue last_update token) optional :info, type: Hash, desc: %q(Runner's metadata) end post '/request' do authenticate_runner! not_found! unless update_runner_info if current_runner.is_runner_queue_value_latest?(params[:last_update]) header 'X-GitLab-Last-Update', params[:last_update] Gitlab::Metrics.add_event(:build_not_found_cached) return job_not_found! end new_update = current_runner.ensure_runner_queue_value result = if result.valid? if Gitlab::Metrics.add_event(:build_found, project: present, with: Entities::JobRequest::Response else Gitlab::Metrics.add_event(:build_not_found) header 'X-GitLab-Last-Update', new_update job_not_found! end else # We received build that is invalid due to concurrency conflict Gitlab::Metrics.add_event(:build_invalid) conflict! end end desc 'Updates a job' do http_codes [[200, 'Job was updated'], [403, 'Forbidden']] end params do requires :token, type: String, desc: %q(Runners's authentication token) requires :id, type: Fixnum, desc: %q(Job's ID) optional :trace, type: String, desc: %q(Job's full trace) optional :state, type: String, desc: %q(Job's status: success, failed) end put '/:id' do job = Ci::Build.find_by_id(params[:id]) authenticate_job!(job) job.update_attributes(trace: params[:trace]) if params[:trace] Gitlab::Metrics.add_event(:update_build, project: job.project.path_with_namespace) case params[:state].to_s when 'success' job.success when 'failed' job.drop end end desc 'Appends a patch to the job.trace' do http_codes [[202, 'Trace was patched'], [400, 'Missing Content-Range header'], [403, 'Forbidden'], [416, 'Range not satisfiable']] end params do requires :id, type: Fixnum, desc: %q(Job's ID) optional :token, type: String, desc: %q(Job's authentication token) end patch '/:id/trace' do job = Ci::Build.find_by_id(params[:id]) authenticate_job!(job) error!('400 Missing header Content-Range', 400) unless request.headers.has_key?('Content-Range') content_range = request.headers['Content-Range'] content_range = content_range.split('-') current_length = job.trace_length unless current_length == content_range[0].to_i return error!('416 Range Not Satisfiable', 416, { 'Range' => "0-#{current_length}" }) end job.append_trace(, content_range[0].to_i) status 202 header 'Job-Status', job.status header 'Range', "0-#{job.trace_length}" end end end end