module ProjectsHelper def link_to_project(project) link_to [project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), project], title: h( do title = content_tag(:span,, class: 'project-name') if project.namespace namespace = content_tag(:span, "#{project.namespace.human_name} / ", class: 'namespace-name') title = namespace + title end title end end def link_to_member_avatar(author, opts = {}) default_opts = { avatar: true, name: true, size: 16, author_class: 'author', title: ":name" } opts = default_opts.merge(opts) image_tag(avatar_icon(author, opts[:size]), width: opts[:size], class: "avatar avatar-inline #{"s#{opts[:size]}" if opts[:size]}", alt: '') if opts[:avatar] end def link_to_member(project, author, opts = {}, &block) default_opts = { avatar: true, name: true, size: 16, author_class: 'author', title: ":name", tooltip: false } opts = default_opts.merge(opts) return "(deleted)" unless author author_html = "" # Build avatar image tag author_html << image_tag(avatar_icon(author, opts[:size]), width: opts[:size], class: "avatar avatar-inline #{"s#{opts[:size]}" if opts[:size]} #{opts[:avatar_class] if opts[:avatar_class]}", alt: '') if opts[:avatar] # Build name span tag if opts[:by_username] author_html << content_tag(:span, sanitize("@#{author.username}"), class: opts[:author_class]) if opts[:name] else tooltip_data = { placement: 'top' } author_html << content_tag(:span, sanitize(, class: [opts[:author_class], ('has-tooltip' if opts[:tooltip])], title: (author.to_reference if opts[:tooltip]), data: (tooltip_data if opts[:tooltip])) if opts[:name] end author_html << capture(&block) if block author_html = author_html.html_safe if opts[:name] link_to(author_html, user_path(author), class: "author_link #{"#{opts[:extra_class]}" if opts[:extra_class]} #{"#{opts[:mobile_classes]}" if opts[:mobile_classes]}").html_safe else title = opts[:title].sub(":name", sanitize( link_to(author_html, user_path(author), class: "author_link has-tooltip", title: title, data: { container: 'body' } ).html_safe end end def project_title(project) namespace_link = if group_title( else owner = project.namespace.owner link_to(simple_sanitize(, user_path(owner)) end project_link = link_to simple_sanitize(, project_path(project), { class: "project-item-select-holder" } if current_user project_link << button_tag(type: 'button', class: "dropdown-toggle-caret js-projects-dropdown-toggle", aria: { label: "Toggle switch project dropdown" }, data: { target: ".js-dropdown-menu-projects", toggle: "dropdown" }) do icon("chevron-down") end end "#{namespace_link} / #{project_link}".html_safe end def remove_project_message(project) "You are going to remove #{project.name_with_namespace}.\n Removed project CANNOT be restored!\n Are you ABSOLUTELY sure?" end def transfer_project_message(project) "You are going to transfer #{project.name_with_namespace} to another owner. Are you ABSOLUTELY sure?" end def remove_fork_project_message(project) "You are going to remove the fork relationship to source project #{@project.forked_from_project.name_with_namespace}. Are you ABSOLUTELY sure?" end def project_nav_tabs @nav_tabs ||= get_project_nav_tabs(@project, current_user) end def project_nav_tab?(name) project_nav_tabs.include? name end def project_for_deploy_key(deploy_key) if deploy_key.projects.include?(@project) @project else deploy_key.projects.find { |project| can?(current_user, :read_project, project) } end end def can_change_visibility_level?(project, current_user) return false unless can?(current_user, :change_visibility_level, project) if project.forked? project.forked_from_project.visibility_level > Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE else true end end def license_short_name(project) return 'LICENSE' if project.repository.license_key.nil? license = license.nickname || end def last_push_event return unless current_user project_ids = [] if fork = current_user.fork_of(@project) project_ids << end current_user.recent_push(project_ids) end def project_feature_access_select(field) # Don't show option "everyone with access" if project is private options = project_feature_options if @project.private? level = @project.project_feature.send(field) options.delete('Everyone with access') highest_available_option = options.values.max if level == ProjectFeature::ENABLED end options = options_for_select(options, selected: highest_available_option || @project.project_feature.public_send(field)) content_tag( :select, options, name: "project[project_feature_attributes][#{field}]", id: "project_project_feature_attributes_#{field}", class: "pull-right form-control #{repo_children_classes(field)}", data: { field: field } ).html_safe end private def repo_children_classes(field) needs_repo_check = [:merge_requests_access_level, :builds_access_level] return unless needs_repo_check.include?(field) classes = "project-repo-select js-repo-select" classes << " disabled" unless @project.feature_available?(:repository, current_user) classes end def get_project_nav_tabs(project, current_user) nav_tabs = [:home] if !project.empty_repo? && can?(current_user, :download_code, project) nav_tabs << [:files, :commits, :network, :graphs, :forks] end if project.repo_exists? && can?(current_user, :read_merge_request, project) nav_tabs << :merge_requests end if can?(current_user, :read_pipeline, project) nav_tabs << :pipelines end if can?(current_user, :read_build, project) nav_tabs << :builds end if Gitlab.config.registry.enabled && can?(current_user, :read_container_image, project) nav_tabs << :container_registry end if can?(current_user, :read_environment, project) nav_tabs << :environments end if can?(current_user, :admin_project, project) nav_tabs << :settings end if can?(current_user, :read_project_member, project) nav_tabs << :team end if can?(current_user, :read_issue, project) nav_tabs << :issues end if can?(current_user, :read_wiki, project) nav_tabs << :wiki end if can?(current_user, :read_project_snippet, project) nav_tabs << :snippets end if can?(current_user, :read_label, project) nav_tabs << :labels end if can?(current_user, :read_milestone, project) nav_tabs << :milestones end nav_tabs.flatten end def project_lfs_status(project) if project.lfs_enabled? content_tag(:span, class: 'lfs-enabled') do 'Enabled' end else content_tag(:span, class: 'lfs-disabled') do 'Disabled' end end end def git_user_name if current_user else "Your name" end end def git_user_email if current_user else "" end end def repository_size(project = @project) size_in_bytes = project.repository_size * 1.megabyte number_to_human_size(size_in_bytes, delimiter: ',', precision: 2) end def default_url_to_repo(project = @project) case default_clone_protocol when 'ssh' project.ssh_url_to_repo else project.http_url_to_repo end end def default_clone_protocol if allowed_protocols_present? enabled_protocol else if !current_user || current_user.require_ssh_key? gitlab_config.protocol else 'ssh' end end end def project_last_activity(project) if project.last_activity_at time_ago_with_tooltip(project.last_activity_at, placement: 'bottom', html_class: 'last_activity_time_ago') else "Never" end end def add_special_file_path(project, file_name:, commit_message: nil) namespace_project_new_blob_path( project.namespace, project, project.default_branch || 'master', file_name: file_name, commit_message: commit_message || "Add #{file_name.downcase}" ) end def add_koding_stack_path(project) namespace_project_new_blob_path( project.namespace, project, project.default_branch || 'master', file_name: '.koding.yml', commit_message: "Add Koding stack script", content: <<-CONTENT.strip_heredoc provider: aws: access_key: '${var.aws_access_key}' secret_key: '${var.aws_secret_key}' resource: aws_instance: #{project.path}-vm: instance_type: t2.nano user_data: |- # Created by GitLab UI for :> echo _KD_NOTIFY_@Installing Base packages...@ apt-get update -y apt-get install git -y echo _KD_NOTIFY_@Cloning #{}...@ export KODING_USER=${var.koding_user_username} export REPO_URL=#{root_url}${var.koding_queryString_repo}.git export BRANCH=${var.koding_queryString_branch} sudo -i -u $KODING_USER git clone $REPO_URL -b $BRANCH echo _KD_NOTIFY_@#{} cloned.@ CONTENT ) end def koding_project_url(project = nil, branch = nil, sha = nil) if project import_path = "/Home/Stacks/import" repo = project.path_with_namespace branch ||= project.default_branch sha ||= project.commit.short_id path = "#{import_path}?repo=#{repo}&branch=#{branch}&sha=#{sha}" return URI.join(current_application_settings.koding_url, path).to_s end current_application_settings.koding_url end def contribution_guide_path(project) if project && contribution_guide = project.repository.contribution_guide namespace_project_blob_path( project.namespace, project, tree_join(project.default_branch, ) end end def readme_path(project) filename_path(project, :readme) end def changelog_path(project) filename_path(project, :changelog) end def license_path(project) filename_path(project, :license_blob) end def version_path(project) filename_path(project, :version) end def ci_configuration_path(project) filename_path(project, :gitlab_ci_yml) end def project_wiki_path_with_version(proj, page, version, is_newest) url_params = is_newest ? {} : { version_id: version } namespace_project_wiki_path(proj.namespace, proj, page, url_params) end def project_status_css_class(status) case status when "started" "active" when "failed" "danger" when "finished" "success" end end def readme_cache_key sha = @project.commit.try(:sha) || 'nil' [@project.path_with_namespace, sha, "readme"].join('-') end def round_commit_count(project) count = project.commit_count if count > 10000 '10000+' elsif count > 5000 '5000+' elsif count > 1000 '1000+' else count end end def current_ref @ref || @repository.try(:root_ref) end def filename_path(project, filename) if project && blob = project.repository.send(filename) namespace_project_blob_path( project.namespace, project, tree_join(project.default_branch, ) end end def sanitize_repo_path(project, message) return '' unless message.present? message.strip.gsub(project.repository_storage_path.chomp('/'), "[REPOS PATH]") end def project_feature_options { 'Disabled' => ProjectFeature::DISABLED, 'Only team members' => ProjectFeature::PRIVATE, 'Everyone with access' => ProjectFeature::ENABLED } end def project_child_container_class(view_path) view_path == "projects/issues/issues" ? "prepend-top-default" : "project-show-#{view_path}" end def project_issues(project), project_id: end end