module Users # Service for refreshing the authorized projects of a user. # # This particular service class can not be used to update data for the same # user concurrently. Doing so could lead to an incorrect state. To ensure this # doesn't happen a caller must synchronize access (e.g. using # `Gitlab::ExclusiveLease`). # # Usage: # # user = User.find_by(username: 'alice') # service = # service.execute class RefreshAuthorizedProjectsService attr_reader :user LEASE_TIMEOUT = 1.minute.to_i # user - The User for which to refresh the authorized projects. def initialize(user) @user = user # We need an up to date User object that has access to all relations that # may have been created earlier. The only way to ensure this is to reload # the User object. user.reload end # This method returns the updated User object. def execute current = current_authorizations_per_project fresh = fresh_access_levels_per_project remove = current.each_with_object([]) do |(project_id, row), array| # rows not in the new list or with a different access level should be # removed. if !fresh[project_id] || fresh[project_id] != row.access_level array << end end add = fresh.each_with_object([]) do |(project_id, level), array| # rows not in the old list or with a different access level should be # added. if !current[project_id] || current[project_id].access_level != level array << [, project_id, level] end end update_with_lease(remove, add) end # Updates the list of authorizations using an exclusive lease. def update_with_lease(remove = [], add = []) lease_key = "refresh_authorized_projects:#{}" lease =, timeout: LEASE_TIMEOUT) until uuid = lease.try_obtain # Keep trying until we obtain the lease. If we don't do so we may end up # not updating the list of authorized projects properly. To prevent # hammering Redis too much we'll wait for a bit between retries. sleep(1) end begin update_authorizations(remove, add) ensure Gitlab::ExclusiveLease.cancel(lease_key, uuid) end end # Updates the list of authorizations for the current user. # # remove - The IDs of the authorization rows to remove. # add - Rows to insert in the form `[user id, project id, access level]` def update_authorizations(remove = [], add = []) return if remove.empty? && add.empty? && user.authorized_projects_populated User.transaction do user.remove_project_authorizations(remove) unless remove.empty? ProjectAuthorization.insert_authorizations(add) unless add.empty? user.set_authorized_projects_column end # Since we batch insert authorization rows, Rails' associations may get # out of sync. As such we force a reload of the User object. user.reload end def fresh_access_levels_per_project fresh_authorizations.each_with_object({}) do |row, hash| hash[row.project_id] = row.access_level end end def current_authorizations_per_project current_authorizations.each_with_object({}) do |row, hash| hash[row.project_id] = row end end def current_authorizations, :project_id, :access_level) end def fresh_authorizations ProjectAuthorization. unscoped. select('project_id, MAX(access_level) AS access_level'). from("(#{project_authorizations_union.to_sql}) #{ProjectAuthorization.table_name}"). group(:project_id) end private # Returns a union query of projects that the user is authorized to access def project_authorizations_union relations = ["#{} AS user_id, AS project_id, #{Gitlab::Access::MASTER} AS access_level"), user.groups_projects.select_for_project_authorization, user.projects.select_for_project_authorization, user.groups.joins(:shared_projects).select_for_project_authorization ] end end end