class PostReceive include Sidekiq::Worker include DedicatedSidekiqQueue def perform(repo_path, identifier, changes) repo_relative_path = Gitlab::RepoPath.strip_storage_path(repo_path) changes = Base64.decode64(changes) unless changes.include?(' ') # Use Sidekiq.logger so arguments can be correlated with execution # time and thread ID's. "changes: #{changes.inspect}" if ENV['SIDEKIQ_LOG_ARGUMENTS'] post_received =, identifier, changes) if post_received.project.nil? log("Triggered hook for non-existing project with full path \"#{repo_relative_path}\"") return false end if # Nothing defined here yet. elsif post_received.regular_project? process_project_changes(post_received) else log("Triggered hook for unidentifiable repository type with full path \"#{repo_relative_path}\"") false end end def process_project_changes(post_received) post_received.changes.each do |change| oldrev, newrev, ref = change.strip.split(' ') @user ||= post_received.identify(newrev) unless @user log("Triggered hook for non-existing user \"#{post_received.identifier}\"") return false end if Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(ref), @user, oldrev: oldrev, newrev: newrev, ref: ref).execute elsif Gitlab::Git.branch_ref?(ref), @user, oldrev: oldrev, newrev: newrev, ref: ref).execute end end end private def log(message) Gitlab::GitLogger.error("POST-RECEIVE: #{message}") end end