module DiffHelper def mark_inline_diffs(old_line, new_line) old_diffs, new_diffs =, new_line).inline_diffs marked_old_line =, mode: :deletion) marked_new_line =, mode: :addition) [marked_old_line, marked_new_line] end def diffs_expanded? params[:expanded].present? end def diff_view @diff_view ||= begin diff_views = %w(inline parallel) diff_view = params[:view] || cookies[:diff_view] diff_view = diff_views.first unless diff_views.include?(diff_view) diff_view.to_sym end end def diff_options options = { ignore_whitespace_change: hide_whitespace?, expanded: diffs_expanded? } if action_name == 'diff_for_path' options[:expanded] = true options[:paths] = params.values_at(:old_path, :new_path) end options end def diff_match_line(old_pos, new_pos, text: '', view: :inline, bottom: false) content_line_class = %w[line_content match] content_line_class << 'parallel' if view == :parallel line_num_class = %w[diff-line-num unfold js-unfold] line_num_class << 'js-unfold-bottom' if bottom html = '' if old_pos html << content_tag(:td, '...', class: [*line_num_class, 'old_line'], data: { linenumber: old_pos }) html << content_tag(:td, text, class: [*content_line_class, 'left-side']) if view == :parallel end if new_pos html << content_tag(:td, '...', class: [*line_num_class, 'new_line'], data: { linenumber: new_pos }) html << content_tag(:td, text, class: [*content_line_class, ('right-side' if view == :parallel)]) end html.html_safe end def diff_line_content(line) if line.blank? " ".html_safe else # We can't use `sub` because the HTML-safeness of `line` will not survive. line[0] = '' if line.start_with?('+', '-', ' ') line end end def parallel_diff_discussions(left, right, diff_file) return unless @grouped_diff_discussions discussions_left = discussions_right = nil if left && left.discussable? && (left.unchanged? || left.removed?) line_code = diff_file.line_code(left) discussions_left = @grouped_diff_discussions[line_code] end if right && right.discussable? && right.added? line_code = diff_file.line_code(right) discussions_right = @grouped_diff_discussions[line_code] end [discussions_left, discussions_right] end def inline_diff_btn diff_btn('Inline', 'inline', diff_view == :inline) end def parallel_diff_btn diff_btn('Side-by-side', 'parallel', diff_view == :parallel) end def submodule_link(blob, ref, repository = @repository) project_url, tree_url = submodule_links(blob, ref, repository) commit_id = if tree_url.nil? Commit.truncate_sha( else link_to Commit.truncate_sha(, tree_url end [ content_tag(:span, link_to(truncate(, length: 40), project_url)), '@', content_tag(:span, commit_id, class: 'commit-sha') ].join(' ').html_safe end def diff_file_blob_raw_url(diff_file, only_path: false) project_raw_url(@project, tree_join(diff_file.content_sha, diff_file.file_path), only_path: only_path) end def diff_file_old_blob_raw_url(diff_file, only_path: false) sha = diff_file.old_content_sha return unless sha project_raw_url(@project, tree_join(diff_file.old_content_sha, diff_file.old_path), only_path: only_path) end def diff_file_blob_raw_path(diff_file) diff_file_blob_raw_url(diff_file, only_path: true) end def diff_file_old_blob_raw_path(diff_file) diff_file_old_blob_raw_url(diff_file, only_path: true) end def diff_file_html_data(project, diff_file_path, diff_commit_id) { blob_diff_path: project_blob_diff_path(project, tree_join(diff_commit_id, diff_file_path)), view: diff_view } end def editable_diff?(diff_file) !diff_file.deleted_file? && @merge_request && @merge_request.source_project end def diff_render_error_reason(viewer) case viewer.render_error when :too_large "it is too large" when :server_side_but_stored_externally case viewer.diff_file.external_storage when :lfs 'it is stored in LFS' else 'it is stored externally' end end end def diff_render_error_options(viewer) diff_file = viewer.diff_file options = [] blob_url = project_blob_path(@project, tree_join(diff_file.content_sha, diff_file.file_path)) options << link_to('view the blob', blob_url) options end def diff_file_changed_icon(diff_file) if diff_file.deleted_file? || diff_file.renamed_file? "file-deletion" elsif diff_file.new_file? "file-addition" else "file-modified" end end def diff_file_changed_icon_color(diff_file) if diff_file.deleted_file? "cred" elsif diff_file.new_file? "cgreen" end end private def diff_btn(title, name, selected) params_copy = params.dup params_copy[:view] = name # Always use HTML to handle case where JSON diff rendered this button params_copy.delete(:format) link_to url_for(params_copy), id: "#{name}-diff-btn", class: (selected ? 'btn active' : 'btn'), data: { view_type: name } do title end end def commit_diff_whitespace_link(project, commit, options) url = project_commit_path(project,, params_with_whitespace) toggle_whitespace_link(url, options) end def diff_merge_request_whitespace_link(project, merge_request, options) url = diffs_project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request, params_with_whitespace) toggle_whitespace_link(url, options) end def diff_compare_whitespace_link(project, from, to, options) url = project_compare_path(project, from, to, params_with_whitespace) toggle_whitespace_link(url, options) end def hide_whitespace? params[:w] == '1' end def params_with_whitespace hide_whitespace? ? request.query_parameters.except(:w) : request.query_parameters.merge(w: 1) end def toggle_whitespace_link(url, options) options[:class] ||= '' options[:class] << ' btn btn-default' link_to "#{hide_whitespace? ? 'Show' : 'Hide'} whitespace changes", url, class: options[:class] end def render_overflow_warning?(diff_files) diffs = @merge_request_diff.presence || diff_files diffs.overflow? end end