# frozen_string_literal: true module Backup class Manager FILE_NAME_SUFFIX = '_gitlab_backup.tar' MANIFEST_NAME = 'backup_information.yml' TaskDefinition = Struct.new( :destination_path, # Where the task should put its backup file/dir. :destination_optional, # `true` if the destination might not exist on a successful backup. :cleanup_path, # Path to remove after a successful backup. Uses `destination_path` when not specified. :task, keyword_init: true ) attr_reader :progress def initialize(progress, definitions: nil) @progress = progress force = ENV['force'] == 'yes' @incremental = Feature.feature_flags_available? && Feature.enabled?(:incremental_repository_backup, default_enabled: :yaml) && Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(ENV['INCREMENTAL'], default: false) @definitions = definitions || { 'db' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'db/database.sql.gz', cleanup_path: 'db', task: Database.new(progress, force: force) ), 'repositories' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'repositories', destination_optional: true, task: Repositories.new(progress, strategy: repository_backup_strategy) ), 'uploads' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'uploads.tar.gz', task: Uploads.new(progress) ), 'builds' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'builds.tar.gz', task: Builds.new(progress) ), 'artifacts' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'artifacts.tar.gz', task: Artifacts.new(progress) ), 'pages' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'pages.tar.gz', task: Pages.new(progress) ), 'lfs' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'lfs.tar.gz', task: Lfs.new(progress) ), 'terraform_state' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'terraform_state.tar.gz', task: TerraformState.new(progress) ), 'registry' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'registry.tar.gz', task: Registry.new(progress) ), 'packages' => TaskDefinition.new( destination_path: 'packages.tar.gz', task: Packages.new(progress) ) }.freeze end def create if incremental? unpack read_backup_information verify_backup_version end @definitions.keys.each do |task_name| run_create_task(task_name) end write_backup_information if skipped?('tar') upload else pack upload cleanup remove_old end puts_time "Warning: Your gitlab.rb and gitlab-secrets.json files contain sensitive data \n" \ "and are not included in this backup. You will need these files to restore a backup.\n" \ "Please back them up manually.".color(:red) puts_time "Backup #{backup_id} is done." end def run_create_task(task_name) definition = @definitions[task_name] build_backup_information unless definition.task.enabled puts_time "Dumping #{definition.task.human_name} ... ".color(:blue) + "[DISABLED]".color(:cyan) return end if skipped?(task_name) puts_time "Dumping #{definition.task.human_name} ... ".color(:blue) + "[SKIPPED]".color(:cyan) return end puts_time "Dumping #{definition.task.human_name} ... ".color(:blue) definition.task.dump(File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, definition.destination_path), backup_id) puts_time "Dumping #{definition.task.human_name} ... ".color(:blue) + "done".color(:green) rescue Backup::DatabaseBackupError, Backup::FileBackupError => e puts_time "Dumping #{definition.task.human_name} failed: #{e.message}".color(:red) end def restore cleanup_required = unpack read_backup_information verify_backup_version @definitions.keys.each do |task_name| run_restore_task(task_name) if !skipped?(task_name) && enabled_task?(task_name) end Rake::Task['gitlab:shell:setup'].invoke Rake::Task['cache:clear'].invoke if cleanup_required cleanup end remove_tmp puts_time "Warning: Your gitlab.rb and gitlab-secrets.json files contain sensitive data \n" \ "and are not included in this backup. You will need to restore these files manually.".color(:red) puts_time "Restore task is done." end def run_restore_task(task_name) definition = @definitions[task_name] unless definition.task.enabled puts_time "Restoring #{definition.task.human_name} ... ".color(:blue) + "[DISABLED]".color(:cyan) return end puts_time "Restoring #{definition.task.human_name} ... ".color(:blue) warning = definition.task.pre_restore_warning if warning.present? puts_time warning.color(:red) Gitlab::TaskHelpers.ask_to_continue end definition.task.restore(File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, definition.destination_path)) puts_time "Restoring #{definition.task.human_name} ... ".color(:blue) + "done".color(:green) warning = definition.task.post_restore_warning if warning.present? puts_time warning.color(:red) Gitlab::TaskHelpers.ask_to_continue end rescue Gitlab::TaskAbortedByUserError puts_time "Quitting...".color(:red) exit 1 end private def incremental? @incremental end def read_backup_information @backup_information ||= YAML.load_file(File.join(backup_path, MANIFEST_NAME)) end def write_backup_information # Make sure there is a connection ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! Dir.chdir(backup_path) do File.open("#{backup_path}/#{MANIFEST_NAME}", "w+") do |file| file << backup_information.to_yaml.gsub(/^---\n/, '') end end end def build_backup_information @backup_information ||= { db_version: ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version.to_s, backup_created_at: Time.now, gitlab_version: Gitlab::VERSION, tar_version: tar_version, installation_type: Gitlab::INSTALLATION_TYPE, skipped: ENV["SKIP"] } end def backup_information raise Backup::Error, "#{MANIFEST_NAME} not yet loaded" unless @backup_information @backup_information end def pack Dir.chdir(backup_path) do # create archive puts_time "Creating backup archive: #{tar_file} ... ".color(:blue) # Set file permissions on open to prevent chmod races. tar_system_options = { out: [tar_file, 'w', Gitlab.config.backup.archive_permissions] } if Kernel.system('tar', '-cf', '-', *backup_contents, tar_system_options) puts_time "Creating backup archive: #{tar_file} ... ".color(:blue) + 'done'.color(:green) else puts_time "Creating archive #{tar_file} failed".color(:red) raise Backup::Error, 'Backup failed' end end end def upload connection_settings = Gitlab.config.backup.upload.connection if connection_settings.blank? puts_time "Uploading backup archive to remote storage #{remote_directory} ... ".color(:blue) + "[SKIPPED]".color(:cyan) return end puts_time "Uploading backup archive to remote storage #{remote_directory} ... ".color(:blue) directory = connect_to_remote_directory upload = directory.files.create(create_attributes) if upload if upload.respond_to?(:encryption) && upload.encryption puts_time "Uploading backup archive to remote storage #{remote_directory} ... ".color(:blue) + "done (encrypted with #{upload.encryption})".color(:green) else puts_time "Uploading backup archive to remote storage #{remote_directory} ... ".color(:blue) + "done".color(:green) end else puts_time "Uploading backup to #{remote_directory} failed".color(:red) raise Backup::Error, 'Backup failed' end end def cleanup puts_time "Deleting tar staging files ... ".color(:blue) remove_backup_path(MANIFEST_NAME) @definitions.each do |_, definition| remove_backup_path(definition.cleanup_path || definition.destination_path) end puts_time "Deleting tar staging files ... ".color(:blue) + 'done'.color(:green) end def remove_backup_path(path) absolute_path = File.join(backup_path, path) return unless File.exist?(absolute_path) puts_time "Cleaning up #{absolute_path}" FileUtils.rm_rf(absolute_path) end def remove_tmp # delete tmp inside backups puts_time "Deleting backups/tmp ... ".color(:blue) FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(backup_path, "tmp")) puts_time "Deleting backups/tmp ... ".color(:blue) + "done".color(:green) end def remove_old # delete backups keep_time = Gitlab.config.backup.keep_time.to_i if keep_time <= 0 puts_time "Deleting old backups ... ".color(:blue) + "[SKIPPED]".color(:cyan) return end puts_time "Deleting old backups ... ".color(:blue) removed = 0 Dir.chdir(backup_path) do backup_file_list.each do |file| # For backward compatibility, there are 3 names the backups can have: # - 1495527122_gitlab_backup.tar # - 1495527068_2017_05_23_gitlab_backup.tar # - 1495527097_2017_05_23_9.3.0-pre_gitlab_backup.tar matched = backup_file?(file) next unless matched timestamp = matched[1].to_i if Time.at(timestamp) < (Time.now - keep_time) begin FileUtils.rm(file) removed += 1 rescue StandardError => e puts_time "Deleting #{file} failed: #{e.message}".color(:red) end end end end puts_time "Deleting old backups ... ".color(:blue) + "done. (#{removed} removed)".color(:green) end def verify_backup_version Dir.chdir(backup_path) do # restoring mismatching backups can lead to unexpected problems if backup_information[:gitlab_version] != Gitlab::VERSION progress.puts(<<~HEREDOC.color(:red)) GitLab version mismatch: Your current GitLab version (#{Gitlab::VERSION}) differs from the GitLab version in the backup! Please switch to the following version and try again: version: #{backup_information[:gitlab_version]} HEREDOC progress.puts progress.puts "Hint: git checkout v#{backup_information[:gitlab_version]}" exit 1 end end end def unpack if ENV['BACKUP'].blank? && non_tarred_backup? puts_time "Non tarred backup found in #{backup_path}, using that" return false end Dir.chdir(backup_path) do # check for existing backups in the backup dir if backup_file_list.empty? puts_time "No backups found in #{backup_path}" puts_time "Please make sure that file name ends with #{FILE_NAME_SUFFIX}" exit 1 elsif backup_file_list.many? && ENV["BACKUP"].nil? puts_time 'Found more than one backup:' # print list of available backups puts_time " " + available_timestamps.join("\n ") if incremental? puts_time 'Please specify which one you want to create an incremental backup for:' puts_time 'rake gitlab:backup:create INCREMENTAL=true BACKUP=timestamp_of_backup' else puts_time 'Please specify which one you want to restore:' puts_time 'rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=timestamp_of_backup' end exit 1 end tar_file = if ENV['BACKUP'].present? File.basename(ENV['BACKUP']) + FILE_NAME_SUFFIX else backup_file_list.first end unless File.exist?(tar_file) puts_time "The backup file #{tar_file} does not exist!" exit 1 end puts_time 'Unpacking backup ... '.color(:blue) if Kernel.system(*%W(tar -xf #{tar_file})) puts_time 'Unpacking backup ... '.color(:blue) + 'done'.color(:green) else puts_time 'Unpacking backup failed'.color(:red) exit 1 end end end def tar_version tar_version, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%w(tar --version)) tar_version.dup.force_encoding('locale').split("\n").first end def skipped?(item) ENV.fetch('SKIP', '').include?(item) || backup_information[:skipped] && backup_information[:skipped].include?(item) end def enabled_task?(task_name) @definitions[task_name].task.enabled end def backup_file?(file) file.match(/^(\d{10})(?:_\d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2}(_\d+\.\d+\.\d+((-|\.)(pre|rc\d))?(-ee)?)?)?_gitlab_backup\.tar$/) end def non_tarred_backup? File.exist?(File.join(backup_path, MANIFEST_NAME)) end def backup_path Gitlab.config.backup.path end def backup_file_list @backup_file_list ||= Dir.glob("*#{FILE_NAME_SUFFIX}") end def available_timestamps @backup_file_list.map {|item| item.gsub("#{FILE_NAME_SUFFIX}", "")} end def object_storage_config @object_storage_config ||= begin ObjectStorage::Config.new(Gitlab.config.backup.upload) end end def connect_to_remote_directory connection = ::Fog::Storage.new(object_storage_config.credentials) # We only attempt to create the directory for local backups. For AWS # and other cloud providers, we cannot guarantee the user will have # permission to create the bucket. if connection.service == ::Fog::Storage::Local connection.directories.create(key: remote_directory) else connection.directories.new(key: remote_directory) end end def remote_directory Gitlab.config.backup.upload.remote_directory end def remote_target if ENV['DIRECTORY'] File.join(ENV['DIRECTORY'], tar_file) else tar_file end end def backup_contents [MANIFEST_NAME] + @definitions.reject do |name, definition| skipped?(name) || !enabled_task?(name) || (definition.destination_optional && !File.exist?(File.join(backup_path, definition.destination_path))) end.values.map(&:destination_path) end def tar_file @tar_file ||= "#{backup_id}#{FILE_NAME_SUFFIX}" end def backup_id @backup_id ||= if ENV['BACKUP'].present? File.basename(ENV['BACKUP']) else "#{backup_information[:backup_created_at].strftime('%s_%Y_%m_%d_')}#{backup_information[:gitlab_version]}" end end def create_attributes attrs = { key: remote_target, body: File.open(File.join(backup_path, tar_file)), multipart_chunk_size: Gitlab.config.backup.upload.multipart_chunk_size, storage_class: Gitlab.config.backup.upload.storage_class }.merge(encryption_attributes) # Google bucket-only policies prevent setting an ACL. In any case, by default, # all objects are set to the default ACL, which is project-private: # https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/defaultObjectAccessControls attrs[:public] = false unless google_provider? attrs end def encryption_attributes return object_storage_config.fog_attributes if object_storage_config.aws_server_side_encryption_enabled? # Use customer-managed keys. Also, this preserves # backward-compatibility for existing usages of `SSE-S3` that # don't set `backup.upload.storage_options.server_side_encryption` # to `'AES256'`. { encryption_key: Gitlab.config.backup.upload.encryption_key, encryption: Gitlab.config.backup.upload.encryption } end def google_provider? Gitlab.config.backup.upload.connection&.provider&.downcase == 'google' end def repository_backup_strategy max_concurrency = ENV['GITLAB_BACKUP_MAX_CONCURRENCY'].presence max_storage_concurrency = ENV['GITLAB_BACKUP_MAX_STORAGE_CONCURRENCY'].presence Backup::GitalyBackup.new(progress, incremental: incremental?, max_parallelism: max_concurrency, storage_parallelism: max_storage_concurrency) end def puts_time(msg) progress.puts "#{Time.now} -- #{msg}" Gitlab::BackupLogger.info(message: "#{Rainbow.uncolor(msg)}") end end end Backup::Manager.prepend_mod