# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Note do include RepoHelpers describe 'associations' do it { is_expected.to belong_to(:project) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:noteable).touch(false) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:author).class_name('User') } it { is_expected.to have_many(:todos) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:review).inverse_of(:notes) } end describe 'modules' do subject { described_class } it { is_expected.to include_module(Participable) } it { is_expected.to include_module(Mentionable) } it { is_expected.to include_module(Awardable) } it { is_expected.to include_module(Sortable) } end describe 'validation' do it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:note).is_at_most(1_000_000) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:note) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:project) } context 'when note is on commit' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:for_commit?).and_return(true) end it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:commit_id) } it { is_expected.not_to validate_presence_of(:noteable_id) } end context 'when note is not on commit' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:for_commit?).and_return(false) end it { is_expected.not_to validate_presence_of(:commit_id) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:noteable_id) } end context 'when noteable and note project differ' do subject do build(:note, noteable: build_stubbed(:issue), project: build_stubbed(:project)) end it { is_expected.to be_invalid } end context 'when noteable and note project are the same' do subject { create(:note) } it { is_expected.to be_valid } end context 'when project is missing for a project related note' do subject { build(:note, project: nil, noteable: build_stubbed(:issue)) } it { is_expected.to be_invalid } end context 'when noteable is a personal snippet' do subject { build(:note_on_personal_snippet, noteable: create(:personal_snippet)) } it 'is valid without project' do is_expected.to be_valid end end describe 'max notes limit' do let_it_be(:noteable) { create(:issue) } let_it_be(:existing_note) { create(:note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable) } before do stub_const('Noteable::MAX_NOTES_LIMIT', 1) end context 'when creating a system note' do subject { build(:system_note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable) } it { is_expected.to be_valid } end context 'when creating a user note' do subject { build(:note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable) } it { is_expected.not_to be_valid } end context 'when updating an existing note on a noteable that already exceeds the limit' do subject { existing_note } before do create(:system_note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable) end it { is_expected.to be_valid } end end describe 'created_at in the past' do let_it_be(:noteable) { create(:issue) } context 'when creating a note not too much in the past' do subject { build(:note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable, created_at: '1990-05-06') } it { is_expected.to be_valid } end context 'when creating a note too much in the past' do subject { build(:note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable, created_at: '1600-05-06') } it { is_expected.not_to be_valid } end end describe 'confidentiality' do context 'for existing public note' do let_it_be(:existing_note) { create(:note) } it 'is not possible to change the note to confidential' do existing_note.confidential = true expect(existing_note).not_to be_valid expect(existing_note.errors[:confidential]).to include('can not be changed for existing notes') end it 'is possible to change confidentiality from nil to false' do existing_note.confidential = false expect(existing_note).to be_valid end end context 'for existing confidential note' do let_it_be(:existing_note) { create(:note, confidential: true) } it 'is not possible to change the note to public' do existing_note.confidential = false expect(existing_note).not_to be_valid expect(existing_note.errors[:confidential]).to include('can not be changed for existing notes') end end context 'for a new note' do let_it_be(:noteable) { create(:issue) } let(:note_params) { { confidential: true, noteable: noteable, project: noteable.project } } subject { build(:note, **note_params) } it 'allows to create a confidential note for an issue' do expect(subject).to be_valid end context 'when noteable is not allowed to have confidential notes' do let_it_be(:noteable) { create(:merge_request) } it 'can not be set confidential' do expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:confidential]).to include('can not be set for this resource') end end context 'when note type is not allowed to be confidential' do let(:note_params) { { type: 'DiffNote', confidential: true, noteable: noteable, project: noteable.project } } it 'can not be set confidential' do expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:confidential]).to include('can not be set for this type of note') end end context 'when the note is a discussion note' do let(:note_params) { { type: 'DiscussionNote', confidential: true, noteable: noteable, project: noteable.project } } it { is_expected.to be_valid } end context 'when replying to a note' do let(:note_params) { { confidential: true, noteable: noteable, project: noteable.project } } subject { build(:discussion_note, discussion_id: original_note.discussion_id, **note_params) } context 'when the note is reply to a confidential note' do let_it_be(:original_note) { create(:note, confidential: true, noteable: noteable, project: noteable.project) } it { is_expected.to be_valid } end context 'when the note is reply to a public note' do let_it_be(:original_note) { create(:note, noteable: noteable, project: noteable.project) } it 'can not be set confidential' do expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:confidential]).to include('reply should have same confidentiality as top-level note') end end context 'when reply note is public but discussion is confidential' do let_it_be(:original_note) { create(:note, confidential: true, noteable: noteable, project: noteable.project) } let(:note_params) { { noteable: noteable, project: noteable.project } } it 'can not be set confidential' do expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:confidential]).to include('reply should have same confidentiality as top-level note') end end end end end end describe 'callbacks' do describe '#keep_around_commit' do let!(:noteable) { create(:issue) } it "calls #keep_around_commit normally" do note = build(:note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable) expect(note).to receive(:keep_around_commit) note.save! end it "skips #keep_around_commit if 'skip_keep_around_commits' is true" do note = build(:note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable, skip_keep_around_commits: true) expect(note).not_to receive(:keep_around_commit) note.save! end it "skips #keep_around_commit if 'importing' is true" do note = build(:note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable, importing: true) expect(note).not_to receive(:keep_around_commit) note.save! end end describe '#notify_after_create' do it 'calls #after_note_created on the noteable' do noteable = create(:issue) note = build(:note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable) expect(note).to receive(:notify_after_create).and_call_original expect(note.noteable).to receive(:after_note_created).with(note) note.save! end end describe '#notify_after_destroy' do it 'calls #after_note_destroyed on the noteable' do note = create(:note) expect(note).to receive(:notify_after_destroy).and_call_original expect(note.noteable).to receive(:after_note_destroyed).with(note) note.destroy! end it 'does not error if noteable is nil' do note = create(:note) expect(note).to receive(:notify_after_destroy).and_call_original expect(note).to receive(:noteable).at_least(:once).and_return(nil) expect { note.destroy! }.not_to raise_error end end end describe "Commit notes" do before do allow(Gitlab::Git::KeepAround).to receive(:execute).and_call_original end let!(:note) { create(:note_on_commit, note: "+1 from me") } let!(:commit) { note.noteable } it "is accessible through #noteable" do expect(note.commit_id).to eq(commit.id) expect(note.noteable).to be_a(Commit) expect(note.noteable).to eq(commit) end it "saves a valid note" do expect(note.commit_id).to eq(commit.id) note.noteable == commit end it "is recognized by #for_commit?" do expect(note).to be_for_commit end it "keeps the commit around" do repo = note.project.repository expect(repo.ref_exists?("refs/keep-around/#{commit.id}")).to be_truthy end it 'does not generate N+1 queries for participants', :request_store do def retrieve_participants commit.notes_with_associations.map(&:participants).to_a end # Project authorization checks are cached, establish a baseline retrieve_participants control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do retrieve_participants end create(:note_on_commit, project: note.project, note: 'another note', noteable_id: commit.id) expect { retrieve_participants }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count) end end describe 'authorization' do before do @p1 = create(:project) @p2 = create(:project) @u1 = create(:user) @u2 = create(:user) @u3 = create(:user) end describe 'read' do before do @p1.project_members.create!(user: @u2, access_level: ProjectMember::GUEST) @p2.project_members.create!(user: @u3, access_level: ProjectMember::GUEST) end it { expect(Ability.allowed?(@u1, :read_note, @p1)).to be_falsey } it { expect(Ability.allowed?(@u2, :read_note, @p1)).to be_truthy } it { expect(Ability.allowed?(@u3, :read_note, @p1)).to be_falsey } end describe 'write' do before do @p1.project_members.create!(user: @u2, access_level: ProjectMember::DEVELOPER) @p2.project_members.create!(user: @u3, access_level: ProjectMember::DEVELOPER) end it { expect(Ability.allowed?(@u1, :create_note, @p1)).to be_falsey } it { expect(Ability.allowed?(@u2, :create_note, @p1)).to be_truthy } it { expect(Ability.allowed?(@u3, :create_note, @p1)).to be_falsey } end describe 'admin' do before do @p1.project_members.create!(user: @u1, access_level: ProjectMember::REPORTER) @p1.project_members.create!(user: @u2, access_level: ProjectMember::MAINTAINER) @p2.project_members.create!(user: @u3, access_level: ProjectMember::MAINTAINER) end it { expect(Ability.allowed?(@u1, :admin_note, @p1)).to be_falsey } it { expect(Ability.allowed?(@u2, :admin_note, @p1)).to be_truthy } it { expect(Ability.allowed?(@u3, :admin_note, @p1)).to be_falsey } end end it_behaves_like 'an editable mentionable' do subject { create :note, noteable: issue, project: issue.project } let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: create(:project, :repository)) } let(:backref_text) { issue.gfm_reference } let(:set_mentionable_text) { ->(txt) { subject.note = txt } } end describe "#all_references" do let!(:note1) { create(:note_on_issue) } let!(:note2) { create(:note_on_issue) } it "reads the rendered note body from the cache" do expect(Banzai::Renderer).to receive(:cache_collection_render) .with([{ text: note1.note, context: { skip_project_check: false, pipeline: :note, cache_key: [note1, "note"], project: note1.project, rendered: note1.note_html, author: note1.author } }]).and_call_original expect(Banzai::Renderer).to receive(:cache_collection_render) .with([{ text: note2.note, context: { skip_project_check: false, pipeline: :note, cache_key: [note2, "note"], project: note2.project, rendered: note2.note_html, author: note2.author } }]).and_call_original note1.all_references.users note2.all_references.users end end describe "editable?" do it "returns true" do note = build(:note) expect(note.editable?).to be_truthy end it "returns false" do note = build(:note, system: true) expect(note.editable?).to be_falsy end end describe "noteable_author?" do let(:user1) { create(:user) } let(:user2) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } context 'when note is on commit' do let(:noteable) { create(:commit, project: project, author: user1) } context 'if user is the noteable author' do let(:note) { create(:discussion_note_on_commit, commit_id: noteable.id, project: project, author: user1) } let(:diff_note) { create(:diff_note_on_commit, commit_id: noteable.id, project: project, author: user1) } it 'returns true' do expect(note.noteable_author?(noteable)).to be true expect(diff_note.noteable_author?(noteable)).to be true end end context 'if user is not the noteable author' do let(:note) { create(:discussion_note_on_commit, commit_id: noteable.id, project: project, author: user2) } let(:diff_note) { create(:diff_note_on_commit, commit_id: noteable.id, project: project, author: user2) } it 'returns false' do expect(note.noteable_author?(noteable)).to be false expect(diff_note.noteable_author?(noteable)).to be false end end end context 'when note is on issue' do let(:noteable) { create(:issue, project: project, author: user1) } context 'if user is the noteable author' do let(:note) { create(:note, noteable: noteable, author: user1, project: project) } it 'returns true' do expect(note.noteable_author?(noteable)).to be true end end context 'if user is not the noteable author' do let(:note) { create(:note, noteable: noteable, author: user2, project: project) } it 'returns false' do expect(note.noteable_author?(noteable)).to be false end end end end describe "last_edited_at" do let(:timestamp) { Time.current } let(:note) { build(:note, last_edited_at: nil, created_at: timestamp, updated_at: timestamp + 5.hours) } context "with last_edited_at" do it "returns last_edited_at" do note.last_edited_at = timestamp expect(note.last_edited_at).to eq(timestamp) end end context "without last_edited_at" do it "returns updated_at" do expect(note.last_edited_at).to eq(timestamp + 5.hours) end end end describe "edited?" do let(:note) { build(:note, updated_by_id: nil, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current + 5.hours) } context "with updated_by" do it "returns true" do note.updated_by = build(:user) expect(note.edited?).to be_truthy end end context "without updated_by" do it "returns false" do expect(note.edited?).to be_falsy end end end describe '#confidential?' do context 'when note is not confidential' do context 'when include_noteable is set to true' do it 'is true when a noteable is confidential' do issue = create(:issue, :confidential) note = build(:note, noteable: issue, project: issue.project) expect(note.confidential?(include_noteable: true)).to be_truthy end end context 'when include_noteable is not set to true' do it 'is false when a noteable is confidential' do issue = create(:issue, :confidential) note = build(:note, noteable: issue, project: issue.project) expect(note.confidential?).to be_falsey end end it 'is false when a noteable is not confidential' do issue = create(:issue, confidential: false) note = build(:note, noteable: issue, project: issue.project) expect(note.confidential?).to be_falsy end it "is false when noteable can't be confidential" do commit_note = build(:note_on_commit) expect(commit_note.confidential?).to be_falsy end end context 'when note is confidential' do it 'is true even when a noteable is not confidential' do issue = create(:issue, confidential: false) note = build(:note, :confidential, noteable: issue, project: issue.project) expect(note.confidential?).to be_truthy end end end describe "#system_note_visible_for?" do let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:guest) { create(:project_member, :guest, project: project, user: create(:user)).user } let(:reporter) { create(:project_member, :reporter, project: project, user: create(:user)).user } let(:maintainer) { create(:project_member, :maintainer, project: project, user: create(:user)).user } let(:non_member) { create(:user) } let(:note) { create(:note, project: project) } context 'when project is public' do it_behaves_like 'users with note access' do let(:users) { [reporter, maintainer, guest, non_member, nil] } end end context 'when group is private' do let(:project) { create(:project, :private) } it_behaves_like 'users with note access' do let(:users) { [reporter, maintainer, guest] } end it 'returns visible but not readable for non-member user' do expect(note.system_note_visible_for?(non_member)).to be_truthy expect(note.readable_by?(non_member)).to be_falsy end it 'returns visible but not readable for a nil user' do expect(note.system_note_visible_for?(nil)).to be_truthy expect(note.readable_by?(nil)).to be_falsy end end end describe "#system_note_viewable_by?(user)" do let_it_be(:group) { create(:group, :private) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, group: group) } let_it_be(:note) { create(:note, project: project) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let(:action) { "commit" } let!(:metadata) { create(:system_note_metadata, note: note, action: action) } context "when system_note_metadata is not present" do it "returns true" do expect(note).to receive(:system_note_metadata).and_return(nil) expect(note.send(:system_note_viewable_by?, user)).to be_truthy end end context "system_note_metadata isn't of type 'branch' or 'contact'" do it "returns true" do expect(note.send(:system_note_viewable_by?, user)).to be_truthy end end context "system_note_metadata is of type 'branch'" do let(:action) { "branch" } context "user doesn't have :download_code ability" do it "returns false" do expect(note.send(:system_note_viewable_by?, user)).to be_falsey end end context "user has the :download_code ability" do it "returns true" do expect(Ability).to receive(:allowed?).with(user, :download_code, note.project).and_return(true) expect(note.send(:system_note_viewable_by?, user)).to be_truthy end end end context "system_note_metadata is of type 'contact'" do let(:action) { "contact" } context "user doesn't have :read_crm_contact ability" do it "returns false" do expect(note.send(:system_note_viewable_by?, user)).to be_falsey end end context "user has the :read_crm_contact ability" do it "returns true" do expect(Ability).to receive(:allowed?).with(user, :read_crm_contact, note.project.group).and_return(true) expect(note.send(:system_note_viewable_by?, user)).to be_truthy end end end end describe "system_note_visible_for?" do let_it_be(:private_user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:private_project) { create(:project, namespace: private_user.namespace) { |p| p.add_maintainer(private_user) } } let_it_be(:private_issue) { create(:issue, project: private_project) } let_it_be(:ext_proj) { create(:project, :public) } let_it_be(:ext_issue) { create(:issue, project: ext_proj) } shared_examples "checks references" do it "returns false" do expect(note.system_note_visible_for?(ext_issue.author)).to be_falsy end it "returns true" do expect(note.system_note_visible_for?(private_user)).to be_truthy end it "returns true if user visible reference count set" do note.user_visible_reference_count = 1 note.total_reference_count = 1 expect(note).not_to receive(:reference_mentionables) expect(note.system_note_visible_for?(ext_issue.author)).to be_truthy end it "returns false if user visible reference count set but does not match total reference count" do note.user_visible_reference_count = 1 note.total_reference_count = 2 expect(note).not_to receive(:reference_mentionables) expect(note.system_note_visible_for?(ext_issue.author)).to be_falsy end it "returns false if ref count is 0" do note.user_visible_reference_count = 0 expect(note).not_to receive(:reference_mentionables) expect(note.system_note_visible_for?(ext_issue.author)).to be_falsy end end context "when there is one reference in note" do let(:note) do create :note, noteable: ext_issue, project: ext_proj, note: "mentioned in issue #{private_issue.to_reference(ext_proj)}", system: true end it_behaves_like "checks references" end context "when there is a reference to a label" do let_it_be(:private_label) { create(:label, project: private_project) } let(:note) do create :note, noteable: ext_issue, project: ext_proj, note: "added label #{private_label.to_reference(ext_proj)}", system: true end let!(:system_note_metadata) { create(:system_note_metadata, note: note, action: :label) } it_behaves_like "checks references" end context "when there are two references in note" do let_it_be(:ext_issue2) { create(:issue, project: ext_proj) } let(:note) do create :note, noteable: ext_issue2, project: ext_proj, note: "mentioned in issue #{private_issue.to_reference(ext_proj)} and " \ "public issue #{ext_issue.to_reference(ext_proj)}", system: true end it_behaves_like "checks references" end context "when there is a private issue and user reference" do let_it_be(:ext_issue2) { create(:issue, project: ext_proj) } let(:note) do create :note, noteable: ext_issue2, project: ext_proj, note: "mentioned in #{private_issue.to_reference(ext_proj)} and pinged user #{private_user.to_reference}", system: true end it_behaves_like "checks references" end context "when there is a publicly visible user reference" do let(:note) do create :note, noteable: ext_issue, project: ext_proj, note: "mentioned in #{ext_proj.first_owner.to_reference}", system: true end it "returns true for other users" do expect(note.system_note_visible_for?(ext_issue.author)).to be_truthy end it "returns true for anonymous users" do expect(note.system_note_visible_for?(nil)).to be_truthy end end end describe '#system_note_with_references?' do it 'falsey for user-generated notes' do note = create(:note, system: false) expect(note.system_note_with_references?).to be_falsy end context 'when the note might contain cross references' do SystemNoteMetadata.new.cross_reference_types.each do |type| let(:note) { create(:note, :system) } let!(:metadata) { create(:system_note_metadata, note: note, action: type) } it 'delegates to the cross-reference regex' do expect(note).to receive(:matches_cross_reference_regex?).and_return(false) note.system_note_with_references? end end end context 'when the note cannot contain cross references' do let(:commit_note) { build(:note, note: 'mentioned in 1312312313 something else.', system: true) } let(:label_note) { build(:note, note: 'added ~2323232323', system: true) } it 'scan for a `mentioned in` prefix' do expect(commit_note.system_note_with_references?).to be_truthy expect(label_note.system_note_with_references?).to be_falsy end end context 'when system note metadata is not present' do let(:note) { build(:note, :system) } before do allow(note).to receive(:system_note_metadata).and_return(nil) end it 'delegates to the system note service' do expect(SystemNotes::IssuablesService).to receive(:cross_reference?).with(note.note) note.system_note_with_references? end end context 'with a system note' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: create(:project, :repository)) } let(:note) { create(:system_note, note: "test", noteable: issue, project: issue.project) } shared_examples 'system_note_metadata includes note action' do it 'delegates to the cross-reference regex' do expect(note).to receive(:matches_cross_reference_regex?) note.system_note_with_references? end end context 'with :label action' do let!(:metadata) { create(:system_note_metadata, note: note, action: :label) } it_behaves_like 'system_note_metadata includes note action' it { expect(note.system_note_with_references?).to be_falsy } context 'with cross reference label note' do let(:label) { create(:label, project: issue.project) } let(:note) { create(:system_note, note: "added #{label.to_reference} label", noteable: issue, project: issue.project) } it { expect(note.system_note_with_references?).to be_truthy } end end context 'with :milestone action' do let!(:metadata) { create(:system_note_metadata, note: note, action: :milestone) } it_behaves_like 'system_note_metadata includes note action' it { expect(note.system_note_with_references?).to be_falsy } context 'with cross reference milestone note' do let(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: issue.project) } let(:note) { create(:system_note, note: "added #{milestone.to_reference} milestone", noteable: issue, project: issue.project) } it { expect(note.system_note_with_references?).to be_truthy } end end end end describe 'clear_blank_line_code!' do it 'clears a blank line code before validation' do note = build(:note, line_code: ' ') expect { note.valid? }.to change(note, :line_code).to(nil) end end describe '#participants' do it 'includes the note author' do project = create(:project, :public) issue = create(:issue, project: project) note = create(:note_on_issue, noteable: issue, project: project) expect(note.participants).to include(note.author) end end describe '#start_of_discussion?' do let_it_be(:note) { create(:discussion_note_on_merge_request) } let_it_be(:reply) { create(:discussion_note_on_merge_request, in_reply_to: note) } it 'returns true when note is the start of a discussion' do expect(note).to be_start_of_discussion end it 'returns false when note is a reply' do expect(reply).not_to be_start_of_discussion end end describe '.find_discussion' do let!(:note) { create(:discussion_note_on_merge_request) } let!(:note2) { create(:discussion_note_on_merge_request, in_reply_to: note) } let(:merge_request) { note.noteable } it 'returns a discussion with multiple notes' do discussion = merge_request.notes.find_discussion(note.discussion_id) expect(discussion).not_to be_nil expect(discussion.notes).to match_array([note, note2]) expect(discussion.first_note.discussion_id).to eq(note.discussion_id) end end describe ".grouped_diff_discussions" do let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } let(:project) { merge_request.project } let!(:active_diff_note1) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: merge_request) } let!(:active_diff_note2) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: merge_request, in_reply_to: active_diff_note1) } let!(:active_diff_note3) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: merge_request, position: active_position2) } let!(:outdated_diff_note1) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: merge_request, position: outdated_position) } let!(:outdated_diff_note2) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: merge_request, in_reply_to: outdated_diff_note1) } let(:active_position2) do Gitlab::Diff::Position.new( old_path: "files/ruby/popen.rb", new_path: "files/ruby/popen.rb", old_line: nil, new_line: 13, diff_refs: project.commit(sample_commit.id).diff_refs ) end let(:outdated_position) do Gitlab::Diff::Position.new( old_path: "files/ruby/popen.rb", new_path: "files/ruby/popen.rb", old_line: nil, new_line: 9, diff_refs: project.commit("874797c3a73b60d2187ed6e2fcabd289ff75171e").diff_refs ) end context 'active diff discussions' do subject { merge_request.notes.grouped_diff_discussions } it "includes active discussions" do discussions = subject.values.flatten expect(discussions.count).to eq(2) expect(discussions.map(&:id)).to eq([active_diff_note1.discussion_id, active_diff_note3.discussion_id]) expect(discussions.all?(&:active?)).to be true expect(discussions.first.notes).to eq([active_diff_note1, active_diff_note2]) expect(discussions.last.notes).to eq([active_diff_note3]) end it "doesn't include outdated discussions" do expect(subject.values.flatten.map(&:id)).not_to include(outdated_diff_note1.discussion_id) end it "groups the discussions by line code" do expect(subject[active_diff_note1.line_code].first.id).to eq(active_diff_note1.discussion_id) expect(subject[active_diff_note3.line_code].first.id).to eq(active_diff_note3.discussion_id) end context 'with image discussions' do let(:merge_request2) { create(:merge_request_with_diffs, :with_image_diffs, source_project: project, title: "Added images and changes") } let(:image_path) { "files/images/ee_repo_logo.png" } let(:text_path) { "bar/branch-test.txt" } let!(:image_note) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: merge_request2, position: image_position) } let!(:text_note) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: merge_request2, position: text_position) } let(:image_position) do Gitlab::Diff::Position.new( old_path: image_path, new_path: image_path, width: 100, height: 100, x: 1, y: 1, position_type: "image", diff_refs: merge_request2.diff_refs ) end let(:text_position) do Gitlab::Diff::Position.new( old_path: text_path, new_path: text_path, old_line: nil, new_line: 2, position_type: "text", diff_refs: merge_request2.diff_refs ) end it "groups image discussions by file identifier" do diff_discussion = DiffDiscussion.new([image_note]) discussions = merge_request2.notes.grouped_diff_discussions expect(discussions.size).to eq(2) expect(discussions[image_note.diff_file.new_path]).to include(diff_discussion) end it "groups text discussions by line code" do diff_discussion = DiffDiscussion.new([text_note]) discussions = merge_request2.notes.grouped_diff_discussions expect(discussions.size).to eq(2) expect(discussions[text_note.line_code]).to include(diff_discussion) end end end context 'diff discussions for older diff refs' do subject { merge_request.notes.grouped_diff_discussions(diff_refs) } context 'for diff refs a discussion was created at' do let(:diff_refs) { active_position2.diff_refs } it "includes discussions that were created then" do discussions = subject.values.flatten expect(discussions.count).to eq(1) discussion = discussions.first expect(discussion.id).to eq(active_diff_note3.discussion_id) expect(discussion.active?).to be true expect(discussion.active?(diff_refs)).to be false expect(discussion.created_at_diff?(diff_refs)).to be true expect(discussion.notes).to eq([active_diff_note3]) end it "groups the discussions by original line code" do expect(subject[active_diff_note3.original_line_code].first.id).to eq(active_diff_note3.discussion_id) end end context 'for diff refs a discussion was last active at' do let(:diff_refs) { outdated_position.diff_refs } it "includes discussions that were last active" do discussions = subject.values.flatten expect(discussions.count).to eq(1) discussion = discussions.first expect(discussion.id).to eq(outdated_diff_note1.discussion_id) expect(discussion.active?).to be false expect(discussion.active?(diff_refs)).to be true expect(discussion.created_at_diff?(diff_refs)).to be true expect(discussion.notes).to eq([outdated_diff_note1, outdated_diff_note2]) end it "groups the discussions by line code" do expect(subject[outdated_diff_note1.line_code].first.id).to eq(outdated_diff_note1.discussion_id) end end end end describe '.simple_sorts' do it 'does not contain name sorts' do expect(described_class.simple_sorts.grep(/name/)).to be_empty end end describe '.cherry_picked_merge_requests' do it 'returns merge requests that match the given merge commit' do note = create(:track_mr_picking_note, commit_id: '456abc') create(:track_mr_picking_note, project: create(:project), commit_id: '456def') expect(MergeRequest.id_in(described_class.cherry_picked_merge_requests('456abc'))).to eq([note.noteable]) end end describe '#for_project_snippet?' do it 'returns true for a project snippet note' do expect(build(:note_on_project_snippet).for_project_snippet?).to be true end it 'returns false for a personal snippet note' do expect(build(:note_on_personal_snippet).for_project_snippet?).to be false end end describe '#for_personal_snippet?' do it 'returns false for a project snippet note' do expect(build(:note_on_project_snippet).for_personal_snippet?).to be_falsy end it 'returns true for a personal snippet note' do expect(build(:note_on_personal_snippet).for_personal_snippet?).to be_truthy end end describe '#for_design' do it 'is true when the noteable is a design' do note = build(:note, noteable: build(:design)) expect(note).to be_for_design end end describe '#to_ability_name' do it 'returns note' do expect(build(:note).to_ability_name).to eq('note') end end describe '#noteable_ability_name' do it 'returns snippet for a project snippet note' do expect(build(:note_on_project_snippet).noteable_ability_name).to eq('snippet') end it 'returns snippet for a personal snippet note' do expect(build(:note_on_personal_snippet).noteable_ability_name).to eq('snippet') end it 'returns merge_request for an MR note' do expect(build(:note_on_merge_request).noteable_ability_name).to eq('merge_request') end it 'returns issue for an issue note' do expect(build(:note_on_issue).noteable_ability_name).to eq('issue') end it 'returns commit for a commit note' do expect(build(:note_on_commit).noteable_ability_name).to eq('commit') end it 'returns alert_management_alert for an alert note' do expect(build(:note_on_alert).noteable_ability_name).to eq('alert_management_alert') end end describe '#cache_markdown_field' do let(:html) { '

some html

' } before do allow(Banzai::Renderer).to receive(:cacheless_render_field).and_call_original end context 'note for a project snippet' do let(:snippet) { create(:project_snippet) } let(:note) { create(:note_on_project_snippet, project: snippet.project, noteable: snippet) } it 'skips project check' do expect(Banzai::Renderer).to receive(:cacheless_render_field) .with(note, :note, { skip_project_check: false }) note.update!(note: html) end end context 'note for a personal snippet' do let(:snippet) { create(:personal_snippet) } let(:note) { create(:note_on_personal_snippet, noteable: snippet) } it 'does not skip project check' do expect(Banzai::Renderer).to receive(:cacheless_render_field) .with(note, :note, { skip_project_check: true }) note.update!(note: html) end end end describe '#can_be_discussion_note?' do context 'for a note on a merge request' do it 'returns true' do note = build(:note_on_merge_request) expect(note.can_be_discussion_note?).to be_truthy end end context 'for a note on an issue' do it 'returns true' do note = build(:note_on_issue) expect(note.can_be_discussion_note?).to be_truthy end end context 'for a note on a commit' do it 'returns true' do note = build(:note_on_commit, project: create(:project, :repository)) expect(note.can_be_discussion_note?).to be_truthy end end context 'for a note on a snippet' do it 'returns true' do note = build(:note_on_project_snippet) expect(note.can_be_discussion_note?).to be_truthy end end context 'for a diff note on merge request' do it 'returns false' do note = build(:diff_note_on_merge_request) expect(note.can_be_discussion_note?).to be_falsey end end context 'for a diff note on commit' do it 'returns false' do note = build(:diff_note_on_commit, project: create(:project, :repository)) expect(note.can_be_discussion_note?).to be_falsey end end context 'for a discussion note' do it 'returns false' do note = build(:discussion_note_on_merge_request) expect(note.can_be_discussion_note?).to be_falsey end end end describe '#discussion_class' do let(:note) { build(:note_on_commit) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } context 'when the note is displayed out of context' do it 'returns OutOfContextDiscussion' do expect(note.discussion_class(merge_request)).to be(OutOfContextDiscussion) end end context 'when the note is displayed in the original context' do it 'returns IndividualNoteDiscussion' do expect(note.discussion_class(note.noteable)).to be(IndividualNoteDiscussion) end end end describe "#discussion_id" do let(:note) { create(:note_on_commit) } context "when it is newly created" do it "has a discussion id" do expect(note.discussion_id).not_to be_nil expect(note.discussion_id).to match(/\A\h{40}\z/) end end context "when it didn't store a discussion id before" do before do note.update_column(:discussion_id, nil) end it "has a discussion id" do # The discussion_id is set in `after_initialize`, so `reload` won't work reloaded_note = described_class.find(note.id) expect(reloaded_note.discussion_id).not_to be_nil expect(reloaded_note.discussion_id).to match(/\A\h{40}\z/) end end context 'when the note is displayed out of context' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } it 'overrides the discussion id' do expect(note.discussion_id(merge_request)).not_to eq(note.discussion_id) end end end describe '#to_discussion' do subject { create(:discussion_note_on_merge_request) } let!(:note2) { create(:discussion_note_on_merge_request, project: subject.project, noteable: subject.noteable, in_reply_to: subject) } it "returns a discussion with just this note" do discussion = subject.to_discussion expect(discussion.id).to eq(subject.discussion_id) expect(discussion.notes).to eq([subject]) end end describe "#discussion" do let_it_be(:note1) { create(:discussion_note_on_merge_request) } let_it_be(:note2) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: note1.project, noteable: note1.noteable) } context 'when the note is part of a discussion' do subject { create(:discussion_note_on_merge_request, project: note1.project, noteable: note1.noteable, in_reply_to: note1) } it "returns the discussion this note is in" do discussion = subject.discussion expect(discussion.id).to eq(subject.discussion_id) expect(discussion.notes).to eq([note1, subject]) end end context 'when the note is not part of a discussion' do subject { create(:note) } it "returns a discussion with just this note" do discussion = subject.discussion expect(discussion.id).to eq(subject.discussion_id) expect(discussion.notes).to eq([subject]) end end end describe "#part_of_discussion?" do context 'for a regular note' do let(:note) { build(:note) } it 'returns false' do expect(note.part_of_discussion?).to be_falsey end end context 'for a diff note' do let(:note) { build(:diff_note_on_commit) } it 'returns true' do expect(note.part_of_discussion?).to be_truthy end end context 'for a discussion note' do let(:note) { build(:discussion_note_on_merge_request) } it 'returns true' do expect(note.part_of_discussion?).to be_truthy end end end describe '#in_reply_to?' do context 'for a note' do context 'when part of a discussion' do subject { create(:discussion_note_on_issue) } let(:note) { create(:discussion_note_on_issue, in_reply_to: subject) } it 'checks if the note is in reply to the other discussion' do expect(subject).to receive(:in_reply_to?).with(note).and_call_original expect(subject).to receive(:in_reply_to?).with(note.noteable).and_call_original expect(subject).to receive(:in_reply_to?).with(note.to_discussion).and_call_original subject.in_reply_to?(note) end end context 'when not part of a discussion' do subject { create(:note) } let(:note) { create(:note, in_reply_to: subject) } it 'checks if the note is in reply to the other noteable' do expect(subject).to receive(:in_reply_to?).with(note).and_call_original expect(subject).to receive(:in_reply_to?).with(note.noteable).and_call_original subject.in_reply_to?(note) end end end context 'for a discussion' do context 'when part of the same discussion' do subject { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request) } let(:note) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, in_reply_to: subject) } it 'returns true' do expect(subject.in_reply_to?(note.to_discussion)).to be_truthy end end context 'when not part of the same discussion' do subject { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request) } let(:note) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request) } it 'returns false' do expect(subject.in_reply_to?(note.to_discussion)).to be_falsey end end end context 'for a noteable' do context 'when a comment on the same noteable' do subject { create(:note) } let(:note) { create(:note, in_reply_to: subject) } it 'returns true' do expect(subject.in_reply_to?(note.noteable)).to be_truthy end end context 'when not a comment on the same noteable' do subject { create(:note) } let(:note) { create(:note) } it 'returns false' do expect(subject.in_reply_to?(note.noteable)).to be_falsey end end end end describe '#references' do context 'when part of a discussion' do it 'references all earlier notes in the discussion' do first_note = create(:discussion_note_on_issue) second_note = create(:discussion_note_on_issue, in_reply_to: first_note) third_note = create(:discussion_note_on_issue, in_reply_to: second_note) create(:discussion_note_on_issue, in_reply_to: third_note) expect(third_note.references).to eq([first_note.noteable, first_note, second_note]) end end context 'when not part of a discussion' do subject { create(:note) } let(:note) { create(:note, in_reply_to: subject) } it 'returns the noteable' do expect(note.references).to eq([note.noteable]) end end end describe 'expiring ETag cache' do let_it_be(:issue) { create(:issue) } let(:note) { build(:note, project: issue.project, noteable: issue) } def expect_expiration(noteable) expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::EtagCaching::Store) .to receive(:touch) .with("/#{noteable.project.namespace.to_param}/#{noteable.project.to_param}/noteable/#{noteable.class.name.underscore}/#{noteable.id}/notes") end it "expires cache for note's issue when note is saved" do expect_expiration(note.noteable) note.save! end it "expires cache for note's issue when note is destroyed" do expect_expiration(note.noteable) note.destroy! end context 'when issuable etag caching is disabled' do it 'does not store cache key' do allow(note.noteable).to receive(:etag_caching_enabled?).and_return(false) expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::EtagCaching::Store).not_to receive(:touch) note.save! end end context 'for merge requests' do let_it_be(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } context 'when adding a note to the MR' do let(:note) { build(:note, noteable: merge_request, project: merge_request.project) } it 'expires the MR note etag cache' do expect_expiration(merge_request) note.save! end end context 'when adding a note to a commit on the MR' do let(:note) { build(:note_on_commit, commit_id: merge_request.commits.first.id, project: merge_request.project) } it 'expires the MR note etag cache' do expect_expiration(merge_request) note.save! end end end end describe '#with_notes_filter' do let!(:comment) { create(:note) } let!(:system_note) { create(:note, system: true) } subject { described_class.with_notes_filter(filter) } context 'when notes filter is nil' do let(:filter) { nil } it { is_expected.to include(comment, system_note) } end context 'when notes filter is set to all notes' do let(:filter) { UserPreference::NOTES_FILTERS[:all_notes] } it { is_expected.to include(comment, system_note) } end context 'when notes filter is set to only comments' do let(:filter) { UserPreference::NOTES_FILTERS[:only_comments] } it { is_expected.to include(comment) } it { is_expected.not_to include(system_note) } end end describe '#parent' do it 'returns project for project notes' do project = create(:project) note = create(:note_on_issue, project: project) expect(note.resource_parent).to eq(project) end it 'returns nil for personal snippet note' do note = create(:note_on_personal_snippet) expect(note.resource_parent).to be_nil end end describe 'scopes' do let_it_be(:note1) { create(:note, note: 'Test 345') } let_it_be(:note2) { create(:note, note: 'Test 789') } describe '.for_note_or_capitalized_note' do it 'returns the expected matching note' do notes = described_class.for_note_or_capitalized_note('Test 345') expect(notes.count).to eq(1) expect(notes.first.id).to eq(note1.id) end it 'returns the expected capitalized note' do notes = described_class.for_note_or_capitalized_note('test 345') expect(notes.count).to eq(1) expect(notes.first.id).to eq(note1.id) end it 'does not support pattern matching' do notes = described_class.for_note_or_capitalized_note('test%') expect(notes.count).to eq(0) end end describe '.like_note_or_capitalized_note' do it 'returns the expected matching note' do notes = described_class.like_note_or_capitalized_note('Test 345') expect(notes.count).to eq(1) expect(notes.first.id).to eq(note1.id) end it 'returns the expected capitalized note' do notes = described_class.like_note_or_capitalized_note('test 345') expect(notes.count).to eq(1) expect(notes.first.id).to eq(note1.id) end it 'supports pattern matching' do notes = described_class.like_note_or_capitalized_note('test%') expect(notes.count).to eq(2) expect(notes.first.id).to eq(note1.id) expect(notes.second.id).to eq(note2.id) end end describe '.with_suggestions' do it 'returns the correct note' do note_with_suggestion = create(:note, suggestions: [create(:suggestion)]) note_without_suggestion = create(:note) expect(described_class.with_suggestions).to include(note_with_suggestion) expect(described_class.with_suggestions).not_to include(note_without_suggestion) end end end describe '#noteable_assignee_or_author?' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:noteable) { create(:issue) } let(:note) { create(:note, project: noteable.project, noteable: noteable) } subject { note.noteable_assignee_or_author?(user) } shared_examples 'assignee check' do context 'when the provided user is one of the assignees' do before do note.noteable.update!(assignees: [user, create(:user)]) end it 'returns true' do expect(subject).to be_truthy end end end shared_examples 'author check' do context 'when the provided user is the author' do before do note.noteable.update!(author: user) end it 'returns true' do expect(subject).to be_truthy end end context 'when the provided user is neither author nor assignee' do it 'returns true' do expect(subject).to be_falsey end end end context 'when user is nil' do let(:user) { nil } it 'returns false' do expect(subject).to be_falsey end end context 'when noteable is an issue' do it_behaves_like 'author check' it_behaves_like 'assignee check' end context 'when noteable is a merge request' do let(:noteable) { create(:merge_request) } it_behaves_like 'author check' it_behaves_like 'assignee check' end context 'when noteable is a snippet' do let(:noteable) { create(:personal_snippet) } it_behaves_like 'author check' end end describe 'banzai_render_context' do let(:project) { build(:project_empty_repo) } subject(:context) { noteable.banzai_render_context(:title) } context 'when noteable is a merge request' do let(:noteable) { build :merge_request, target_project: project, source_project: project } it 'sets the label_url_method in the context' do expect(context[:label_url_method]).to eq(:project_merge_requests_url) end end context 'when noteable is an issue' do let(:noteable) { build :issue, project: project } it 'sets the label_url_method in the context' do expect(context[:label_url_method]).to eq(:project_issues_url) end end context 'when noteable is a personal snippet' do let(:noteable) { build(:personal_snippet) } it 'sets the parent user in the context' do expect(context[:user]).to eq(noteable.author) end end end describe '#parent_user' do it 'returns the author of a personal snippet' do note = build(:note_on_personal_snippet) expect(note.parent_user).to eq(note.noteable.author) end it 'returns nil for project snippet' do note = build(:note_on_project_snippet) expect(note.parent_user).to be_nil end it 'returns nil when noteable is not a snippet' do note = build(:note_on_issue) expect(note.parent_user).to be_nil end end describe '#skip_notification?' do subject(:skip_notification?) { note.skip_notification? } context 'when there is no review' do let(:note) { build(:note) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when the review exists' do let(:note) { build(:note, :with_review) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end describe '#attachment' do it 'is cleaned up correctly when project is destroyed' do note = create(:note_on_issue, :with_attachment) attachment = note.attachment note.project.destroy! expect(attachment).not_to be_exist end end describe '#post_processed_cache_key' do let(:note) { build(:note) } it 'returns cache key and author cache key by default' do expect(note.post_processed_cache_key).to eq("#{note.cache_key}:#{note.author.cache_key}:#{note.project.team.human_max_access(note.author_id)}") end context 'when note has no author' do let(:note) { build(:note, author: nil) } it 'returns cache key only' do expect(note.post_processed_cache_key).to eq("#{note.cache_key}:") end end context 'when note has redacted_note_html' do let(:redacted_note_html) { 'redacted note html' } before do note.redacted_note_html = redacted_note_html end it 'returns cache key with redacted_note_html sha' do expect(note.post_processed_cache_key).to eq("#{note.cache_key}:#{note.author.cache_key}:#{note.project.team.human_max_access(note.author_id)}:#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(redacted_note_html)}") end end end describe '#commands_changes' do let(:note) { build(:note) } it 'only returns allowed keys' do note.commands_changes = { emoji_award: {}, time_estimate: {}, spend_time: {}, target_project: build(:project) } expect(note.commands_changes.keys).to contain_exactly(:emoji_award, :time_estimate, :spend_time) end end describe '#bump_updated_at', :freeze_time do it 'sets updated_at to the current timestamp' do note = create(:note, updated_at: 1.day.ago) note.bump_updated_at note.reload expect(note.updated_at).to be_like_time(Time.current) end context 'with legacy edited note' do it 'copies updated_at to last_edited_at before bumping the timestamp' do note = create(:note, updated_at: 1.day.ago, updated_by: create(:user), last_edited_at: nil) note.bump_updated_at note.reload expect(note.last_edited_at).to be_like_time(1.day.ago) expect(note.updated_at).to be_like_time(Time.current) end end end end