require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::CreatePipelineService do include ProjectForksHelper set(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:user) { create(:admin) } let(:ref_name) { 'refs/heads/master' } before do stub_repository_ci_yaml_file(sha: anything) end describe '#execute' do def execute_service( source: :push, after:, message: 'Message', ref: ref_name, trigger_request: nil) params = { ref: ref, before: '00000000', after: after, commits: [{ message: message }] }, user, params).execute( source, trigger_request: trigger_request) end context 'valid params' do let(:pipeline) { execute_service } let(:pipeline_on_previous_commit) do execute_service( after: previous_commit_sha_from_ref('master') ) end it 'creates a pipeline' do expect(pipeline).to be_kind_of(Ci::Pipeline) expect(pipeline).to be_valid expect(pipeline).to be_persisted expect(pipeline).to be_push expect(pipeline).to eq(project.pipelines.last) expect(pipeline).to have_attributes(user: user) expect(pipeline).to have_attributes(status: 'pending') expect(pipeline.repository_source?).to be true expect(pipeline.builds.first).to be_kind_of(Ci::Build) end it 'increments the prometheus counter' do expect(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:counter) .with(:pipelines_created_total, "Counter of pipelines created") .and_call_original pipeline end context 'when merge requests already exist for this source branch' do let(:merge_request_1) do create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'master', target_branch: "branch_1", source_project: project) end let(:merge_request_2) do create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'master', target_branch: "branch_2", source_project: project) end context 'when the head pipeline sha equals merge request sha' do it 'updates head pipeline of each merge request' do merge_request_1 merge_request_2 head_pipeline = execute_service expect(merge_request_1.reload.head_pipeline).to eq(head_pipeline) expect(merge_request_2.reload.head_pipeline).to eq(head_pipeline) end end context 'when the head pipeline sha does not equal merge request sha' do it 'raises the ArgumentError error from worker and does not update the head piepeline of MRs' do merge_request_1 merge_request_2 allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Pipeline).to receive(:latest?).and_return(true) expect { execute_service(after: 'ae73cb07c9eeaf35924a10f713b364d32b2dd34f') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) last_pipeline = Ci::Pipeline.last expect(merge_request_1.reload.head_pipeline).not_to eq(last_pipeline) expect(merge_request_2.reload.head_pipeline).not_to eq(last_pipeline) end end context 'when there is no pipeline for source branch' do it "does not update merge request head pipeline" do merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: "branch_1", source_project: project) head_pipeline = execute_service expect(merge_request.reload.head_pipeline).not_to eq(head_pipeline) end end context 'when merge request target project is different from source project' do let!(:project) { fork_project(target_project, nil, repository: true) } let!(:target_project) { create(:project, :repository) } it 'updates head pipeline for merge request' do merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'master', target_branch: "branch_1", source_project: project, target_project: target_project) head_pipeline = execute_service expect(merge_request.reload.head_pipeline).to eq(head_pipeline) end end context 'when the pipeline is not the latest for the branch' do it 'does not update merge request head pipeline' do merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'master', target_branch: "branch_1", source_project: project) allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Pipeline).to receive(:latest?).and_return(false) execute_service expect(merge_request.reload.head_pipeline).to be_nil end end context 'when pipeline has errors' do before do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file('some invalid syntax') end it 'updates merge request head pipeline reference' do merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'master', target_branch: 'feature', source_project: project) head_pipeline = execute_service expect(head_pipeline).to be_persisted expect(head_pipeline.yaml_errors).to be_present expect(merge_request.reload.head_pipeline).to eq head_pipeline end end context 'when pipeline has been skipped' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Pipeline) .to receive(:git_commit_message) .and_return('some commit [ci skip]') end it 'updates merge request head pipeline' do merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'master', target_branch: 'feature', source_project: project) head_pipeline = execute_service expect(head_pipeline).to be_skipped expect(head_pipeline).to be_persisted expect(merge_request.reload.head_pipeline).to eq head_pipeline end end end context 'auto-cancel enabled' do before do project.update(auto_cancel_pending_pipelines: 'enabled') end it 'does not cancel HEAD pipeline' do pipeline pipeline_on_previous_commit expect(pipeline.reload).to have_attributes(status: 'pending', auto_canceled_by_id: nil) end it 'auto cancel pending non-HEAD pipelines' do pipeline_on_previous_commit pipeline expect(pipeline_on_previous_commit.reload).to have_attributes(status: 'canceled', auto_canceled_by_id: end it 'does not cancel running outdated pipelines' do execute_service expect(pipeline_on_previous_commit.reload).to have_attributes(status: 'running', auto_canceled_by_id: nil) end it 'cancel created outdated pipelines' do pipeline_on_previous_commit.update(status: 'created') pipeline expect(pipeline_on_previous_commit.reload).to have_attributes(status: 'canceled', auto_canceled_by_id: end it 'does not cancel pipelines from the other branches' do pending_pipeline = execute_service( ref: 'refs/heads/feature', after: previous_commit_sha_from_ref('feature') ) pipeline expect(pending_pipeline.reload).to have_attributes(status: 'pending', auto_canceled_by_id: nil) end end context 'auto-cancel disabled' do before do project.update(auto_cancel_pending_pipelines: 'disabled') end it 'does not auto cancel pending non-HEAD pipelines' do pipeline_on_previous_commit pipeline expect(pipeline_on_previous_commit.reload) .to have_attributes(status: 'pending', auto_canceled_by_id: nil) end end def previous_commit_sha_from_ref(ref) project.commit(ref).parent.sha end end context "skip tag if there is no build for it" do it "creates commit if there is appropriate job" do expect(execute_service).to be_persisted end it "creates commit if there is no appropriate job but deploy job has right ref setting" do config = YAML.dump({ deploy: { script: "ls", only: ["master"] } }) stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(config) expect(execute_service).to be_persisted end end it 'skips creating pipeline for refs without .gitlab-ci.yml' do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(nil) expect(execute_service).not_to be_persisted expect(Ci::Pipeline.count).to eq(0) end shared_examples 'a failed pipeline' do it 'creates failed pipeline' do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(ci_yaml) pipeline = execute_service(message: message) expect(pipeline).to be_persisted expect(pipeline.builds.any?).to be false expect(pipeline.status).to eq('failed') expect(pipeline.yaml_errors).not_to be_nil end end context 'when yaml is invalid' do let(:ci_yaml) { 'invalid: file: fiile' } let(:message) { 'Message' } it_behaves_like 'a failed pipeline' context 'when receive git commit' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Pipeline).to receive(:git_commit_message) { message } end it_behaves_like 'a failed pipeline' end end context 'when commit contains a [ci skip] directive' do let(:message) { "some message[ci skip]" } ci_messages = [ "some message[ci skip]", "some message[skip ci]", "some message[CI SKIP]", "some message[SKIP CI]", "some message[ci_skip]", "some message[skip_ci]", "some message[ci-skip]", "some message[skip-ci]" ] before do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Pipeline).to receive(:git_commit_message) { message } end ci_messages.each do |ci_message| it "skips builds creation if the commit message is #{ci_message}" do pipeline = execute_service(message: ci_message) expect(pipeline).to be_persisted expect(pipeline.builds.any?).to be false expect(pipeline.status).to eq("skipped") end end shared_examples 'creating a pipeline' do it 'does not skip pipeline creation' do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Pipeline).to receive(:git_commit_message) { commit_message } pipeline = execute_service(message: commit_message) expect(pipeline).to be_persisted expect( eq("rspec") end end context 'when commit message does not contain [ci skip] nor [skip ci]' do let(:commit_message) { 'some message' } it_behaves_like 'creating a pipeline' end context 'when commit message is nil' do let(:commit_message) { nil } it_behaves_like 'creating a pipeline' end context 'when there is [ci skip] tag in commit message and yaml is invalid' do let(:ci_yaml) { 'invalid: file: fiile' } it_behaves_like 'a failed pipeline' end end context 'when there are no jobs for this pipeline' do before do config = YAML.dump({ test: { script: 'ls', only: ['feature'] } }) stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(config) end it 'does not create a new pipeline' do result = execute_service expect(result).not_to be_persisted expect(Ci::Build.all).to be_empty expect(Ci::Pipeline.count).to eq(0) end end context 'with manual actions' do before do config = YAML.dump({ deploy: { script: 'ls', when: 'manual' } }) stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(config) end it 'does not create a new pipeline' do result = execute_service expect(result).to be_persisted expect(result.manual_actions).not_to be_empty end end context 'with environment' do before do config = YAML.dump(deploy: { environment: { name: "review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" }, script: 'ls' }) stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(config) end it 'creates the environment' do result = execute_service expect(result).to be_persisted expect(Environment.find_by(name: "review/master")).not_to be_nil end end context 'when environment with invalid name' do before do config = YAML.dump(deploy: { environment: { name: 'name,with,commas' }, script: 'ls' }) stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(config) end it 'does not create an environment' do expect do result = execute_service expect(result).to be_persisted end.not_to change { Environment.count } end end context 'when builds with auto-retries are configured' do before do config = YAML.dump(rspec: { script: 'rspec', retry: 2 }) stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(config) end it 'correctly creates builds with auto-retry value configured' do pipeline = execute_service expect(pipeline).to be_persisted expect(pipeline.builds.find_by(name: 'rspec').retries_max).to eq 2 end end shared_examples 'when ref is protected' do let(:user) { create(:user) } context 'when user is developer' do before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'does not create a pipeline' do expect(execute_service).not_to be_persisted expect(Ci::Pipeline.count).to eq(0) end end context 'when user is master' do let(:pipeline) { execute_service } before do project.add_master(user) end it 'creates a protected pipeline' do expect(pipeline).to be_persisted expect(pipeline).to be_protected expect(Ci::Pipeline.count).to eq(1) end end context 'when trigger belongs to no one' do let(:user) {} let(:trigger_request) { create(:ci_trigger_request) } it 'does not create a pipeline' do expect(execute_service(trigger_request: trigger_request)) .not_to be_persisted expect(Ci::Pipeline.count).to eq(0) end end context 'when trigger belongs to a developer' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:trigger) { create(:ci_trigger, owner: user) } let(:trigger_request) { create(:ci_trigger_request, trigger: trigger) } before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'does not create a pipeline' do expect(execute_service(trigger_request: trigger_request)) .not_to be_persisted expect(Ci::Pipeline.count).to eq(0) end end context 'when trigger belongs to a master' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:trigger) { create(:ci_trigger, owner: user) } let(:trigger_request) { create(:ci_trigger_request, trigger: trigger) } before do project.add_master(user) end it 'creates a pipeline' do expect(execute_service(trigger_request: trigger_request)) .to be_persisted expect(Ci::Pipeline.count).to eq(1) end end end context 'when ref is a protected branch' do before do create(:protected_branch, project: project, name: 'master') end it_behaves_like 'when ref is protected' end context 'when ref is a protected tag' do let(:ref_name) { 'refs/tags/v1.0.0' } before do create(:protected_tag, project: project, name: '*') end it_behaves_like 'when ref is protected' end context 'when ref is not protected' do context 'when trigger belongs to no one' do let(:user) {} let(:trigger) { create(:ci_trigger, owner: nil) } let(:trigger_request) { create(:ci_trigger_request, trigger: trigger) } let(:pipeline) { execute_service(trigger_request: trigger_request) } it 'creates an unprotected pipeline' do expect(pipeline).to be_persisted expect(pipeline).not_to be_protected expect(Ci::Pipeline.count).to eq(1) end end end context 'when pipelie is running for a tag' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Repository) .to receive(:tag_exists?).and_return(false) allow_any_instance_of(Repository) .to receive(:tag_exists?).with('refs/tags/mytag').and_return(true) config = YAML.dump(test: { script: 'test', only: ['branches'] }, deploy: { script: 'deploy', only: ['tags'] }) stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(config) end it 'creates a tagged pipeline' do pipeline = execute_service(ref: 'mytag') expect(pipeline.tag?).to be true end end end end