# Configuration files Documentation Note that most configuration files (`config/*.*`) committed into [gitlab-foss](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss) **will not be used** for [omnibus-gitlab](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab). Configuration files committed into gitlab-foss are only used for development. ## gitlab.yml You can find most of the GitLab configuration settings here. ## mail_room.yml This file is actually an YML wrapped inside an ERB file to enable templated values to be specified from `gitlab.yml`. mail_room loads this file first as an ERB file and then loads the resulting YML as its configuration. ## resque.yml This file is called `resque.yml` for historical reasons. We are **NOT** using Resque at the moment. It is used to specify Redis configuration values when a single database instance of Redis is desired. ## Advanced Redis configuration files In more advanced configurations of Redis key-value storage, it is desirable to separate the keys by lifecycle and intended use to ease provisioning and management of scalable Redis clusters. These settings provide routing and other configuration data (such as sentinel, persistence policies, and other Redis customization) for connections to Redis single instances, Redis sentinel, and Redis clusters. If desired, the routing URL provided by these settings can be used with: 1. Unix Socket 1. named socket for each Redis instance desired. 2. `database number` for each Redis instance desired. 2. TCP Socket 1. `host name` or IP for each Redis instance desired 2. TCP port number for each Redis instance desired 3. `database number` for each Redis instance desired ### Example URL attribute formats for GitLab Redis `.yml` configuration files * Unix Socket, default Redis database (0) * `url: unix:/path/to/redis.sock` * `url: unix:/path/to/redis.sock?db=` * Unix Socket, Redis database 44 * `url: unix:/path/to/redis.sock?db=44` * `url: unix:/path/to/redis.sock?extra=foo&db=44` * TCP Socket for Redis on localhost, port 6379, database 33 * `url: redis://:mynewpassword@localhost:6379/33` * TCP Socket for Redis on remote host `myserver`, port 6379, database 33 * `url: redis://:mynewpassword@myserver:6379/33` ## Available configuration files The Redis instances that can be configured are described in the table below. The order of precedence for configuration is described below, where `$NAME` and `$FALLBACK_NAME` are the upper-cased instance names from the table, and `$name` and `$fallback_name` are the lower-cased versions: 1. The configuration file pointed to by the `GITLAB_REDIS_$NAME_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable. 1. The configuration file `redis.$name.yml`. 1. **If a fallback instance is available**, the configuration file `redis.$fallback_name.yml`. 1. The configuration file pointed to by the `GITLAB_REDIS_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable. 1. The configuration file `resque.yml`. An example configuration file for Redis is in this directory under the name `resque.yml.example`. | Name | Fallback instance | Purpose | | --- | --- | --- | | `cache` | | Volatile non-persistent data | | `queues` | | Background job processing queues | | `shared_state` | | Persistent application state | | `trace_chunks` | `shared_state` | [CI trace chunks](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/job_logs.html#incremental-logging-architecture) | | `rate_limiting` | `cache` | [Rate limiting](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/admin_area/settings/user_and_ip_rate_limits.html) state | If no configuration is found, or no URL is found in the configuration file, the default URL used is: 1. `redis://localhost:6380` for `cache`. 1. `redis://localhost:6381` for `queues`. 1. `redis://localhost:6382` for `shared_state`. 1. The URL from the fallback instance for all other instances.