/* eslint-disable max-len, arrow-parens, comma-dangle, no-plusplus */ require('~/subbable_resource'); /* * Test that each rest verb calls the publish and subscribe function and passes the correct value back * * * */ ((global) => { describe('Subbable Resource', function () { describe('PubSub', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.MockResource = new global.SubbableResource('https://example.com'); }); it('should successfully add a single subscriber', function () { const callback = () => {}; this.MockResource.subscribe(callback); expect(this.MockResource.subscribers.length).toBe(1); expect(this.MockResource.subscribers[0]).toBe(callback); }); it('should successfully add multiple subscribers', function () { const callbackOne = () => {}; const callbackTwo = () => {}; const callbackThree = () => {}; this.MockResource.subscribe(callbackOne); this.MockResource.subscribe(callbackTwo); this.MockResource.subscribe(callbackThree); expect(this.MockResource.subscribers.length).toBe(3); }); it('should successfully publish an update to a single subscriber', function () { const state = { myprop: 1 }; const callbacks = { one: (data) => expect(data.myprop).toBe(2), two: (data) => expect(data.myprop).toBe(2), three: (data) => expect(data.myprop).toBe(2) }; const spyOne = spyOn(callbacks, 'one'); const spyTwo = spyOn(callbacks, 'two'); const spyThree = spyOn(callbacks, 'three'); this.MockResource.subscribe(callbacks.one); this.MockResource.subscribe(callbacks.two); this.MockResource.subscribe(callbacks.three); state.myprop++; this.MockResource.publish(state); expect(spyOne).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyTwo).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyThree).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); })(window.gl || (window.gl = {}));