class Email < ActiveRecord::Base include Sortable belongs_to :user validates :user_id, presence: true validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true, email: true validate :unique_email, if: ->(email) { email.email_changed? } scope :confirmed, -> { where.not(confirmed_at: nil) } after_commit :update_invalid_gpg_signatures, if: -> { previous_changes.key?('confirmed_at') } devise :confirmable self.reconfirmable = false # currently email can't be changed, no need to reconfirm def email=(value) write_attribute(:email, value.downcase.strip) end def unique_email self.errors.add(:email, 'has already been taken') if User.exists?(email: end # once email is confirmed, update the gpg signatures def update_invalid_gpg_signatures user.update_invalid_gpg_signatures if confirmed? end end