import RavenConfig from '~/raven/raven_config'; import index from '~/raven/index'; describe('RavenConfig options', () => { const sentryDsn = 'sentryDsn'; const currentUserId = 'currentUserId'; const gitlabUrl = 'gitlabUrl'; const environment = 'test'; const revision = 'revision'; let indexReturnValue; beforeEach(() => { window.gon = { sentry_dsn: sentryDsn, sentry_environment: environment, current_user_id: currentUserId, gitlab_url: gitlabUrl, revision, }; process.env.HEAD_COMMIT_SHA = revision; spyOn(RavenConfig, 'init'); indexReturnValue = index(); }); it('should init with .sentryDsn, .currentUserId, .whitelistUrls and environment', () => { expect(RavenConfig.init).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ sentryDsn, currentUserId, whitelistUrls: [gitlabUrl, 'webpack-internal://'], environment, release: revision, tags: { revision, }, }); }); it('should return RavenConfig', () => { expect(indexReturnValue).toBe(RavenConfig); }); });