# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2' do it 'verifies the gem version' do current_version = OmniAuth::OAuth2::VERSION expected_version = '1.7.3' expect(current_version).to eq(expected_version), <<~EOF New version #{current_version} of the `omniauth-oauth2` gem detected! Please check if the monkey patches in `config/initializers_before_autoloader/100_patch_omniauth_oauth2.rb` are still needed, and either update/remove them, or bump the version in this spec. EOF end context 'when a Faraday exception is raised' do where(exception: [Faraday::TimeoutError, Faraday::ConnectionFailed]) with_them do it 'passes the exception to OmniAuth' do instance = OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2.new(double) expect(instance).to receive(:original_callback_phase) { raise exception, 'message' } expect(instance).to receive(:fail!).with(:timeout, kind_of(exception)) instance.callback_phase end end end end