# rubocop: disable Rails/Output module Gitlab # Checks if a set of migrations requires downtime or not. class EeCompatCheck DEFAULT_CE_PROJECT_URL = 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce'.freeze EE_REPO_URL = 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee.git'.freeze CHECK_DIR = Rails.root.join('ee_compat_check') IGNORED_FILES_REGEX = /(VERSION|CHANGELOG\.md:\d+)/.freeze PLEASE_READ_THIS_BANNER = %Q{ ============================================================ ===================== PLEASE READ THIS ===================== ============================================================ }.freeze THANKS_FOR_READING_BANNER = %Q{ ============================================================ ==================== THANKS FOR READING ==================== ============================================================\n }.freeze attr_reader :ee_repo_dir, :patches_dir, :ce_project_url, :ce_repo_url, :ce_branch, :ee_branch_found attr_reader :job_id, :failed_files def initialize(branch:, ce_project_url: DEFAULT_CE_PROJECT_URL, job_id: nil) @ee_repo_dir = CHECK_DIR.join('ee-repo') @patches_dir = CHECK_DIR.join('patches') @ce_branch = branch @ce_project_url = ce_project_url @ce_repo_url = "#{ce_project_url}.git" @job_id = job_id end def check ensure_patches_dir generate_patch(ce_branch, ce_patch_full_path) ensure_ee_repo Dir.chdir(ee_repo_dir) do step("In the #{ee_repo_dir} directory") status = catch(:halt_check) do ce_branch_compat_check! delete_ee_branches_locally! ee_branch_presence_check! ee_branch_compat_check! end delete_ee_branches_locally! if status.nil? true else false end end end private def ensure_ee_repo if Dir.exist?(ee_repo_dir) step("#{ee_repo_dir} already exists") else step( "Cloning #{EE_REPO_URL} into #{ee_repo_dir}", %W[git clone --branch master --single-branch --depth=200 #{EE_REPO_URL} #{ee_repo_dir}] ) end end def ensure_patches_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p(patches_dir) end def generate_patch(branch, patch_path) FileUtils.rm(patch_path, force: true) find_merge_base_with_master(branch: branch) step( "Generating the patch against origin/master in #{patch_path}", %w[git diff --binary origin/master...HEAD] ) do |output, status| throw(:halt_check, :ko) unless status.zero? File.write(patch_path, output) throw(:halt_check, :ko) unless File.exist?(patch_path) end end def ce_branch_compat_check! if check_patch(ce_patch_full_path).zero? puts applies_cleanly_msg(ce_branch) throw(:halt_check) end end def ee_branch_presence_check! _, status = step("Fetching origin/#{ee_branch_prefix}", %W[git fetch origin #{ee_branch_prefix}]) if status.zero? @ee_branch_found = ee_branch_prefix return end _, status = step("Fetching origin/#{ee_branch_suffix}", %W[git fetch origin #{ee_branch_suffix}]) if status.zero? @ee_branch_found = ee_branch_suffix else puts puts ce_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_and_no_ee_branch_msg throw(:halt_check, :ko) end end def ee_branch_compat_check! step("Checking out origin/#{ee_branch_found}", %W[git checkout -b #{ee_branch_found} FETCH_HEAD]) generate_patch(ee_branch_found, ee_patch_full_path) unless check_patch(ee_patch_full_path).zero? puts puts ee_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_msg throw(:halt_check, :ko) end puts puts applies_cleanly_msg(ee_branch_found) end def check_patch(patch_path) step("Checking out master", %w[git checkout master]) step("Resetting to latest master", %w[git reset --hard origin/master]) step("Fetching CE/#{ce_branch}", %W[git fetch #{ce_repo_url} #{ce_branch}]) step( "Checking if #{patch_path} applies cleanly to EE/master", # Don't use --check here because it can result in a 0-exit status even # though the patch doesn't apply cleanly, e.g.: # > git apply --check --3way foo.patch # error: patch failed: lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb:74 # Falling back to three-way merge... # Applied patch to 'lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb' with conflicts. # > echo $? # 0 %W[git apply --3way #{patch_path}] ) do |output, status| puts output unless status.zero? @failed_files = output.lines.reduce([]) do |memo, line| if line.start_with?('error: patch failed:') file = line.sub(/\Aerror: patch failed: /, '') memo << file unless file =~ IGNORED_FILES_REGEX end memo end status = 0 if failed_files.empty? end command(%w[git reset --hard]) status end end def delete_ee_branches_locally! command(%w[git checkout master]) command(%W[git branch --delete --force #{ee_branch_prefix}]) command(%W[git branch --delete --force #{ee_branch_suffix}]) end def merge_base_found? step( "Finding merge base with master", %w[git merge-base origin/master HEAD] ) do |output, status| if status.zero? puts "Merge base was found: #{output}" true end end end def find_merge_base_with_master(branch:) # Start with (Math.exp(3).to_i = 20) until (Math.exp(6).to_i = 403) # In total we go (20 + 54 + 148 + 403 = 625) commits deeper depth = 20 success = (3..6).any? do |factor| depth += Math.exp(factor).to_i # Repository is initially cloned with a depth of 20 so we need to fetch # deeper in the case the branch has more than 20 commits on top of master fetch(branch: branch, depth: depth) fetch(branch: 'master', depth: depth) merge_base_found? end raise "\n#{branch} is too far behind master, please rebase it!\n" unless success end def fetch(branch:, depth:) step( "Fetching deeper...", %W[git fetch --depth=#{depth} --prune origin +refs/heads/#{branch}:refs/remotes/origin/#{branch}] ) do |output, status| raise "Fetch failed: #{output}" unless status.zero? end end def ce_patch_name @ce_patch_name ||= patch_name_from_branch(ce_branch) end def ce_patch_full_path @ce_patch_full_path ||= patches_dir.join(ce_patch_name) end def ee_branch_suffix @ee_branch_suffix ||= "#{ce_branch}-ee" end def ee_branch_prefix @ee_branch_prefix ||= "ee-#{ce_branch}" end def ee_patch_name @ee_patch_name ||= patch_name_from_branch(ee_branch_found) end def ee_patch_full_path @ee_patch_full_path ||= patches_dir.join(ee_patch_name) end def patch_name_from_branch(branch_name) branch_name.parameterize << '.patch' end def patch_url "#{ce_project_url}/-/jobs/#{job_id}/artifacts/raw/ee_compat_check/patches/#{ce_patch_name}" end def step(desc, cmd = nil) puts "\n=> #{desc}\n" if cmd start = Time.now puts "\n$ #{cmd.join(' ')}" output, status = command(cmd) puts "\n==> Finished in #{Time.now - start} seconds" if block_given? yield(output, status) else [output, status] end end end def command(cmd) Gitlab::Popen.popen(cmd) end def applies_cleanly_msg(branch) %Q{ #{PLEASE_READ_THIS_BANNER} 🎉 Congratulations!! 🎉 The `#{branch}` branch applies cleanly to EE/master! Much ❤️! For more information, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/limit_ee_conflicts.html#check-the-rake-ee_compat_check-in-your-merge-requests #{THANKS_FOR_READING_BANNER} } end def ce_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_and_no_ee_branch_msg %Q{ #{PLEASE_READ_THIS_BANNER} 💥 Oh no! 💥 The `#{ce_branch}` branch does not apply cleanly to the current EE/master, and no `#{ee_branch_prefix}` or `#{ee_branch_suffix}` branch was found in the EE repository. If you're a community contributor, don't worry, someone from GitLab Inc. will take care of this, and you don't have to do anything. If you're willing to help, and are ok to contribute to EE as well, you're welcome to help. You could follow the instructions below. #{conflicting_files_msg} We advise you to create a `#{ee_branch_prefix}` or `#{ee_branch_suffix}` branch that includes changes from `#{ce_branch}` but also specific changes than can be applied cleanly to EE/master. In some cases, the conflicts are trivial and you can ignore the warning from this job. As always, use your best judgement! There are different ways to create such branch: 1. Create a new branch from master and cherry-pick your CE commits # In the EE repo $ git fetch origin $ git checkout -b #{ee_branch_prefix} origin/master $ git fetch #{ce_repo_url} #{ce_branch} $ git cherry-pick SHA # Repeat for all the commits you want to pick You can squash the `#{ce_branch}` commits into a single "Port of #{ce_branch} to EE" commit. 2. Apply your branch's patch to EE # In the EE repo $ git fetch origin master $ git checkout -b #{ee_branch_prefix} origin/master $ wget #{patch_url} $ git apply --3way #{ce_patch_name} At this point you might have conflicts such as: error: patch failed: lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb:5 Falling back to three-way merge... Applied patch to 'lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb' with conflicts. U lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb Resolve them, stage the changes and commit them. If the patch couldn't be applied cleanly, use the following command: # In the EE repo $ git apply --reject #{ce_patch_name} This option makes git apply the parts of the patch that are applicable, and leave the rejected hunks in corresponding `.rej` files. You can then resolve the conflicts highlighted in `.rej` by manually applying the correct diff from the `.rej` file to the file with conflicts. When finished, you can delete the `.rej` files and commit your changes. ⚠️ Don't forget to push your branch to gitlab-ee: # In the EE repo $ git push origin #{ee_branch_prefix} ⚠️ Also, don't forget to create a new merge request on gitlab-ee and cross-link it with the CE merge request. Once this is done, you can retry this failed build, and it should pass. Stay 💪 ! For more information, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/limit_ee_conflicts.html#check-the-rake-ee_compat_check-in-your-merge-requests #{THANKS_FOR_READING_BANNER} } end def ee_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_msg %Q{ #{PLEASE_READ_THIS_BANNER} 💥 Oh no! 💥 The `#{ce_branch}` does not apply cleanly to the current EE/master, and even though a `#{ee_branch_found}` branch exists in the EE repository, it does not apply cleanly either to EE/master! #{conflicting_files_msg} Please update the `#{ee_branch_found}`, push it again to gitlab-ee, and retry this build. Stay 💪 ! For more information, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/limit_ee_conflicts.html#check-the-rake-ee_compat_check-in-your-merge-requests #{THANKS_FOR_READING_BANNER} } end def conflicting_files_msg failed_files.reduce("The conflicts detected were as follows:\n") do |memo, file| memo << "\n - #{file}" end end end end