import { GlLoadingIcon, GlTable, GlLink, GlBadge, GlPagination } from '@gitlab/ui'; import Vue from 'vue'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import getJobArtifactsResponse from 'test_fixtures/graphql/artifacts/graphql/queries/get_job_artifacts.query.graphql.json'; import CiIcon from '~/vue_shared/components/ci_icon.vue'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import JobArtifactsTable from '~/artifacts/components/job_artifacts_table.vue'; import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import { mountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import getJobArtifactsQuery from '~/artifacts/graphql/queries/get_job_artifacts.query.graphql'; import { getIdFromGraphQLId } from '~/graphql_shared/utils'; import { ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPE, JOBS_PER_PAGE, I18N_FETCH_ERROR } from '~/artifacts/constants'; import { totalArtifactsSizeForJob } from '~/artifacts/utils'; import { createAlert } from '~/flash'; jest.mock('~/flash'); Vue.use(VueApollo); describe('JobArtifactsTable component', () => { let wrapper; let requestHandlers; const findLoadingState = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlLoadingIcon); const findTable = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlTable); const findCount = () => wrapper.findByTestId('job-artifacts-count'); const findStatuses = () => wrapper.findAllByTestId('job-artifacts-job-status'); const findSuccessfulJobStatus = () => findStatuses().at(0); const findFailedJobStatus = () => findStatuses().at(1); const findLinks = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlLink); const findJobLink = () => findLinks().at(0); const findPipelineLink = () => findLinks().at(1); const findRefLink = () => findLinks().at(2); const findCommitLink = () => findLinks().at(3); const findSize = () => wrapper.findByTestId('job-artifacts-size'); const findCreated = () => wrapper.findByTestId('job-artifacts-created'); const findDownloadButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('job-artifacts-download-button'); const findBrowseButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('job-artifacts-browse-button'); const findDeleteButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('job-artifacts-delete-button'); const findPagination = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlPagination); const setPage = async (page) => { findPagination().vm.$emit('input', page); await waitForPromises(); }; let enoughJobsToPaginate = []; while (enoughJobsToPaginate.length <= JOBS_PER_PAGE) { enoughJobsToPaginate = [ ...enoughJobsToPaginate,, ]; } const getJobArtifactsResponseThatPaginates = { data: { project: { jobs: { nodes: enoughJobsToPaginate } } }, }; const job =[0]; const archiveArtifact = job.artifacts.nodes.find( (artifact) => artifact.fileType === ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPE, ); const createComponent = ( handlers = { getJobArtifactsQuery: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(getJobArtifactsResponse), }, data = {}, ) => { requestHandlers = handlers; wrapper = mountExtended(JobArtifactsTable, { apolloProvider: createMockApollo([ [getJobArtifactsQuery, requestHandlers.getJobArtifactsQuery], ]), provide: { projectPath: 'project/path' }, data() { return data; }, }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('when loading, shows a loading state', () => { createComponent(); expect(findLoadingState().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('on error, shows an alert', async () => { createComponent({ getJobArtifactsQuery: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('Error!')), }); await waitForPromises(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: I18N_FETCH_ERROR }); }); it('with data, renders the table', async () => { createComponent(); await waitForPromises(); expect(findTable().exists()).toBe(true); }); describe('job details', () => { beforeEach(async () => { createComponent(); await waitForPromises(); }); it('shows the artifact count', () => { expect(findCount().text()).toBe(`${job.artifacts.nodes.length} files`); }); it('expands to show the list of artifacts', async () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'handleRowToggle'); findCount().trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.handleRowToggle).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('shows the job status as an icon for a successful job', () => { expect(findSuccessfulJobStatus().findComponent(CiIcon).exists()).toBe(true); expect(findSuccessfulJobStatus().findComponent(GlBadge).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('shows the job status as a badge for other job statuses', () => { expect(findFailedJobStatus().findComponent(GlBadge).exists()).toBe(true); expect(findFailedJobStatus().findComponent(CiIcon).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('shows links to the job, pipeline, ref, and commit', () => { expect(findJobLink().text()).toBe(; expect(findJobLink().attributes('href')).toBe(job.webPath); expect(findPipelineLink().text()).toBe(`#${getIdFromGraphQLId(}`); expect(findPipelineLink().attributes('href')).toBe(job.pipeline.path); expect(findRefLink().text()).toBe(job.refName); expect(findRefLink().attributes('href')).toBe(job.refPath); expect(findCommitLink().text()).toBe(job.shortSha); expect(findCommitLink().attributes('href')).toBe(job.commitPath); }); it('shows the total size of artifacts', () => { expect(findSize().text()).toBe(totalArtifactsSizeForJob(job)); }); it('shows the created time', () => { expect(findCreated().text()).toBe('5 years ago'); }); }); describe('download button', () => { it('is a link to the download path for the archive artifact', async () => { createComponent(); await waitForPromises(); expect(findDownloadButton().attributes('href')).toBe(archiveArtifact.downloadPath); }); it('is disabled when there is no download path', async () => { const jobWithoutDownloadPath = { ...job, archive: { downloadPath: null }, }; createComponent( { getJobArtifactsQuery: jest.fn() }, { jobArtifacts: { nodes: [jobWithoutDownloadPath] } }, ); await waitForPromises(); expect(findDownloadButton().attributes('disabled')).toBe('disabled'); }); }); describe('browse button', () => { it('is a link to the browse path for the job', async () => { createComponent(); await waitForPromises(); expect(findBrowseButton().attributes('href')).toBe(job.browseArtifactsPath); }); it('is disabled when there is no browse path', async () => { const jobWithoutBrowsePath = { ...job, browseArtifactsPath: null, }; createComponent( { getJobArtifactsQuery: jest.fn() }, { jobArtifacts: { nodes: [jobWithoutBrowsePath] } }, ); await waitForPromises(); expect(findBrowseButton().attributes('disabled')).toBe('disabled'); }); }); describe('delete button', () => { it('shows a disabled delete button for now (coming soon)', async () => { createComponent(); await waitForPromises(); expect(findDeleteButton().attributes('disabled')).toBe('disabled'); }); }); describe('pagination', () => { const { pageInfo } =; beforeEach(async () => { createComponent( { getJobArtifactsQuery: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(getJobArtifactsResponseThatPaginates), }, { jobArtifacts: { count: enoughJobsToPaginate.length, pageInfo, }, }, ); await waitForPromises(); }); it('renders pagination and passes page props', () => { expect(findPagination().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findPagination().props()).toMatchObject({ value: wrapper.vm.pagination.currentPage, prevPage: wrapper.vm.prevPage, nextPage: wrapper.vm.nextPage, }); }); it('updates query variables when going to previous page', () => { return setPage(1).then(() => { expect(wrapper.vm.queryVariables).toMatchObject({ projectPath: 'project/path', nextPageCursor: undefined, prevPageCursor: pageInfo.startCursor, }); }); }); it('updates query variables when going to next page', () => { return setPage(2).then(() => { expect(wrapper.vm.queryVariables).toMatchObject({ lastPageSize: null, nextPageCursor: pageInfo.endCursor, prevPageCursor: '', }); }); }); }); });