# frozen_string_literal: true # Promotes survivors from eden to old gen and runs a compaction. # # aka "Nakayoshi GC" # # https://github.com/puma/puma/blob/de632261ac45d7dd85230c83f6af6dd720f1cbd9/lib/puma/util.rb#L26-L35 def nakayoshi_gc 4.times { GC.start(full_mark: false) } GC.compact end # GC::Profiler is used elsewhere in the code base, so we provide a way for it # to be used exclusively by this script, or otherwise results will be tainted. module GC::Profiler class << self attr_accessor :use_exclusive %i[enable disable clear].each do |method| alias_method "#{method}_orig", "#{method}" define_method(method) do if use_exclusive warn "GC::Profiler: ignoring call to #{method}" return end send("#{method}_orig") # rubocop: disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end end end GC::Profiler.enable GC::Profiler.use_exclusive = true require 'benchmark' RAILS_ROOT = ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] tms = Benchmark.measure do require RAILS_ROOT + 'config/boot' require RAILS_ROOT + 'config/environment' end GC::Profiler.use_exclusive = false nakayoshi_gc gc_stats = GC.stat warn gc_stats.inspect gc_total_time = GC::Profiler.total_time GC::Profiler.report($stderr) GC::Profiler.disable gc_stat_keys = ENV['GC_STAT_KEYS'].to_s.split(',').map(&:to_sym) values = [] values << ENV['SETTING_CSV'] values += gc_stat_keys.map { |k| gc_stats[k] } values << ::Gitlab::Metrics::System.memory_usage_rss values << gc_total_time values << tms.utime + tms.cutime values << tms.stime + tms.cstime values << tms.real puts values.join(',')