module RuboCop module Cop class ProjectPathHelper < RuboCop::Cop::Cop MSG = 'Use short project path helpers without explicitly passing the namespace: ' \ '`foo_project_bar_path(project, bar)` instead of ' \ '`foo_namespace_project_bar_path(project.namespace, project, bar)`.'.freeze METHOD_NAME_PATTERN = /\A([a-z_]+_)?namespace_project(?:_[a-z_]+)?_(?:url|path)\z/.freeze def on_send(node) return unless method_name(node).to_s =~ METHOD_NAME_PATTERN namespace_expr, project_expr = arguments(node) return unless namespace_expr && project_expr return unless namespace_expr.type == :send return unless method_name(namespace_expr) == :namespace return unless receiver(namespace_expr) == project_expr add_offense(node, :selector) end def autocorrect(node) helper_name = method_name(node).to_s.sub('namespace_project', 'project') arguments = arguments(node) arguments.shift # Remove namespace argument replacement = "#{helper_name}(#{', ')})" lambda do |corrector| corrector.replace(node.source_range, replacement) end end private def receiver(node) node.children[0] end def method_name(node) node.children[1] end def arguments(node) node.children[2..-1] end end end end