# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.shared_examples 'known sign in' do def stub_remote_ip(ip) request.remote_ip = ip end def stub_user_ip(ip) user.update!(current_sign_in_ip: ip) end def stub_cookie(value = user.id) cookies.encrypted[KnownSignIn::KNOWN_SIGN_IN_COOKIE] = { value: value, expires: KnownSignIn::KNOWN_SIGN_IN_COOKIE_EXPIRY } end context 'when the remote IP and the last sign in IP match' do before do stub_user_ip('') stub_remote_ip('') end it 'does not notify the user' do expect(NotificationService).not_to receive(:new) post_action end it 'sets/updates the encrypted cookie' do post_action expect(cookies.encrypted[KnownSignIn::KNOWN_SIGN_IN_COOKIE]).to eq(user.id) end end context 'when the remote IP and the last sign in IP do not match' do before do stub_user_ip('') stub_remote_ip('') end context 'when the cookie is not previously set' do it 'notifies the user' do expect_next_instance_of(NotificationService) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:unknown_sign_in) end post_action end it 'sets the encrypted cookie' do post_action expect(cookies.encrypted[KnownSignIn::KNOWN_SIGN_IN_COOKIE]).to eq(user.id) end end it 'notifies the user when the cookie is expired' do stub_cookie travel_to((KnownSignIn::KNOWN_SIGN_IN_COOKIE_EXPIRY + 1.day).from_now) do expect_next_instance_of(NotificationService) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:unknown_sign_in) end post_action end end context 'when notify_on_unknown_sign_in global setting is false' do before do stub_application_setting(notify_on_unknown_sign_in: false) end it 'does not notify the user' do expect(NotificationService).not_to receive(:new) post_action end it 'does not set a cookie' do post_action expect(cookies.encrypted[KnownSignIn::KNOWN_SIGN_IN_COOKIE]).to be_nil end end it 'notifies the user when the cookie is for another user' do stub_cookie(create(:user).id) expect_next_instance_of(NotificationService) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:unknown_sign_in) end post_action end it 'does not notify the user when remote IP matches an active session' do ActiveSession.set(user, request) expect(NotificationService).not_to receive(:new) post_action end it 'does not notify the user when the cookie is present and not expired' do stub_cookie expect(NotificationService).not_to receive(:new) post_action end end end