# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe "User creates issue" do include DropzoneHelper let_it_be(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :public) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } context "when unauthenticated" do before do sign_out(:user) end it "redirects to signin then back to new issue after signin", :js do create(:issue, project: project) visit project_issues_path(project) page.within ".nav-controls" do click_link "New issue" end expect(page).to have_current_path new_user_session_path, ignore_query: true gitlab_sign_in(create(:user)) expect(page).to have_current_path new_project_issue_path(project), ignore_query: true end end context "when signed in as guest", :js do before do project.add_guest(user) sign_in(user) visit(new_project_issue_path(project)) end context 'available metadata' do it 'allows guest to set issue metadata' do page.within(".issue-form") do expect(page).to have_content("Title") .and have_content("Description") .and have_content("Type") .and have_content("Assignee") .and have_content("Milestone") .and have_content("Labels") .and have_content("Due date") .and have_content("This issue is confidential and should only be visible to team members with at least Reporter access.") end end end context "when previewing" do it "previews content" do form = first(".gfm-form") textarea = first(".gfm-form textarea") page.within(form) do click_button("Preview") preview = find(".js-md-preview") # this element is findable only when the "Preview" link is clicked. expect(preview).to have_content("Nothing to preview.") click_button("Write") fill_in("Description", with: "Bug fixed :smile:") click_button("Preview") expect(preview).to have_css("gl-emoji") expect(textarea).not_to be_visible click_button("Write") fill_in("Description", with: "/confidential") click_button("Preview") expect(form).to have_content('Makes this issue confidential.') end end end context "with labels" do let(:label_titles) { %w(bug feature enhancement) } before do label_titles.each do |title| create(:label, project: project, title: title) end end it "creates issue" do issue_title = "500 error on profile" fill_in("Title", with: issue_title) click_button("Label") click_link(label_titles.first) click_button("Create issue") expect(page).to have_content(issue_title) .and have_content(user.name) .and have_content(project.name) .and have_content(label_titles.first) end end context 'with due date', :js do it 'saves with due date' do date = Date.today.at_beginning_of_month fill_in 'issue_title', with: 'bug 345' fill_in 'issue_description', with: 'bug description' find('#issuable-due-date').click page.within '.pika-single' do click_button date.day end expect(find('#issuable-due-date').value).to eq date.to_s click_button 'Create issue' page.within '.issuable-sidebar' do expect(page).to have_content date.to_s(:medium) end end end context 'dropzone upload file', :js do before do visit new_project_issue_path(project) end it 'uploads file when dragging into textarea' do dropzone_file Rails.root.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'banana_sample.gif') expect(page.find_field("issue_description").value).to have_content 'banana_sample' end it "doesn't add double newline to end of a single attachment markdown" do dropzone_file Rails.root.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'banana_sample.gif') expect(page.find_field("issue_description").value).not_to match /\n\n$/ end it "cancels a file upload correctly", :capybara_ignore_server_errors do slow_requests do dropzone_file([Rails.root.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'dk.png')], 0, false) click_button 'Cancel' end expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="button-attach-file"]') expect(page).not_to have_button('Cancel') expect(page).not_to have_selector('.uploading-progress-container', visible: true) end end context 'form filled by URL parameters' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } before do project.repository.create_file( user, '.gitlab/issue_templates/bug.md', 'this is a test "bug" template', message: 'added issue template', branch_name: 'master') visit new_project_issue_path(project, issuable_template: 'bug') end it 'fills in template' do expect(find('.js-issuable-selector .dropdown-toggle-text')).to have_content('bug') end end context 'form create handles issue creation by default' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } before do visit new_project_issue_path(project) end it 'pre-fills the issue type dropdown with issue type' do expect(find('.js-issuable-type-filter-dropdown-wrap .dropdown-toggle-text')).to have_content('Issue') end it 'does not hide the milestone select' do expect(page).to have_selector('.qa-issuable-milestone-dropdown') # rubocop:disable QA/SelectorUsage end end context 'form create handles incident creation' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } before do visit new_project_issue_path(project, { issuable_template: 'incident', issue: { issue_type: 'incident' } }) end it 'does not pre-fill the issue type dropdown with incident type' do expect(find('.js-issuable-type-filter-dropdown-wrap .dropdown-toggle-text')).not_to have_content('Incident') end it 'shows the milestone select' do expect(page).to have_selector('.qa-issuable-milestone-dropdown') # rubocop:disable QA/SelectorUsage end it 'hides the incident help text' do expect(page).not_to have_text('A modified issue to guide the resolution of incidents.') end end context 'suggestions', :js do it 'displays list of related issues' do issue = create(:issue, project: project) create(:issue, project: project, title: 'test issue') visit new_project_issue_path(project) fill_in 'issue_title', with: issue.title expect(page).to have_selector('.suggestion-item', count: 1) end end it 'clears local storage after creating a new issue', :js do 2.times do visit new_project_issue_path(project) wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_field('Title', with: '') fill_in 'issue_title', with: 'bug 345' fill_in 'issue_description', with: 'bug description' click_button 'Create issue' end end end context 'when signed in as reporter', :js do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } before_all do project.add_reporter(user) end before do sign_in(user) end context 'form create handles incident creation' do before do visit new_project_issue_path(project, { issuable_template: 'incident', issue: { issue_type: 'incident' } }) end it 'pre-fills the issue type dropdown with incident type' do expect(find('.js-issuable-type-filter-dropdown-wrap .dropdown-toggle-text')).to have_content('Incident') end it 'hides the epic select' do expect(page).not_to have_selector('.epic-dropdown-container') end it 'shows the milestone select' do expect(page).to have_selector('.qa-issuable-milestone-dropdown') # rubocop:disable QA/SelectorUsage end it 'hides the weight input' do expect(page).not_to have_selector('.qa-issuable-weight-input') # rubocop:disable QA/SelectorUsage end it 'shows the incident help text' do expect(page).to have_text('A modified issue to guide the resolution of incidents.') end end end context "when signed in as user with special characters in their name" do let(:user_special) { create(:user, name: "Jon O'Shea") } before do project.add_developer(user_special) sign_in(user_special) visit(new_project_issue_path(project)) end it "will correctly escape user names with an apostrophe when clicking 'Assign to me'", :js do first('.assign-to-me-link').click expect(page).to have_content(user_special.name) expect(page.find('input[name="issue[assignee_ids][]"]', visible: false)['data-meta']).to eq(user_special.name) end end end