class Spinach::Features::DashboardTodos < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedPaths include SharedProject include SharedUser include Select2Helper step '"John Doe" is a developer of project "Shop"' do << [john_doe, :developer] end step 'I am a developer of project "Enterprise"' do << [current_user, :developer] end step '"Mary Jane" is a developer of project "Shop"' do << [john_doe, :developer] end step 'I have todos' do create(:todo, user: current_user, project: project, author: mary_jane, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED) create(:todo, user: current_user, project: project, author: john_doe, target: issue, action: Todo::ASSIGNED) note = create(:note, author: john_doe, noteable: issue, note: "#{current_user.to_reference} Wdyt?", project: project) create(:todo, user: current_user, project: project, author: john_doe, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note) create(:todo, user: current_user, project: project, author: john_doe, target: merge_request, action: Todo::ASSIGNED) end step 'I should see todos assigned to me' do page.within('.todos-pending-count') { expect(page).to have_content '4' } expect(page).to have_content 'To do 4' expect(page).to have_content 'Done 0' expect(page).to have_link project.name_with_namespace should_see_todo(1, "John Doe assigned you merge request #{merge_request.to_reference}", merge_request.title) should_see_todo(2, "John Doe mentioned you on issue #{issue.to_reference}", "#{current_user.to_reference} Wdyt?") should_see_todo(3, "John Doe assigned you issue #{issue.to_reference}", issue.title) should_see_todo(4, "Mary Jane mentioned you on issue #{issue.to_reference}", issue.title) end step 'I mark the todo as done' do page.within('.todo:nth-child(1)') do click_link 'Done' end page.within('.todos-pending-count') { expect(page).to have_content '3' } expect(page).to have_content 'To do 3' expect(page).to have_content 'Done 1' should_not_see_todo "John Doe assigned you merge request #{merge_request.to_reference}" end step 'I mark all todos as done' do click_link 'Mark all as done' page.within('.todos-pending-count') { expect(page).to have_content '0' } expect(page).to have_content 'To do 0' expect(page).to have_content 'Done 4' expect(page).to have_content "You're all done!" expect(page).not_to have_link project.name_with_namespace should_not_see_todo "John Doe assigned you merge request #{merge_request.to_reference}" should_not_see_todo "John Doe mentioned you on issue #{issue.to_reference}" should_not_see_todo "John Doe assigned you issue #{issue.to_reference}" should_not_see_todo "Mary Jane mentioned you on issue #{issue.to_reference}" end step 'I should see the todo marked as done' do click_link 'Done 1' expect(page).to have_link project.name_with_namespace should_see_todo(1, "John Doe assigned you merge request #{merge_request.to_reference}", merge_request.title, false) end step 'I should see all todos marked as done' do click_link 'Done 4' expect(page).to have_link project.name_with_namespace should_see_todo(1, "John Doe assigned you merge request #{merge_request.to_reference}", merge_request.title, false) should_see_todo(2, "John Doe mentioned you on issue #{issue.to_reference}", "#{current_user.to_reference} Wdyt?", false) should_see_todo(3, "John Doe assigned you issue #{issue.to_reference}", issue.title, false) should_see_todo(4, "Mary Jane mentioned you on issue #{issue.to_reference}", issue.title, false) end step 'I filter by "Enterprise"' do select2(, from: "#project_id") end step 'I filter by "John Doe"' do select2(, from: "#author_id") end step 'I filter by "Issue"' do select2('Issue', from: "#type") end step 'I filter by "Mentioned"' do select2("#{Todo::MENTIONED}", from: '#action_id') end step 'I should not see todos' do expect(page).to have_content "You're all done!" end step 'I should not see todos related to "Mary Jane" in the list' do should_not_see_todo "Mary Jane mentioned you on issue #{issue.to_reference}" end step 'I should not see todos related to "Merge Requests" in the list' do should_not_see_todo "John Doe assigned you merge request #{merge_request.to_reference}" end step 'I should not see todos related to "Assignments" in the list' do should_not_see_todo "John Doe assigned you merge request #{merge_request.to_reference}" should_not_see_todo "John Doe assigned you issue #{issue.to_reference}" end step 'I click on the todo' do find('.todo:nth-child(1)').click end step 'I should be directed to the corresponding page' do page.should have_css('.identifier', text: 'Merge Request !1') end def should_see_todo(position, title, body, pending = true) page.within(".todo:nth-child(#{position})") do expect(page).to have_content title expect(page).to have_content body if pending expect(page).to have_link 'Done' else expect(page).not_to have_link 'Done' end end end def should_not_see_todo(title) expect(page).not_to have_content title end def john_doe @john_doe ||= user_exists("John Doe", { username: "john_doe" }) end def mary_jane @mary_jane ||= user_exists("Mary Jane", { username: "mary_jane" }) end def enterprise @enterprise ||= Project.find_by(name: 'Enterprise') end def issue @issue ||= create(:issue, assignee: current_user, project: project) end def merge_request @merge_request ||= create(:merge_request, assignee: current_user, source_project: project) end end