# frozen_string_literal: true class MergeRequestDiff < ApplicationRecord include Sortable include Importable include ManualInverseAssociation include EachBatch include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include ObjectStorage::BackgroundMove include BulkInsertableAssociations # Don't display more than 100 commits at once COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE = 100 BATCH_SIZE = 1000 # Applies to closed or merged MRs when determining whether to migrate their # diffs to external storage EXTERNAL_DIFF_CUTOFF = 7.days.freeze # The files_count column is a 2-byte signed integer. Look up the true value # from the database if this sentinel is seen FILES_COUNT_SENTINEL = 2**15 - 1 belongs_to :merge_request manual_inverse_association :merge_request, :merge_request_diff has_many :merge_request_diff_files, -> { order(:merge_request_diff_id, :relative_order) }, inverse_of: :merge_request_diff has_many :merge_request_diff_commits, -> { order(:merge_request_diff_id, :relative_order) } validates :base_commit_sha, :head_commit_sha, :start_commit_sha, sha: true state_machine :state, initial: :empty do event :clean do transition any => :without_files end state :collected state :overflow # Diff files have been deleted by the system state :without_files # Deprecated states: these are no longer used but these values may still occur # in the database. state :timeout state :overflow_commits_safe_size state :overflow_diff_files_limit state :overflow_diff_lines_limit end scope :with_files, -> { without_states(:without_files, :empty) } scope :viewable, -> { without_state(:empty) } scope :by_commit_sha, ->(sha) do joins(:merge_request_diff_commits).where(merge_request_diff_commits: { sha: sha }).reorder(nil) end scope :by_project_id, -> (project_id) do joins(:merge_request).where(merge_requests: { target_project_id: project_id }) end scope :recent, -> { order(id: :desc).limit(100) } scope :files_in_database, -> do where(stored_externally: [false, nil]).where(arel_table[:files_count].gt(0)) end scope :not_latest_diffs, -> do merge_requests = MergeRequest.arel_table mr_diffs = arel_table join_condition = merge_requests[:id].eq(mr_diffs[:merge_request_id]) .and(mr_diffs[:id].not_eq(merge_requests[:latest_merge_request_diff_id])) arel_join = mr_diffs.join(merge_requests).on(join_condition) joins(arel_join.join_sources) end scope :old_merged_diffs, -> (before) do merge_requests = MergeRequest.arel_table mr_metrics = MergeRequest::Metrics.arel_table mr_diffs = arel_table mr_join = mr_diffs .join(merge_requests) .on(mr_diffs[:merge_request_id].eq(merge_requests[:id])) metrics_join_condition = mr_diffs[:merge_request_id] .eq(mr_metrics[:merge_request_id]) .and(mr_metrics[:merged_at].not_eq(nil)) metrics_join = mr_diffs.join(mr_metrics).on(metrics_join_condition) condition = MergeRequest.arel_table[:state_id].eq(MergeRequest.available_states[:merged]) .and(MergeRequest::Metrics.arel_table[:merged_at].lteq(before)) .and(MergeRequest::Metrics.arel_table[:merged_at].not_eq(nil)) joins(metrics_join.join_sources, mr_join.join_sources).where(condition) end scope :old_closed_diffs, -> (before) do condition = MergeRequest.arel_table[:state_id].eq(MergeRequest.available_states[:closed]) .and(MergeRequest::Metrics.arel_table[:latest_closed_at].lteq(before)) joins(merge_request: :metrics).where(condition) end class << self def ids_for_external_storage_migration(limit:) return [] unless Gitlab.config.external_diffs.enabled case Gitlab.config.external_diffs.when when 'always' ids_for_external_storage_migration_strategy_always(limit: limit) when 'outdated' ids_for_external_storage_migration_strategy_outdated(limit: limit) else [] end end def ids_for_external_storage_migration_strategy_always(limit:) files_in_database.limit(limit).pluck(:id) end def ids_for_external_storage_migration_strategy_outdated(limit:) # Outdated is too complex to be a single SQL query, so split into three before = EXTERNAL_DIFF_CUTOFF.ago ids = files_in_database .old_merged_diffs(before) .limit(limit) .pluck(:id) return ids if ids.size >= limit ids += files_in_database .old_closed_diffs(before) .limit(limit - ids.size) .pluck(:id) return ids if ids.size >= limit ids + files_in_database .not_latest_diffs .limit(limit - ids.size) .pluck(:id) end end mount_uploader :external_diff, ExternalDiffUploader # All diff information is collected from repository after object is created. # It allows you to override variables like head_commit_sha before getting diff. after_create :save_git_content, unless: :importing? after_create_commit :set_as_latest_diff, unless: :importing? after_save :update_external_diff_store after_save :set_count_columns def self.find_by_diff_refs(diff_refs) find_by(start_commit_sha: diff_refs.start_sha, head_commit_sha: diff_refs.head_sha, base_commit_sha: diff_refs.base_sha) end def viewable? collected? || without_files? || overflow? end # Collect information about commits and diff from repository # and save it to the database as serialized data def save_git_content ensure_commit_shas save_commits save_diffs # Another set of `after_save` hooks will be called here when we update the record save # We need to reset so that dirty tracking is reset when running the original set # of `after_save` hooks that come after this `after_create` hook. Otherwise, the # hooks that run when an attribute was changed are run twice. reset keep_around_commits unless importing? end def set_as_latest_diff MergeRequest .where('id = ? AND COALESCE(latest_merge_request_diff_id, 0) < ?', self.merge_request_id, self.id) .update_all(latest_merge_request_diff_id: self.id) end def ensure_commit_shas self.start_commit_sha ||= merge_request.target_branch_sha self.head_commit_sha ||= merge_request.source_branch_sha self.base_commit_sha ||= find_base_sha end # Override head_commit_sha to keep compatibility with merge request diff # created before version 8.4 that does not store head_commit_sha in separate db field. def head_commit_sha if persisted? && super.nil? last_commit_sha else super end end def files_count db_value = read_attribute(:files_count) case db_value when nil, FILES_COUNT_SENTINEL merge_request_diff_files.count else db_value end end # This method will rely on repository branch sha # in case start_commit_sha is nil. Its necesarry for old merge request diff # created before version 8.4 to work def safe_start_commit_sha start_commit_sha || merge_request.target_branch_sha end def size real_size.presence || raw_diffs.size end def lines_count strong_memoize(:lines_count) do raw_diffs(limits: false).line_count end end def raw_diffs(options = {}) if options[:ignore_whitespace_change] @diffs_no_whitespace ||= compare.diffs(options) else @raw_diffs ||= {} @raw_diffs[options] ||= load_diffs(options) end end def commits(limit: nil) strong_memoize(:"commits_#{limit || 'all'}") do load_commits(limit: limit) end end def last_commit_sha commit_shas(limit: 1).first end def first_commit commits.last end def last_commit commits.first end def base_commit return unless base_commit_sha project.commit_by(oid: base_commit_sha) end def start_commit return unless start_commit_sha project.commit_by(oid: start_commit_sha) end def head_commit return unless head_commit_sha project.commit_by(oid: head_commit_sha) end def commit_shas(limit: nil) merge_request_diff_commits.limit(limit).pluck(:sha) end def includes_any_commits?(shas) return false if shas.blank? # when the number of shas is huge (1000+) we don't want # to pass them all as an SQL param, let's pass them in batches shas.each_slice(BATCH_SIZE).any? do |batched_shas| merge_request_diff_commits.where(sha: batched_shas).exists? end end def diff_refs=(new_diff_refs) self.base_commit_sha = new_diff_refs&.base_sha self.start_commit_sha = new_diff_refs&.start_sha self.head_commit_sha = new_diff_refs&.head_sha end def diff_refs return unless start_commit_sha || base_commit_sha Gitlab::Diff::DiffRefs.new( base_sha: base_commit_sha, start_sha: start_commit_sha, head_sha: head_commit_sha ) end # MRs created before 8.4 don't store their true diff refs (start and base), # but we need to get a commit SHA for the "View file @ ..." link by a file, # so we use an approximation of the diff refs if we can't get the actual one. # # These will not be the actual diff refs if the target branch was merged into # the source branch after the merge request was created, but it is good enough # for the specific purpose of linking to a commit. # # It is not good enough for highlighting diffs, so we can't simply pass # these as `diff_refs.` def fallback_diff_refs real_refs = diff_refs return real_refs if real_refs likely_base_commit_sha = (first_commit&.parent || first_commit)&.sha Gitlab::Diff::DiffRefs.new( base_sha: likely_base_commit_sha, start_sha: safe_start_commit_sha, head_sha: head_commit_sha ) end def diff_refs_by_sha? base_commit_sha? && head_commit_sha? && start_commit_sha? end def diffs_in_batch(batch_page, batch_size, diff_options:) fetching_repository_diffs(diff_options) do |comparison| if comparison comparison.diffs_in_batch(batch_page, batch_size, diff_options: diff_options) else diffs_in_batch_collection(batch_page, batch_size, diff_options: diff_options) end end end def diffs(diff_options = nil) fetching_repository_diffs(diff_options) do |comparison| # It should fetch the repository when diffs are cleaned by the system. # We don't keep these for storage overload purposes. # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/37639 if comparison comparison.diffs(diff_options) else diffs_collection(diff_options) end end end # Should always return the DB persisted diffs collection # (e.g. Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiff. # It's useful when trying to invalidate old caches through # FileCollection::MergeRequestDiff#clear_cache! def diffs_collection(diff_options = nil) Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiff.new(self, diff_options: diff_options) end def project merge_request.target_project end def compare @compare ||= Gitlab::Git::Compare.new( repository.raw_repository, safe_start_commit_sha, head_commit_sha ) end def latest? self.id == merge_request.latest_merge_request_diff_id end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def compare_with(sha) # When compare merge request versions we want diff A..B instead of A...B # so we handle cases when user does squash and rebase of the commits between versions. # For this reason we set straight to true by default. CompareService.new(project, head_commit_sha).execute(project, sha, straight: true) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def modified_paths(fallback_on_overflow: false) if fallback_on_overflow && overflow? # This is an extremely slow means to find the modified paths for a given # MergeRequestDiff. This should be avoided, except where the limit of # 1_000 (as of %12.10) entries returned by the default behavior is an # issue. strong_memoize(:overflowed_modified_paths) do project.repository.diff_stats( base_commit_sha, head_commit_sha ).paths end else strong_memoize(:modified_paths) do merge_request_diff_files.pluck(:new_path, :old_path).flatten.uniq end end end def update_external_diff_store return unless saved_change_to_external_diff? || saved_change_to_stored_externally? update_column(:external_diff_store, external_diff.object_store) end # If enabled, yields the external file containing the diff. Otherwise, yields # nil. This method is not thread-safe, but it *is* re-entrant, which allows # multiple merge_request_diff_files to load their data efficiently def opening_external_diff return yield(nil) unless stored_externally? return yield(@external_diff_file) if @external_diff_file external_diff.open do |file| @external_diff_file = file yield(@external_diff_file) ensure @external_diff_file = nil end end # Transactionally migrate the current merge_request_diff_files entries to # external storage. If external storage isn't an option for this diff, the # method is a no-op. def migrate_files_to_external_storage! return if stored_externally? || !use_external_diff? || files_count == 0 rows = build_merge_request_diff_files(merge_request_diff_files) rows = build_external_merge_request_diff_files(rows) # Perform carrierwave activity before entering the database transaction. # This is safe as until the `external_diff_store` column is changed, we will # continue to consult the in-database content. self.external_diff.store! transaction do MergeRequestDiffFile.where(merge_request_diff_id: id).delete_all Gitlab::Database.bulk_insert('merge_request_diff_files', rows) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/BulkInsert save! end merge_request_diff_files.reset end # Transactionally migrate the current merge_request_diff_files entries from # external storage, back to the database. This is the rollback operation for # +migrate_files_to_external_storage!+ # # If this diff isn't in external storage, the method is a no-op. def migrate_files_to_database! return unless stored_externally? return if files_count == 0 rows = convert_external_diffs_to_database transaction do MergeRequestDiffFile.where(merge_request_diff_id: id).delete_all Gitlab::Database.bulk_insert('merge_request_diff_files', rows) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/BulkInsert update!(stored_externally: false) end # Only delete the external diff file after the contents have been saved to # the database remove_external_diff! merge_request_diff_files.reset end private def convert_external_diffs_to_database opening_external_diff do |external_file| merge_request_diff_files.map do |diff_file| row = diff_file.attributes.except('diff') raise "Diff file lacks external diff offset or size: #{row.inspect}" unless row['external_diff_offset'] && row['external_diff_size'] # The diff in the external file is already base64-encoded if necessary, # matching the 'binary' attribute of the row. Reading it directly allows # a cycle of decode-encode to be skipped external_file.seek(row.delete('external_diff_offset')) row['diff'] = external_file.read(row.delete('external_diff_size')) row end end end def diffs_in_batch_collection(batch_page, batch_size, diff_options:) Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiffBatch.new(self, batch_page, batch_size, diff_options: diff_options) end def encode_in_base64?(diff_text) return false if diff_text.nil? (diff_text.encoding == Encoding::BINARY && !diff_text.ascii_only?) || diff_text.include?("\0") end def build_external_merge_request_diff_files(rows) tempfile = build_external_diff_tempfile(rows) self.external_diff = tempfile self.stored_externally = true rows ensure tempfile&.unlink end def create_merge_request_diff_files(rows) rows = build_external_merge_request_diff_files(rows) if use_external_diff? # Faster inserts Gitlab::Database.bulk_insert('merge_request_diff_files', rows) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/BulkInsert end def build_external_diff_tempfile(rows) Tempfile.open(external_diff.filename) do |file| rows.each do |row| data = row.delete(:diff) row[:external_diff_offset] = file.pos row[:external_diff_size] = data&.bytesize || 0 file.write(data) end file end end def build_merge_request_diff_files(diffs) diffs.map.with_index do |diff, index| diff_hash = diff.to_hash.merge( binary: false, merge_request_diff_id: self.id, relative_order: index ) # Compatibility with old diffs created with Psych. diff_hash.tap do |hash| diff_text = hash[:diff] if encode_in_base64?(diff_text) hash[:binary] = true hash[:diff] = [diff_text].pack('m0') end end end end # Yields the block with the repository Compare object if it should # fetch diffs from the repository instead DB. def fetching_repository_diffs(diff_options) return unless block_given? diff_options ||= {} # Can be read as: fetch the persisted diffs if yielded without the # Compare object. return yield unless without_files? || diff_options[:ignore_whitespace_change] return yield unless diff_refs&.complete? comparison = diff_refs.compare_in(repository.project) return yield unless comparison yield(comparison) end def use_external_diff? return false unless Gitlab.config.external_diffs.enabled case Gitlab.config.external_diffs.when when 'always' true when 'outdated' outdated_by_merge? || outdated_by_closure? || old_version? else false # Disable external diffs if misconfigured end end def outdated_by_merge? return false unless merge_request&.metrics&.merged_at merge_request.merged? && merge_request.metrics.merged_at < EXTERNAL_DIFF_CUTOFF.ago end def outdated_by_closure? return false unless merge_request&.metrics&.latest_closed_at merge_request.closed? && merge_request.metrics.latest_closed_at < EXTERNAL_DIFF_CUTOFF.ago end def old_version? latest_id = MergeRequest .where(id: merge_request_id) .limit(1) .pluck(:latest_merge_request_diff_id) .first latest_id && self.id < latest_id end def load_diffs(options) # Ensure all diff files operate on the same external diff file instance if # present. This reduces file open/close overhead. opening_external_diff do collection = merge_request_diff_files if options[:include_context_commits] collection += merge_request.merge_request_context_commit_diff_files end if paths = options[:paths] collection = collection.where('old_path IN (?) OR new_path IN (?)', paths, paths) end Gitlab::Git::DiffCollection.new(collection.map(&:to_hash), options) end end def load_commits(limit: nil) commits = merge_request_diff_commits.limit(limit) .map { |commit| Commit.from_hash(commit.to_hash, project) } CommitCollection .new(merge_request.source_project, commits, merge_request.source_branch) end def save_diffs new_attributes = {} if compare.commits.empty? new_attributes[:state] = :empty else diff_collection = compare.diffs(Commit.max_diff_options(project: merge_request.project)) new_attributes[:real_size] = diff_collection.real_size if diff_collection.any? new_attributes[:state] = :collected rows = build_merge_request_diff_files(diff_collection) create_merge_request_diff_files(rows) self.class.uncached { merge_request_diff_files.reset } end # Set our state to 'overflow' to make the #empty? and #collected? # methods (generated by StateMachine) return false. # # This attribution has to come at the end of the method so 'overflow' # state does not get overridden by 'collected'. new_attributes[:state] = :overflow if diff_collection.overflow? end assign_attributes(new_attributes) end def save_commits MergeRequestDiffCommit.create_bulk(self.id, compare.commits.reverse) self.class.uncached { merge_request_diff_commits.reset } end def set_count_columns update_columns( commits_count: merge_request_diff_commits.size, files_count: [FILES_COUNT_SENTINEL, merge_request_diff_files.size].min ) end def repository project.repository end def find_base_sha return unless head_commit_sha && start_commit_sha project.merge_base_commit(head_commit_sha, start_commit_sha).try(:sha) end def keep_around_commits [repository, merge_request.source_project.repository].uniq.each do |repo| repo.keep_around(start_commit_sha, head_commit_sha, base_commit_sha) end end end MergeRequestDiff.prepend_if_ee('EE::MergeRequestDiff')