### Summary ### Steps to reproduce ### Example Project ### What is the current *bug* behavior? ### What is the expected *correct* behavior? ### Relevant logs and/or screenshots ### Output of checks #### Results of GitLab environment info
Expand for output related to GitLab environment info

(For installations with omnibus-gitlab package run and paste the output of:
`sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info`)

(For installations from source run and paste the output of:
`sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production`)

#### Results of GitLab application Check
Expand for output related to the GitLab application check

(For installations with omnibus-gitlab package run and paste the output of:
`sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:check SANITIZE=true`)

(For installations from source run and paste the output of:
`sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:check RAILS_ENV=production SANITIZE=true`)

(we will only investigate if the tests are passing)

### Possible fixes --- cc @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec /label ~"type::bug" ~"bug::vulnerability" /confidential