# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation module Gitlab module BackgroundMigration class MigrateStageStatus STATUSES = { created: 0, pending: 1, running: 2, success: 3, failed: 4, canceled: 5, skipped: 6, manual: 7 }.freeze class Build < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'ci_builds' scope :latest, -> { where(retried: [false, nil]) } scope :created, -> { where(status: 'created') } scope :running, -> { where(status: 'running') } scope :pending, -> { where(status: 'pending') } scope :success, -> { where(status: 'success') } scope :failed, -> { where(status: 'failed') } scope :canceled, -> { where(status: 'canceled') } scope :skipped, -> { where(status: 'skipped') } scope :manual, -> { where(status: 'manual') } scope :failed_but_allowed, -> do where(allow_failure: true, status: [:failed, :canceled]) end scope :exclude_ignored, -> do where("allow_failure = ? OR status IN (?)", false, %w[created pending running success skipped]) end def self.status_sql scope_relevant = latest.exclude_ignored scope_warnings = latest.failed_but_allowed builds = scope_relevant.select('count(*)').to_sql created = scope_relevant.created.select('count(*)').to_sql success = scope_relevant.success.select('count(*)').to_sql manual = scope_relevant.manual.select('count(*)').to_sql pending = scope_relevant.pending.select('count(*)').to_sql running = scope_relevant.running.select('count(*)').to_sql skipped = scope_relevant.skipped.select('count(*)').to_sql canceled = scope_relevant.canceled.select('count(*)').to_sql warnings = scope_warnings.select('count(*) > 0').to_sql <<-SQL.strip_heredoc (CASE WHEN (#{builds}) = (#{skipped}) AND (#{warnings}) THEN #{STATUSES[:success]} WHEN (#{builds}) = (#{skipped}) THEN #{STATUSES[:skipped]} WHEN (#{builds}) = (#{success}) THEN #{STATUSES[:success]} WHEN (#{builds}) = (#{created}) THEN #{STATUSES[:created]} WHEN (#{builds}) = (#{success}) + (#{skipped}) THEN #{STATUSES[:success]} WHEN (#{builds}) = (#{success}) + (#{skipped}) + (#{canceled}) THEN #{STATUSES[:canceled]} WHEN (#{builds}) = (#{created}) + (#{skipped}) + (#{pending}) THEN #{STATUSES[:pending]} WHEN (#{running}) + (#{pending}) > 0 THEN #{STATUSES[:running]} WHEN (#{manual}) > 0 THEN #{STATUSES[:manual]} WHEN (#{created}) > 0 THEN #{STATUSES[:running]} ELSE #{STATUSES[:failed]} END) SQL end end def perform(start_id, stop_id) status_sql = Build .where('ci_builds.commit_id = ci_stages.pipeline_id') .where('ci_builds.stage = ci_stages.name') .status_sql sql = <<-SQL UPDATE ci_stages SET status = (#{status_sql}) WHERE ci_stages.status IS NULL AND ci_stages.id BETWEEN #{start_id.to_i} AND #{stop_id.to_i} SQL ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end end end end