--- stage: Manage group: Access info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # `DeclarativePolicy` framework The DeclarativePolicy framework is designed to assist in performance of policy checks, and to enable ease of extension for EE. The DSL code in `app/policies` is what `Ability.allowed?` uses to check whether a particular action is allowed on a subject. The policy used is based on the subject's class name - so `Ability.allowed?(user, :some_ability, project)` creates a `ProjectPolicy` and check permissions on that. ## Managing Permission Rules Permissions are broken into two parts: `conditions` and `rules`. Conditions are boolean expressions that can access the database and the environment, while rules are statically configured combinations of expressions and other rules that enable or prevent certain abilities. For an ability to be allowed, it must be enabled by at least one rule, and not prevented by any. ### Conditions Conditions are defined by the `condition` method, and are given a name and a block. The block is executed in the context of the policy object - so it can access `@user` and `@subject`, as well as call any methods defined on the policy. Note that `@user` may be nil (in the anonymous case), but `@subject` is guaranteed to be a real instance of the subject class. ```ruby class FooPolicy < BasePolicy condition(:is_public) do # @subject guaranteed to be an instance of Foo @subject.public? end # instance methods can be called from the condition as well condition(:thing) { check_thing } def check_thing # ... end end ``` When you define a condition, a predicate method is defined on the policy to check whether that condition passes - so in the above example, an instance of `FooPolicy` also responds to `#is_public?` and `#thing?`. Conditions are cached according to their scope. Scope and ordering is covered later. ### Rules A `rule` is a logical combination of conditions and other rules, that are configured to enable or prevent certain abilities. It is important to note that the rule configuration is static - a rule's logic cannot touch the database or know about `@user` or `@subject`. This allows us to cache only at the condition level. Rules are specified through the `rule` method, which takes a block of DSL configuration, and returns an object that responds to `#enable` or `#prevent`: ```ruby class FooPolicy < BasePolicy # ... rule { is_public }.enable :read rule { thing }.prevent :read # equivalently, rule { is_public }.policy do enable :read end rule { ~thing }.policy do prevent :read end end ``` Within the rule DSL, you can use: - A regular word mentions a condition by name - a rule that is in effect when that condition is truthy. - `~` indicates negation. - `&` and `|` are logical combinations, also available as `all?(...)` and `any?(...)`. - `can?(:other_ability)` delegates to the rules that apply to `:other_ability`. Note that this is distinct from the instance method `can?`, which can check dynamically - this only configures a delegation to another ability. ## Scores, Order, Performance To see how the rules get evaluated into a judgment, it is useful in a console to use `policy.debug(:some_ability)`. This prints the rules in the order they are evaluated. For example, let's say you wanted to debug `IssuePolicy`. You might run the debugger in this way: ```ruby user = User.find_by(username: 'john') issue = Issue.first policy = IssuePolicy.new(user, issue) policy.debug(:read_issue) ``` An example debug output would look as follows: ```ruby - [0] prevent when all?(confidential, ~can_read_confidential) ((@john : Issue/1)) - [0] prevent when archived ((@john : Project/4)) - [0] prevent when issues_disabled ((@john : Project/4)) - [0] prevent when all?(anonymous, ~public_project) ((@john : Project/4)) + [32] enable when can?(:reporter_access) ((@john : Project/4)) ``` Each line represents a rule that was evaluated. There are a few things to note: 1. The `-` or `+` symbol indicates whether the rule block was evaluated to be `false` or `true`, respectively. 1. The number inside the brackets indicates the score. 1. The last part of the line (e.g. `@john : Issue/1`) shows the username and subject for that rule. Here you can see that the first four rules were evaluated `false` for which user and subject. For example, you can see in the last line that the rule was activated because the user `john` had Reporter access to `Project/4`. When a policy is asked whether a particular ability is allowed (`policy.allowed?(:some_ability)`), it does not necessarily have to compute all the conditions on the policy. First, only the rules relevant to that particular ability are selected. Then, the execution model takes advantage of short-circuiting, and attempts to sort rules based on a heuristic of how expensive they are to calculate. The sorting is dynamic and cache-aware, so that previously calculated conditions are considered first, before computing other conditions. Note that the score is chosen by a developer via the `score:` parameter in a `condition` to denote how expensive evaluating this rule would be relative to other rules. ## Scope Sometimes, a condition only uses data from `@user` or only from `@subject`. In this case, we want to change the scope of the caching, so that we don't recalculate conditions unnecessarily. For example, given: ```ruby class FooPolicy < BasePolicy condition(:expensive_condition) { @subject.expensive_query? } rule { expensive_condition }.enable :some_ability end ``` Naively, if we call `Ability.allowed?(user1, :some_ability, foo)` and `Ability.allowed?(user2, :some_ability, foo)`, we would have to calculate the condition twice - since they are for different users. But if we use the `scope: :subject` option: ```ruby condition(:expensive_condition, scope: :subject) { @subject.expensive_query? } ``` then the result of the condition is cached globally only based on the subject - so it is not calculated repeatedly for different users. Similarly, `scope: :user` caches only based on the user. **DANGER**: If you use a `:scope` option when the condition actually uses data from both user and subject (including a simple anonymous check!) your result is cached at too global of a scope and results in cache bugs. Sometimes we are checking permissions for a lot of users for one subject, or a lot of subjects for one user. In this case, we want to set a *preferred scope* - i.e. tell the system that we prefer rules that can be cached on the repeated parameter. For example, in `Ability.users_that_can_read_project`: ```ruby def users_that_can_read_project(users, project) DeclarativePolicy.subject_scope do users.select { |u| allowed?(u, :read_project, project) } end end ``` This, for example, prefers checking `project.public?` to checking `user.admin?`. ## Delegation Delegation is the inclusion of rules from another policy, on a different subject. For example: ```ruby class FooPolicy < BasePolicy delegate { @subject.project } end ``` includes all rules from `ProjectPolicy`. The delegated conditions are evaluated with the correct delegated subject, and are sorted along with the regular rules in the policy. Note that only the relevant rules for a particular ability are actually considered. ### Overrides We allow policies to opt-out of delegated abilities. Delegated policies may define some abilities in a way that is incorrect for the delegating policy. Take for example a child/parent relationship, where some abilities can be inferred, and some cannot: ```ruby class ParentPolicy < BasePolicy condition(:speaks_spanish) { @subject.spoken_languages.include?(:es) } condition(:has_license) { @subject.driving_license.present? } condition(:enjoys_broccoli) { @subject.enjoyment_of(:broccoli) > 0 } rule { speaks_spanish }.enable :read_spanish rule { has_license }.enable :drive_car rule { enjoys_broccoli }.enable :eat_broccoli rule { ~enjoys_broccoli }.prevent :eat_broccoli end ``` Here, if we delegated the child policy to the parent policy, some values would be incorrect - we might correctly infer that the child can speak their parent's language, but it would be incorrect to infer that the child can drive or would eat broccoli just because the parent can and does. Some of these things we can deal with - we can forbid driving universally in the child policy, for example: ```ruby class ChildPolicy < BasePolicy delegate { @subject.parent } rule { default }.prevent :drive_car end ``` But the food preferences one is harder - because of the `prevent` call in the parent policy, if the parent dislikes it, even calling `enable` in the child does not enable `:eat_broccoli`. We could remove the `prevent` call in the parent policy, but that still doesn't help us, since the rules are different: parents get to eat what they like, and children eat what they are given, provided they are well behaved. Allowing delegation would end up with only children whose parents enjoy green vegetables eating it. But a parent may well give their child broccoli, even if they dislike it themselves, because it is good for their child. The solution it to override the `:eat_broccoli` ability in the child policy: ```ruby class ChildPolicy < BasePolicy delegate { @subject.parent } overrides :eat_broccoli condition(:good_kid) { @subject.behavior_level >= Child::GOOD } rule { good_kid }.enable :eat_broccoli end ``` With this definition, the `ChildPolicy` _never_ looks in the `ParentPolicy` to satisfy `:eat_broccoli`, but it _will_ use it for any other abilities. The child policy can then define `:eat_broccoli` in a way that makes sense for `Child` and not `Parent`. ### Alternatives to using `overrides` Overriding policy delegation is complex, for the same reason delegation is complex - it involves reasoning about logical inference, and being clear about semantics. Misuse of `override` has the potential to duplicate code, and potentially introduce security bugs, allowing things that should be prevented. For this reason, it should be used only when other approaches are not feasible. Other approaches can include for example using different ability names. Choosing to eat a food and eating foods you are given are semantically distinct, and they could be named differently (perhaps `chooses_to_eat_broccoli` and `eats_what_is_given` in this case). It can depend on how polymorphic the call site is. If you know that we always check the policy with a `Parent` or a `Child`, then we can choose the appropriate ability name. If the call site is polymorphic, then we cannot do that. ## Specifying Policy Class You can also override the Policy used for a given subject: ```ruby class Foo def self.declarative_policy_class 'SomeOtherPolicy' end end ``` This uses and checks permissions on the `SomeOtherPolicy` class rather than the usual calculated `FooPolicy` class.