require 'fast_spec_helper' require_dependency 'gitlab' describe Gitlab do describe '.root' do it 'returns the root path of the app' do expect(described_class.root).to eq('../..', __dir__))) end end describe '.revision' do let(:cmd) { %W[#{described_class.config.git.bin_path} log --pretty=format:%h -n 1] } around do |example| described_class.instance_variable_set(:@_revision, nil) described_class.instance_variable_set(:@_revision, nil) end context 'when a REVISION file exists' do before do expect(File).to receive(:exist?) .with(described_class.root.join('REVISION')) .and_return(true) end it 'returns the actual Git revision' do expect(File).to receive(:read) .with(described_class.root.join('REVISION')) .and_return("abc123\n") expect(described_class.revision).to eq('abc123') end it 'memoizes the revision' do expect(File).to receive(:read) .once .with(described_class.root.join('REVISION')) .and_return("abc123\n") 2.times { described_class.revision } end end context 'when no REVISION file exist' do context 'when the Git command succeeds' do before do expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen_with_detail) .with(cmd) .and_return(, 'abc123', '', double(success?: true))) end it 'returns the actual Git revision' do expect(described_class.revision).to eq('abc123') end end context 'when the Git command fails' do before do expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen_with_detail) .with(cmd) .and_return(, '', 'fatal: Not a git repository', double('Process::Status', success?: false))) end it 'returns "Unknown"' do expect(described_class.revision).to eq('Unknown') end end end end describe '.final_release?' do subject { described_class.final_release? } context 'returns the corrent boolean value' do it 'is false for a pre release' do stub_const('Gitlab::VERSION', '11.0.0-pre') expect(subject).to be false end it 'is false for a release candidate' do stub_const('Gitlab::VERSION', '11.0.0-rc2') expect(subject).to be false end it 'is true for a final release' do stub_const('Gitlab::VERSION', '11.0.2') expect(subject).to be true end end end describe '.minor_release' do subject { described_class.minor_release } it 'returns the minor release of the full GitLab version' do stub_const('Gitlab::VERSION', '11.0.1-rc3') expect(subject).to eql '11.0' end end describe '.previous_release' do subject { described_class.previous_release } context 'it should return the previous release' do it 'returns the previous major version when GitLab major version is not final' do stub_const('Gitlab::VERSION', '11.0.1-pre') expect(subject).to eql '10' end it 'returns the current minor version when the GitLab patch version is RC and > 0' do stub_const('Gitlab::VERSION', '11.2.1-rc3') expect(subject).to eql '11.2' end it 'returns the previous minor version when the GitLab patch version is RC and 0' do stub_const('Gitlab::VERSION', '11.2.0-rc3') expect(subject).to eql '11.1' end end end describe '.new_major_release?' do subject { described_class.new_major_release? } context 'returns the corrent boolean value' do it 'is true when the minor version is 0 and the patch is a pre release' do stub_const('Gitlab::VERSION', '11.0.1-pre') expect(subject).to be true end it 'is false when the minor version is above 0' do stub_const('Gitlab::VERSION', '11.2.1-rc3') expect(subject).to be false end end end describe '.com?' do it 'is true when on' do stub_config_setting(url: '') expect( eq true end it 'is true when on staging' do stub_config_setting(url: '') expect( eq true end it 'is true when on other gitlab subdomain' do stub_config_setting(url: '') expect( eq true end it 'is false when not on' do stub_config_setting(url: '') expect( eq false end end end