--- stage: Create group: Source Code info: "To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments" type: howto, reference --- # Edit files through the command line When [working with Git from the command line](start-using-git.md), you need to use more than just the Git commands. There are several basic commands that you should learn, in order to make full use of the command line. ## Start working on your project To work on a Git project locally (from your own computer), with the command line, first you need to [clone (copy) it](start-using-git.md#clone-a-repository) to your computer. ## Working with files on the command line This section has examples of some basic shell commands that you might find useful. For more information, search the web for _bash commands_. Alternatively, you can edit files using your choice of editor (IDE), or the GitLab user interface (not locally). ### Common commands The list below is not exhaustive, but contains many of the most commonly used commands. | Command | Description | |--------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| | `cd NAME-OF-DIRECTORY` | Go into a directory to work in it | | `cd ..` | Go back one directory | | `ls` | List what’s in the current directory | | `ls a*` | List what’s in the current directory that starts with `a` | | `ls *.md` | List what’s in the current directory that ends with `.md` | | `mkdir NAME-OF-YOUR-DIRECTORY` | Create a new directory | | `cat README.md` | Display the contents of a [text file you created previously](#create-a-text-file-in-the-current-directory) | | `pwd` | Show the current directory | | `clear` | Clear the shell window | ### Create a text file in the current directory To create a text file from the command line, for example `README.md`, follow these steps: ```shell touch README.md nano README.md #### ADD YOUR INFORMATION #### Press: control + X #### Type: Y #### Press: enter ``` ### Remove a file or directory It's easy to delete (remove) a file or directory, but be careful: WARNING: This will **permanently** delete a file. ```shell rm NAME-OF-FILE ``` WARNING: This will **permanently** delete a directory and **all** of its contents. ```shell rm -r NAME-OF-DIRECTORY ``` ### View and Execute commands from history You can view the history of all the commands you executed from the command line, and then execute any of them again, if needed. First, list the commands you executed previously: ```shell history ``` Then, choose a command from the list and check the number next to the command (`123`, for example) . Execute the same full command with: ```shell !123 ``` ### Carry out commands for which the account you are using lacks authority Not all commands can be executed from a basic user account on a computer, you may need administrator's rights to execute commands that affect the system, or try to access protected data, for example. You can use `sudo` to execute these commands, but you might be asked for an administrator password. ```shell sudo RESTRICTED-COMMAND ``` WARNING: Be careful of the commands you run with `sudo`. Certain commands may cause damage to your data or system. ## Sample Git task flow If you're completely new to Git, looking through some [sample task flows](https://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/) may help you understand the best practices for using these commands as you work.