if Gitlab::Metrics.enabled? require 'influxdb' require 'connection_pool' require 'method_source' # These are manually require'd so the classes are registered properly with # ActiveSupport. require 'gitlab/metrics/subscribers/action_view' Gitlab::Application.configure do |config| config.middleware.use(Gitlab::Metrics::RackMiddleware) end Sidekiq.configure_server do |config| config.server_middleware do |chain| chain.add Gitlab::Metrics::SidekiqMiddleware end end # This instruments all methods residing in app/models that (appear to) use any # of the ActiveRecord methods. This has to take place _after_ initializing as # for some unknown reason calling eager_load! earlier breaks Devise. Gitlab::Application.config.after_initialize do Rails.application.eager_load! models = Rails.root.join('app', 'models').to_s regex = Regexp.union( ActiveRecord::Querying.public_instance_methods(false).map(&:to_s) ) Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation. instrument_class_hierarchy(ActiveRecord::Base) do |klass, method| # Instrumenting the ApplicationSetting class can lead to an infinite # loop. Since the data is cached any way we don't really need to # instrument it. if klass == ApplicationSetting false else loc = method.source_location loc && loc[0].start_with?(models) && method.source =~ regex end end end Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation.configure do |config| config.instrument_instance_methods(Gitlab::Shell) config.instrument_methods(Gitlab::Git) Gitlab::Git.constants.each do |name| const = Gitlab::Git.const_get(name) config.instrument_methods(const) if const.is_a?(Module) end end GC::Profiler.enable Gitlab::Metrics::Sampler.new.start end