# frozen_string_literal: true class AwardEmoji < ApplicationRecord DOWNVOTE_NAME = "thumbsdown" UPVOTE_NAME = "thumbsup" include Participable include GhostUser include Importable belongs_to :awardable, polymorphic: true # rubocop:disable Cop/PolymorphicAssociations belongs_to :user validates :user, presence: true validates :awardable, presence: true, unless: :importing? validates :name, presence: true, inclusion: { in: Gitlab::Emoji.emojis_names } validates :name, uniqueness: { scope: [:user, :awardable_type, :awardable_id] }, unless: -> { ghost_user? || importing? } participant :user scope :downvotes, -> { named(DOWNVOTE_NAME) } scope :upvotes, -> { named(UPVOTE_NAME) } scope :named, -> (names) { where(name: names) } scope :awarded_by, -> (users) { where(user: users) } after_save :expire_cache after_destroy :expire_cache class << self def votes_for_collection(ids, type) select('name', 'awardable_id', 'COUNT(*) as count') .where('name IN (?) AND awardable_type = ? AND awardable_id IN (?)', [DOWNVOTE_NAME, UPVOTE_NAME], type, ids) .group('name', 'awardable_id') end # Returns the top 100 emoji awarded by the given user. # # The returned value is a Hash mapping emoji names to the number of times # they were awarded: # # { 'thumbsup' => 2, 'thumbsdown' => 1 } # # user - The User to get the awards for. # limt - The maximum number of emoji to return. def award_counts_for_user(user, limit = 100) limit(limit) .where(user: user) .group(:name) .order('count_all DESC, name ASC') .count end end def downvote? self.name == DOWNVOTE_NAME end def upvote? self.name == UPVOTE_NAME end def expire_cache awardable.try(:bump_updated_at) awardable.try(:expire_etag_cache) end end AwardEmoji.prepend_mod_with('AwardEmoji')