class KubernetesService < DeploymentService include Gitlab::CurrentSettings include Gitlab::Kubernetes include ReactiveCaching self.reactive_cache_key = ->(service) { [service.class.model_name.singular, service.project_id] } # Namespace defaults to the project path, but can be overridden in case that # is an invalid or inappropriate name prop_accessor :namespace # Access to kubernetes is directly through the API prop_accessor :api_url # Bearer authentication # TODO: user/password auth, client certificates prop_accessor :token # Provide a custom CA bundle for self-signed deployments prop_accessor :ca_pem with_options presence: true, if: :activated? do validates :api_url, url: true validates :token end before_validation :enforce_namespace_to_lower_case validates :namespace, allow_blank: true, length: 1..63, if: :activated?, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex, message: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex_message } after_save :clear_reactive_cache! def initialize_properties = {} if properties.nil? end def title 'Kubernetes' end def description 'Kubernetes / Openshift integration' end def help 'To enable terminal access to Kubernetes environments, label your ' \ 'deployments with `app=$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG`' end def self.to_param 'kubernetes' end def fields [ { type: 'text', name: 'api_url', title: 'API URL', placeholder: 'Kubernetes API URL, like' }, { type: 'textarea', name: 'ca_pem', title: 'CA Certificate', placeholder: 'Certificate Authority bundle (PEM format)' }, { type: 'text', name: 'namespace', title: 'Project namespace (optional/unique)', placeholder: namespace_placeholder }, { type: 'text', name: 'token', title: 'Token', placeholder: 'Service token' } ] end def actual_namespace if namespace.present? namespace else default_namespace end end # Check we can connect to the Kubernetes API def test(*args) kubeclient = build_kubeclient! { success: kubeclient.discovered, result: "Checked API discovery endpoint" } rescue => err { success: false, result: err } end def predefined_variables config = YAML.dump(kubeconfig) variables = [ { key: 'KUBE_URL', value: api_url, public: true }, { key: 'KUBE_TOKEN', value: token, public: false }, { key: 'KUBE_NAMESPACE', value: actual_namespace, public: true }, { key: 'KUBECONFIG', value: config, public: false, file: true } ] if ca_pem.present? variables << { key: 'KUBE_CA_PEM', value: ca_pem, public: true } variables << { key: 'KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE', value: ca_pem, public: true, file: true } end variables end # Constructs a list of terminals from the reactive cache # # Returns nil if the cache is empty, in which case you should try again a # short time later def terminals(environment) with_reactive_cache do |data| pods = filter_by_label(data[:pods], app: environment.slug) terminals = pods.flat_map { |pod| terminals_for_pod(api_url, actual_namespace, pod) } terminals.each { |terminal| add_terminal_auth(terminal, terminal_auth) } end end # Caches resources in the namespace so other calls don't need to block on # network access def calculate_reactive_cache return unless active? && project && !project.pending_delete? # We may want to cache extra things in the future { pods: read_pods } end def kubeclient @kubeclient ||= build_kubeclient! end TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER = 'Kubernetes namespace'.freeze private def kubeconfig to_kubeconfig( url: api_url, namespace: actual_namespace, token: token, ca_pem: ca_pem) end def namespace_placeholder default_namespace || TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER end def default_namespace return unless project slug = "#{project.path}-#{}".downcase slug.gsub(/[^-a-z0-9]/, '-').gsub(/^-+/, '') end def build_kubeclient!(api_path: 'api', api_version: 'v1') raise "Incomplete settings" unless api_url && actual_namespace && token join_api_url(api_path), api_version, auth_options: kubeclient_auth_options, ssl_options: kubeclient_ssl_options, http_proxy_uri: ENV['http_proxy'] ) end # Returns a hash of all pods in the namespace def read_pods kubeclient = build_kubeclient! kubeclient.get_pods(namespace: actual_namespace).as_json rescue KubeException => err raise err unless err.error_code == 404 [] end def kubeclient_ssl_options opts = { verify_ssl: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER } if ca_pem.present? opts[:cert_store] = opts[:cert_store].add_cert( end opts end def kubeclient_auth_options { bearer_token: token } end def join_api_url(api_path) url = URI.parse(api_url) prefix = url.path.sub(%r{/+\z}, '') url.path = [prefix, api_path].join("/") url.to_s end def terminal_auth { token: token, ca_pem: ca_pem, max_session_time: current_application_settings.terminal_max_session_time } end def enforce_namespace_to_lower_case self.namespace = self.namespace&.downcase end end