# rubocop: disable Rails/Output module Gitlab # Checks if a set of migrations requires downtime or not. class EeCompatCheck CE_REPO = 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce.git'.freeze EE_REPO = 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee.git'.freeze CHECK_DIR = Rails.root.join('ee_compat_check') IGNORED_FILES_REGEX = /(VERSION|CHANGELOG\.md:\d+)/.freeze PLEASE_READ_THIS_BANNER = %Q{ ============================================================ ===================== PLEASE READ THIS ===================== ============================================================ }.freeze THANKS_FOR_READING_BANNER = %Q{ ============================================================ ==================== THANKS FOR READING ==================== ============================================================\n }.freeze attr_reader :ee_repo_dir, :patches_dir, :ce_repo, :ce_branch, :ee_branch_found attr_reader :failed_files def initialize(branch:, ce_repo: CE_REPO) @ee_repo_dir = CHECK_DIR.join('ee-repo') @patches_dir = CHECK_DIR.join('patches') @ce_branch = branch @ce_repo = ce_repo end def check ensure_patches_dir generate_patch(ce_branch, ce_patch_full_path) ensure_ee_repo Dir.chdir(ee_repo_dir) do step("In the #{ee_repo_dir} directory") status = catch(:halt_check) do ce_branch_compat_check! delete_ee_branches_locally! ee_branch_presence_check! ee_branch_compat_check! end delete_ee_branches_locally! if status.nil? true else false end end end private def ensure_ee_repo if Dir.exist?(ee_repo_dir) step("#{ee_repo_dir} already exists") else step( "Cloning #{EE_REPO} into #{ee_repo_dir}", %W[git clone --branch master --single-branch --depth=200 #{EE_REPO} #{ee_repo_dir}] ) end end def ensure_patches_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p(patches_dir) end def generate_patch(branch, patch_path) FileUtils.rm(patch_path, force: true) find_merge_base_with_master(branch: branch) step( "Generating the patch against origin/master in #{patch_path}", %w[git format-patch origin/master --stdout] ) do |output, status| throw(:halt_check, :ko) unless status.zero? File.write(patch_path, output) throw(:halt_check, :ko) unless File.exist?(patch_path) end end def ce_branch_compat_check! if check_patch(ce_patch_full_path).zero? puts applies_cleanly_msg(ce_branch) throw(:halt_check) end end def ee_branch_presence_check! _, status = step("Fetching origin/#{ee_branch_prefix}", %W[git fetch origin #{ee_branch_prefix}]) if status.zero? @ee_branch_found = ee_branch_prefix else _, status = step("Fetching origin/#{ee_branch_suffix}", %W[git fetch origin #{ee_branch_suffix}]) end if status.zero? @ee_branch_found = ee_branch_suffix else puts puts ce_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_and_no_ee_branch_msg throw(:halt_check, :ko) end end def ee_branch_compat_check! step("Checking out origin/#{ee_branch_found}", %W[git checkout -b #{ee_branch_found} FETCH_HEAD]) generate_patch(ee_branch_found, ee_patch_full_path) unless check_patch(ee_patch_full_path).zero? puts puts ee_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_msg throw(:halt_check, :ko) end puts puts applies_cleanly_msg(ee_branch) end def check_patch(patch_path) step("Checking out master", %w[git checkout master]) step("Resetting to latest master", %w[git reset --hard origin/master]) step( "Checking if #{patch_path} applies cleanly to EE/master", %W[git apply --check --3way #{patch_path}] ) do |output, status| unless status.zero? @failed_files = output.lines.reduce([]) do |memo, line| if line.start_with?('error: patch failed:') file = line.sub(/\Aerror: patch failed: /, '') memo << file unless file =~ IGNORED_FILES_REGEX end memo end status = 0 if failed_files.empty? end status end end def delete_ee_branches_locally! command(%w[git checkout master]) command(%W[git branch --delete --force #{ee_branch_prefix}]) command(%W[git branch --delete --force #{ee_branch_suffix}]) end def merge_base_found? step( "Finding merge base with master", %w[git merge-base origin/master HEAD] ) do |output, status| if status.zero? puts "Merge base was found: #{output}" true end end end def find_merge_base_with_master(branch:) return if merge_base_found? # Start with (Math.exp(3).to_i = 20) until (Math.exp(6).to_i = 403) # In total we go (20 + 54 + 148 + 403 = 625) commits deeper depth = 20 success = (3..6).any? do |factor| depth += Math.exp(factor).to_i # Repository is initially cloned with a depth of 20 so we need to fetch # deeper in the case the branch has more than 20 commits on top of master fetch(branch: branch, depth: depth) fetch(branch: 'master', depth: depth) merge_base_found? end raise "\n#{branch} is too far behind master, please rebase it!\n" unless success end def fetch(branch:, depth:) step( "Fetching deeper...", %W[git fetch --depth=#{depth} --prune origin +refs/heads/#{branch}:refs/remotes/origin/#{branch}] ) do |output, status| raise "Fetch failed: #{output}" unless status.zero? end end def ce_patch_name @ce_patch_name ||= patch_name_from_branch(ce_branch) end def ce_patch_full_path @ce_patch_full_path ||= patches_dir.join(ce_patch_name) end def ee_branch_suffix @ee_branch_suffix ||= "#{ce_branch}-ee" end def ee_branch_prefix @ee_branch_prefix ||= "ee-#{ce_branch}" end def ee_patch_name @ee_patch_name ||= patch_name_from_branch(ee_branch) end def ee_patch_full_path @ee_patch_full_path ||= patches_dir.join(ee_patch_name) end def patch_name_from_branch(branch_name) branch_name.parameterize << '.patch' end def step(desc, cmd = nil) puts "\n=> #{desc}\n" if cmd start = Time.now puts "\n$ #{cmd.join(' ')}" output, status = command(cmd) puts "\n==> Finished in #{Time.now - start} seconds" if block_given? yield(output, status) else [output, status] end end end def command(cmd) Gitlab::Popen.popen(cmd) end def applies_cleanly_msg(branch) %Q{ #{PLEASE_READ_THIS_BANNER} 🎉 Congratulations!! 🎉 The `#{branch}` branch applies cleanly to EE/master! Much ❤️! For more information, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/limit_ee_conflicts.html#check-the-rake-ee_compat_check-in-your-merge-requests #{THANKS_FOR_READING_BANNER} } end def ce_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_and_no_ee_branch_msg %Q{ #{PLEASE_READ_THIS_BANNER} 💥 Oh no! 💥 The `#{ce_branch}` branch does not apply cleanly to the current EE/master, and no `#{ee_branch_prefix}` or `#{ee_branch_suffix}` branch was found in the EE repository. #{conflicting_files_msg} We advise you to create a `#{ee_branch_prefix}` or `#{ee_branch_suffix}` branch that includes changes from `#{ce_branch}` but also specific changes than can be applied cleanly to EE/master. In some cases, the conflicts are trivial and you can ignore the warning from this job. As always, use your best judgment! There are different ways to create such branch: 1. Create a new branch from master and cherry-pick your CE commits # In the EE repo $ git fetch origin $ git checkout -b #{ee_branch_prefix} origin/master $ git fetch #{ce_repo} #{ce_branch} $ git cherry-pick SHA # Repeat for all the commits you want to pick You can squash the `#{ce_branch}` commits into a single "Port of #{ce_branch} to EE" commit. 2. Apply your branch's patch to EE # In the CE repo $ git fetch origin master $ git format-patch origin/master --stdout > #{ce_branch}.patch # In the EE repo $ git fetch origin master $ git checkout -b #{ee_branch_prefix} origin/master $ git apply --3way path/to/#{ce_branch}.patch At this point you might have conflicts such as: error: patch failed: lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb:5 Falling back to three-way merge... Applied patch to 'lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb' with conflicts. U lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb Resolve them, stage the changes and commit them. ⚠️ Don't forget to push your branch to gitlab-ee: # In the EE repo $ git push origin #{ee_branch_prefix} ⚠️ Also, don't forget to create a new merge request on gitlab-ce and cross-link it with the CE merge request. Once this is done, you can retry this failed build, and it should pass. Stay 💪 ! For more information, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/limit_ee_conflicts.html#check-the-rake-ee_compat_check-in-your-merge-requests #{THANKS_FOR_READING_BANNER} } end def ee_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_msg %Q{ #{PLEASE_READ_THIS_BANNER} 💥 Oh no! 💥 The `#{ce_branch}` does not apply cleanly to the current EE/master, and even though a `#{ee_branch_found}` branch exists in the EE repository, it does not apply cleanly either to EE/master! #{conflicting_files_msg} Please update the `#{ee_branch_found}`, push it again to gitlab-ee, and retry this build. Stay 💪 ! For more information, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/limit_ee_conflicts.html#check-the-rake-ee_compat_check-in-your-merge-requests #{THANKS_FOR_READING_BANNER} } end def conflicting_files_msg failed_files.reduce("The conflicts detected were as follows:\n") do |memo, file| memo << "\n - #{file}" end end end end