/* global Flash */ import Service from './services/sidebar_service'; import Store from './stores/sidebar_store'; export default class SidebarMediator { constructor(options) { if (!SidebarMediator.singleton) { this.store = new Store(options); this.service = new Service({ endpoint: options.endpoint, moveIssueEndpoint: options.moveIssueEndpoint, projectsAutocompleteEndpoint: options.projectsAutocompleteEndpoint, }); SidebarMediator.singleton = this; } return SidebarMediator.singleton; } assignYourself() { this.store.addAssignee(this.store.currentUser); } saveAssignees(field) { const selected = this.store.assignees.map(u => u.id); // If there are no ids, that means we have to unassign (which is id = 0) // And it only accepts an array, hence [0] return this.service.update(field, selected.length === 0 ? [0] : selected); } setMoveToProjectId(projectId) { this.store.setMoveToProjectId(projectId); } fetch() { this.service.get() .then(response => response.json()) .then((data) => { this.store.setAssigneeData(data); this.store.setTimeTrackingData(data); }) .catch(() => new Flash('Error occurred when fetching sidebar data')); } fetchAutocompleteProjects(searchTerm) { return this.service.getProjectsAutocomplete(searchTerm) .then(response => response.json()) .then((data) => { this.store.setAutocompleteProjects(data); return this.store.autocompleteProjects; }); } moveIssue() { return this.service.moveIssue(this.store.moveToProjectId) .then(response => response.json()) .then((data) => { if (location.pathname !== data.web_url) { gl.utils.visitUrl(data.web_url); } }); } }